PUB: Stephen Spender Prize for poetry (UK)

The Times Stephen Spender Prize for poetry translation

Download the Entry Form in pdf format
Download the 2011 prize poster in pdf format

How to enter

Entries must be submitted on a printed entry form, available at the link above and will not be accepted by email.

Entries, with the entry form, should be sent to:
The Times Stephen Spender Prize
Stephen Spender Trust
3 Old Wish Road, Eastbourne
East Sussex BN21 4JX

Entries must be postmarked no later than the last post on
Friday 27 May 2011

While we can only accept entries submitted by post to this address,
we can deal with enquiries sent by email to:

Conditions of entry


1. Entrants must be British residents or British citizens. (The Stephen Spender Trust encourages submissions from children and adults who are British residents but have roots in other countries.)


Adjudication and prizes

2. There will be three prizes in the Open and 18-and-under categories. The winners of the Open prizes will receive £750 (first), £500 (second) and £200 (third); the winners of the under-18 prizes will win £250 (first), £150 (second) and £100 (third). There will be one prize (£100) awarded in the 14-and-under category.

3. The Prize will be administered by the Stephen Spender Trust and judged by Susan Bassnett, Edith Hall, Patrick McGuinness and George Szirtes. Their decision will be final and the organisers will not enter into any correspondence about the results.

4. The winners will be notified and the results publicised in The Times and on the Trust's website ( by 5 November 2011. The winning entries and any others the judges wish to select will be published in a commemorative booklet.



5. All entries for the competition must be sent no later than the last post on Friday 27 May 2011. We cannot accept entries sent by fax or email.

6. Entrants are invited to submit a translation of a published poem from any language, modern or classical, into English, together with a commentary of no more than 300 words (see below for guidelines). The submitted translation should be no more than 60 lines long, so entrants may submit an extract if their chosen poem is longer. Self-translation is not accepted.

7. Each translation must be the original work of the entrant and not a copy or substantial copy of someone else's translation and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.

8. Entries will be judged without the panel of judges knowing the identity of the competitors. The competitor's name must not be typed or written on the translation, original poem or commentary. The latter should be attached to an entry form or to a separate sheet of paper giving the entrant's name, postal address, e-mail address (if applicable), telephone number and the name and contact details of an adult referee if the entrant is under eighteen.

9. Entries will be judged without the panel of judges knowing the identity of the competitors. The competitor's name must not be typed or written on the translation, original poem or commentary.

10. Competitors may submit as many entries as they like, so long as each entry is accompanied by an entry fee of £3.00 (pounds sterling). Anyone eighteen or under on 27 May 2011 is exempt from this charge

11. The entry fee must be paid either by postal order or crossed cheque drawn on a bank in the United Kingdom, made payable to the Stephen Spender Trust.

12. There will be no acknowledgement of receipt unless a stamped addressed envelope, marked RECEIPT, is enclosed.

13. The worldwide copyright of each prize-winning and commended translation and commentary will remain with the translator but The Times and the Stephen Spender Trust will have the unrestricted right to read the translation on television, radio or the stage, or to publish it in whole or in part in periodical or book form when the winners are announced, or at any time up to twelve months after that date.

14. By entering, all competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for The Times Stephen Spender Prize.


Guidelines for the commentary

15. The commentary of no more than 300 words should briefly cover such matters as:
  • Your reason for translating this particular poem.
  • Problems encountered in translating between the language of the original and English.
  • Problems encountered in translating the poem you have chosen.
  • Your approach to the poem. For example, if the original is in a particular form — rhyme or a regular metre — have you or have you not attempted to preserve that form in English?

Entry checklist

I am a British resident or British citizen and I enclose:
  1. Translations, commentaries and original poems entered for the competition with the entry form.
  2. A cheque or postal order, payable to the Stephen Spender Memorial Trust, for the correct entry fee @ £3.00 per entry (those aged 18 or under on 27 May 2011 are exempt from this).
  3. A separate self-addressed and stamped envelope marked RECEIPT if you wish to receive acknowledgment that your entry has been received.


PUB: Stephen F. Austin State University Non Fiction Prize




Stephen F. Austin State University Non Fiction Series’

Fiction Prize


For submissions January 1 through March 31, 2011


One winner and up to three finalists will be published in 2012





Stephen F. Austin State University Press invites submissions of manuscripts each year for its nonfiction series. We are committed to publishing diverse kinds of nonfiction by a diversity of writers. The only criterion is excellence.




