The Times Stephen Spender Prize for poetry translation
Download the Entry Form in pdf format
Download the 2011 prize poster in pdf format
How to enter
Entries must be submitted on a printed entry form, available at the link above and will not be accepted by email.Entries, with the entry form, should be sent to:
The Times Stephen Spender Prize
Stephen Spender Trust
3 Old Wish Road, Eastbourne
East Sussex BN21 4JXEntries must be postmarked no later than the last post on
Friday 27 May 2011While we can only accept entries submitted by post to this address,
we can deal with enquiries sent by email to:
info@stephenspender.orgConditions of entry
1. Entrants must be British residents or British citizens. (The Stephen Spender Trust encourages submissions from children and adults who are British residents but have roots in other countries.)
Adjudication and prizes
2. There will be three prizes in the Open and 18-and-under categories. The winners of the Open prizes will receive £750 (first), £500 (second) and £200 (third); the winners of the under-18 prizes will win £250 (first), £150 (second) and £100 (third). There will be one prize (£100) awarded in the 14-and-under category.3. The Prize will be administered by the Stephen Spender Trust and judged by Susan Bassnett, Edith Hall, Patrick McGuinness and George Szirtes. Their decision will be final and the organisers will not enter into any correspondence about the results.
4. The winners will be notified and the results publicised in The Times and on the Trust's website (www.stephen-spender.org) by 5 November 2011. The winning entries and any others the judges wish to select will be published in a commemorative booklet.
5. All entries for the competition must be sent no later than the last post on Friday 27 May 2011. We cannot accept entries sent by fax or email.6. Entrants are invited to submit a translation of a published poem from any language, modern or classical, into English, together with a commentary of no more than 300 words (see below for guidelines). The submitted translation should be no more than 60 lines long, so entrants may submit an extract if their chosen poem is longer. Self-translation is not accepted.
7. Each translation must be the original work of the entrant and not a copy or substantial copy of someone else's translation and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.
8. Entries will be judged without the panel of judges knowing the identity of the competitors. The competitor's name must not be typed or written on the translation, original poem or commentary. The latter should be attached to an entry form or to a separate sheet of paper giving the entrant's name, postal address, e-mail address (if applicable), telephone number and the name and contact details of an adult referee if the entrant is under eighteen.
9. Entries will be judged without the panel of judges knowing the identity of the competitors. The competitor's name must not be typed or written on the translation, original poem or commentary.
10. Competitors may submit as many entries as they like, so long as each entry is accompanied by an entry fee of £3.00 (pounds sterling). Anyone eighteen or under on 27 May 2011 is exempt from this charge
11. The entry fee must be paid either by postal order or crossed cheque drawn on a bank in the United Kingdom, made payable to the Stephen Spender Trust.
12. There will be no acknowledgement of receipt unless a stamped addressed envelope, marked RECEIPT, is enclosed.
13. The worldwide copyright of each prize-winning and commended translation and commentary will remain with the translator but The Times and the Stephen Spender Trust will have the unrestricted right to read the translation on television, radio or the stage, or to publish it in whole or in part in periodical or book form when the winners are announced, or at any time up to twelve months after that date.
14. By entering, all competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for The Times Stephen Spender Prize.
Guidelines for the commentary
15. The commentary of no more than 300 words should briefly cover such matters as:
- Your reason for translating this particular poem.
- Problems encountered in translating between the language of the original and English.
- Problems encountered in translating the poem you have chosen.
- Your approach to the poem. For example, if the original is in a particular form — rhyme or a regular metre — have you or have you not attempted to preserve that form in English?
Entry checklist
I am a British resident or British citizen and I enclose:
- Translations, commentaries and original poems entered for the competition with the entry form.
- A cheque or postal order, payable to the Stephen Spender Memorial Trust, for the correct entry fee @ £3.00 per entry (those aged 18 or under on 27 May 2011 are exempt from this).
- A separate self-addressed and stamped envelope marked RECEIPT if you wish to receive acknowledgment that your entry has been received.