The series is open to all book-length manuscripts by a single author of at least 150 pages. Stories or excerpts previously published in periodicals or anthologies are eligible for inclusion.

The editor requests that faculty, staff, and current or former students refrain from submitting to the series.

Submissions will be accepted from January 1 through March 31, 2011.

Please do not send revisions once you have sent a manuscript. Up to four manuscripts will be chosen, one of which will win the 1000 dollar prize.

Manuscripts should be typed or machine-printed, double-spaced.

Xeroxed copies are acceptable. Please do not bind manuscripts with anything other than a binder clip or rubber band. No electronic submissions will be considered.


• • •


There is a reading fee of $25 payable by check or money order to Stephen F. Austin State University Press. Please do not send cash. Simultaneously submitted manuscripts are allowed provided we are notified immediately of acceptance elsewhere.


All entries will be judged anonymously. Please enclose two title pages with your submission: one page should include only the title of the manuscript and the other should list the title of the manuscript and the author’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and a brief, biographical statement. The author’s name must not appearanywhere else in the manuscript. If you wish to be notified that your manuscript was received, please include an SAS postcard—small index cards will not be accepted by the post-office.


If you submit a #10 SASE along with your manuscript, you will be notified of our decisions by July 31. Otherwise, check our Web site, where the winners will be announced.


Manuscripts will be recycled rather than returned.


Send your manuscript and reading fee to


Stephen F. Austin State University Press

Nonfiction Prize

C/O Department of English

P.O. Box 13007

SFA Station

Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3007


PUB: The Rex Nettleford Fellowship in Cultural Studies 2011 « Repeating Islands

The Rex Nettleford Fellowship in Cultural Studies 2011

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the Rex Nettleford Fellowship in Cultural Studies 2011. The closing date for receipt of applications is April 30, 2011.

Description: The fellowship was established by the Rhodes Trust to mark the centenary of the Rhodes Scholarships in the Caribbean in 2004 and to honor the distinguished contribution of Professor the Honorable Rex Nettleford O.M. to higher education and to the cultural life of the Caribbean. The prize is awarded annually.

The terms and conditions of the Fellowship are: the awardee should be a resident of the Caribbean under the age of 35 years; all areas of scholarship in the field of Cultural Studies, including the creative and visual arts, may be pursued; the value of the award will be ₤10,000 with an associated travel grant of ₤2,000; the award holder will be expected to use the tenure of the award to either complete an existing piece of work or to develop a new project; the award holder will be expected to give a number of public lectures, which would be made more generally available on the website of the Rhodes Trust; and the Selection Panel for the Fellowship will comprise representatives of the Rhodes Trust and other distinguished persons in the intellectual and cultural life of the Caribbean. [The award is not intended to be used to assist graduate students with the completion of their thesis or graduate studies.]

A candidate is required to submit the following materials: a birth certificate (original or certified copy); a proposal (maximum 750 words) outlining how the candidate would utilize the award; copies of evidence of examinations passed (including original or certified copy certificates), diplomas or degrees obtained, academic achievements and/or awards; letters of reference from three (3) persons who can speak to the candidate’s talent, scholarship and promise. [The letters should be sealed and sent directly by the referees to the Secretary]; three (3) copies of a resume (no more than two foolscap pages long) setting out the candidate’s personal details, educational achievements and awards and general interests; and a letter from the candidate enclosing the above and applying for the Fellowship.

Send applications to the Jamaica/Caribbean Secretary to the Rhodes Trust by April 30, 2011 to the address below.

The Jamaica/Caribbean Secretary to the Rhodes Trust                                   
21 East Street
Kingston, Jamaica                                           

Further information may be obtained from The Jamaica/Caribbean Secretary to the Rhodes Trust at the address above or by phone at (876) 922-5960 or fax (876)922-7575; you may also write to the Office of Administration, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica, or call (876) 977-2407.

Online information is available at


INFO: Breath of Life—Bo Diddley, Jhelisa Anderson, Incognito

We start off bouncing to the big beat of Bo Diddley, than take an intergalactic flight with space captain Jhelisa Anderson, and then get down to earth with the acid-jazz UK ensemble of Incognito.


Legends and outright lies swirl around the origin of the Bo Diddley moniker. Once it was hung on Elias, the name and the man became synonymous with a raucous, jive talking, jump blues kind of sound that included heavy syncopation and maracas percussion (aka “shakers”).

This was dance music of the uninhibited sort. If you ever heard of “shake dancers” (this was long before the “pole” was popular), you can imagine the hip swivels and gyrations that might have accompanied this music.

While his contemporaries emphasized the moaning blues side of the equation, Bo was after the beat. Rather than mournful (like Muddy Waters) or menacing (like Howling Wolf), Bo was full of humor—some times droll, some times sarcastic, some times bawdy and generally just shy of buffoonery. But the funny presentations masked a deep seriousness and understanding of the various strands that were synthesized into the popular music we know today as rock and roll.

—Kalamu ya Salaam

VIDEO: Preview “Talking With The Taxman About Poetry” Starring Steph Jones And Vanessa Simmons > Shadow And Act

Preview “Talking With The Taxman About Poetry” Starring Steph Jones And Vanessa Simmons

Written and directed by filmmaker Lamont Pierre, Talking With The Taxman About Poetry is an indie drama interlaced with poetic flow.

The film stars Kareem Ferguson, singer Steph Jones, Diarra Kilpatrick and Vanessa Simmons (daughter of JosephReverend RunSimmons and co-founder of Pastry Shoes).

The synopsis for the film states:

Living a comfortably meaningless, anonymous, non-existent life as a recently fired substitute teacher, THEODORE, an uninspired writer and literary scholar, is manipulated back to life when a local, lowly, enigmatic trumpet player, SEVEN, causes an awakening in him of passion, contradiction, and purpose through the medium of the written word.

This will be the third feature film by Pierre who’s previous films have screened at various film festivals including the San Francisco Black Film Festival and Atlanta Underground Film Festival.



REVIEW: Book—Bob Marley And The Golden Age Of Reggae >

The Bookworm: Many sides of Marley come through in photo book


Posted: February 27, 2011 - 12:21am  |  Updated: February 27, 2011 - 3:19am

"Bob Marley and the Golden Age of Reggae 1975-1976: The Photographs of Kim Gottlieb-Walker," drops the feel of summer right into your lap.

The book includes commentary by Cameron Crowe, Roger Steffens and Jeff Walker.

Back in the early 1970s, Kim Gottlieb was an up-and-coming photographer, just starting to make a name for herself when she met Jeff Walker, a music writer working for several California magazines.

Two years later, they were married and Walker was working as a publicist for Island Records. For months, he'd told his friends about a type of music coming out of Jamaica, and it was "the future." Walker had traveled to the island and spent time with the men behind ska, reggae, and dub, and he took Kim with him to capture publicity stills.

The pictures she took then, portraits of Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Bunny Wailer, and other musicians, are in this book. Some of them have gone unseen for over 30 years.

Though there is some narrative here, the pictures truly are worth a thousand words. Gottlieb-Walker, says Roger Steffans, has a "keen eye." Jeff Walker is enthusiastic about her ability to capture "one magical moment after another..." Gottlieb-Walker could put musicians at ease almost instantly, and they trusted her.

These pictures underscore that talent.

Peter Tosh had "the most militant reputation," and Gottlieb-Walker allows him that. But page through this book and you'll see a sweet, contemplative, almost gentle side of the outspoken singer.

It was said that Bunny Wailer was an Obeah Man with "powers." The story goes that interviewers were instructed to "call him" - though Wailer had no phone - so they literally went outside and called to him. The next day, he arrived, ready for an interview. Gottlieb-Walker captured shots of the reclusive and reserved Wailer, who was raised as Bob Marley's brother.

And then there are the photos of Marley himself: laughing with friends, somber in a magazine pose, singing with his band, dancing on stage, having fun. There are photos of Marley playing with a giant pile of ganja; and shots of him reading, contemplative, in his home.

Even if you don't read any of the words in "Bob Marley and the Golden Age of Reggae 1975-1976" you'll still want to page through this album. That's because the narrative isn't the focus of author and photographer Gottlieb-Walker's book.

The pictures of Marley and his contemporaries are, and they're very memorable.

"Bob Marley and the Golden Age of Reggae 1975-1976" isn't a book for everybody, and if you're offended by drugs, you'll definitely want to pass. But if you love reggae or want a feel for the islands, this book is pretty cool.


Terri Schlichenmeyer has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 books.

"Bob Marley and the Golden Age of Reggae 1975-1976: The Photographs of Kim Gottlieb-Walker" with commentary by Cameron Crowe, Roger Steffens and Jeff Walker
Titan Books, $29.95, 160 pages


    VIDEO: Eritrea: Discovering Hannah Pool > "A BOMBASTIC ELEMENT"

    Hannah Pool

    Eritrea: Discovering Hannah Pool


    Former BBC correspondent Hannah Pool, adopted by an American mother and English father and growing up partly in Norway, finds out at the age of 20 that her birth father and family were still alive.

    CBS and ABC Australia ran a couple of stories last year about American families later discovering the children they've adopted from orphanages in Ethiopia still had families.

    But Hannah Pool's adoption and reunion story reminds us of Scottish poet Jackie Kay's adoption/reunion story: ... a lesbian-single mother, her birth mother Scottish, father Nigerian, adopted by a couple of Glaswegian communists "who threw the kind of parties where everybody ended up singing Cole Porter and Rabbie Burns songs" and her journey to Nigeria to meet her homophobe dad.



    INTERVIEW: Nawal El Saadawi: Creativity & Dissidence

    Before the revolution there was creative – feminist – dissidence

    by Sokari on February 23, 2011

    in African Women, Black Feminism, Civil Rights, Protest, Women making a difference

    Nawal El Saadawi Before:

    And After!

    Writers in Revolution: Nawal El Saadawi

    Interview via The Root








    Nawal El-Saadawi's greatest pleasure

    in meeting all sorts of Egyptians

    Nawal El-Saadawi meets and talks to all sorts of Egyptians at Tahrir Square
    Nawal El-Saadawi, Wednesday 16 Feb 2011

    Dr. Nawal El-Saadawi is a  prominent writer and psychiatrist

    I have lived to witness and participate in the Egyptian Revolution from Jan 25, 2011 until the moment of writing this essay in the morning of Sunday, Feb 6, 2011. Millions of Egyptians, men and women, Muslims and Christians, from all doctrines and beliefs, are united against the current oppressive and corrupt regime, against its revered top pharaoh who “still holds on to his throne even if shedding his people’s blood”, against its corrupt government and the ruling party which hire mercenaries to kill the youths, against its cheating and fake parliament whose members represent illegal properties, women, drugs, and bribes, against its elites who are called ‘the educated elites’ who sold their conscience and pens , destroyed education, public and private morals and culture, and misled the public and individual opinion to gain temporary interests and  ruling positions , be small or big ones.

    Young men and children, men and women have spontaneously gone out of their houses, led and protected by themselves, after the security and policemen have failed and the controlling elites of culture and media have crumpled down. Millions of Egyptian, men and women, went out in the streets in all provinces, cities and villages, in Aswan, Alexandria, Suez, Bour Said, and all parts of the homeland. In Cairo, the capital, we have encamped in Meidan al-Tahrir for 11 days, day and night till now. Meidan al-Tahrir has become our land and our camp. We settle on its asphalt and inside tents as a solid entity of men and women…we will never leave our place even though the police, disguised in civilian clothes, attack us and even if al-Meidan is attacked (like what happened on Feb 2) by mercenaries hired by the regime. Those were given bribes (50 EGP and a chick for a soldier, and the bigger one’s rank the bigger the bribe is).They stormed into al-Meidan riding horses and camels, armed with various weapons (red, yellow, and white ones). One of the horses was about to trample on me while I was standing in al-Meidan with the young men. They carried me away from this primitive attack; I saw them with my own eyes moving around in al-Meidan, shooting everywhere. Amid the dust and smoke which surrounded al-Meidan and its surrounding buildings, I saw firing flames flying in the sky, young men falling, and blood shedding. A semi-military war broke out between the regime’s henchmen and the peaceful Egyptian people who were calling for freedom, dignity and justice. But the defense committee of the revolutionary young men managed to fight back those mercenaries and captured some horses and camels and 100 mercenaries with their IDs, among them were state security officers, central security officers, policemen, and some of them were jobless and criminals who were released from prisons. Some of them confessed that they were bribed with 200 EGP and promised with 5000 EGP if they managed to scatter the youths in al-Meidan by using their swords and sharp weapons. They described the youths who led this revolution as “the kids who made the disturbance” using the language of Mubarak’s big heads who gave orders and money.

    The young men built their tents in the square to get some rest. Women with their infants lied down on the ground in the cold and rain. Hundreds of ladies and girls, never harassed by anyone, walked proudly feeling freedom, dignity, and equality among their fellows. Christians are participating in the revolution side by side with Muslims. I was surrounded by some young men from Muslims Brotherhood: they said to me “We disagree with some of your opinions in your writings but we like and respect you because you have not acted hypocritically with any regime or force inside or outside the country.” During my walk in the square, people were coming to me, men and women, from different directions, embracing and hugging me saying “Dr. Nawal, we are the new generations who have read your books and inspired by your creativity, rebellion and revolution” I swallowed my tears and said “This is a happy occasion for all of us, a celebration of freedom, dignity, equality, creativity, rebellion, and revolution.”

    A young woman, named Rania, “We ask for a new constitution, a civil one, which does not segregate between races, gender, and religion.”  Another young man, a Christian named Butrus Dawood, said “We want a civil personal statute which does not segregate between people in terms of doctrine, gender or religion.” A young man named Tariq al-Dimiri declared, “The young men made the revolution and we have to select our interim government and a national committee to change the constitution.” A young man, Mohamed Amin, said “We want to open the People's Assembly and Shura Council and proceed with honest elections to choose a new president and new popular councils.”A young man named Ahmed Galal said, “We are a popular revolution that puts a new social contract, not just demands, slogan of our revolution.” Free equality, and social justice, who makes revolution is one who puts the new government rules, chooses the transitional government, selects National Committee which changes the constitution, establishes a committee of governors of the revolution so that opportunists (the owners of wealth and power) are not imposed on us. Committees of governors did not participate with us in the revolution, but comes now to us by plane from Europe or America. Among the Egyptians who lived their lives outside or inside the country now come to become leaders of the revolution. We say: “Who did the revolution are the ones who are leading the revolution.Among us governors from young people of thirty years, forty or fifty years of age. We have competencies in all scientific political and economic fields. We are the ones who form a committee of our governors and our government in transition, and the National Committee to change the constitution and laws. A young Mohamed Said said  “I feel proud for the first time in my life because I am Egyptian. Despair and depression were gone and defeat was turned into victory. We paid the price of freedom with the blood of our martyrs. There is no power to bring us back.

    Al-Meidan turned to an entire city with its facilities, and in the hospital thereabout sleep injured and wounded, doctors and nurses from the masses of young people volunteered, residents volunteered with blankets, medicines, cotton and gauze, food and water, something like a dream and fantasy, I am living with the young men and women day and night. Committees were formed among these young men and women to handleall chores from sweeping the Meidan to transporting the injured to hospital, providing food and medicines, taking over the defense of the Meidan and responding to the lies of the system in the media to nominate the names of the Transitional Government and the Committee of governors, and others. Walls for the houses, institutions and taboos that distinguish between citizens, women and men, Muslim and Christians or others faded. We become one nation, no divisions on the basis of sex, religion or other,all demanding the departure of Mubarak and his trial and his men in the party and the government, the bloodshed on Wednesday, 2 February and all days since 25 January, corruption and tyranny over thirty years of rule, and the rest of the interview.







    VIDEO: Wendy Kimani (Kenya)

    Wendy Kimani

    KeleleTV | Jul 5, 2008 |  likes, 0 dislikes

    Funny and full of life, 21 year old Wendy Kimani is a computer science student at a local university.

    Born in Nairobi, the dark complexioned began her journey to stardom at Leakey Hill high school when a friend nudged her to recite popular songs to 'kill away' boredom.

    From then on, Wendy has never looked back and is a common feature at Karaoke sessions at local joints in Nairobi. A fan of RN B music, this student also dances salsa and touts herself as 'patient and understanding almost to a fault.'


    VIDEO: Rebecca "Becca" Acheampong (Ghana)


    iamablackstar | Sep 16, 2008 |  likes, 0 dislikes

    Song about Ghana's golden jubilee



    New music video from Ghanaian songstress, Becca

    Produced by EKB Records (Kiki Banson)
    Video directed by Davis Media Group



    iamablackstar | Sep 28, 2008 |  likes, 0 dislikes

    Becca and Hugh Masekela collaborate