VIDEO: Revisiting The Mau Mau Rebellion… > from Shadow And Act

Revisiting The Mau Mau Rebellion…

This is what happens when one lives on the web; you find all kinds of things. This autobiographical documentary, called A Time There Was: Stories from the Last Days of Kenya Colony, revisits the Mau Mau Rebellion of the 1950s, which the director participated in as a young British soldier stationed in Kenya. If you know nothing about the Mau Mau uprising, CLICK HERE. The 1957 film, Something Of Value which starred Rock Hudson & Sidney Poitier, centered on it. But, I don’t believe there’s been a definitive film about the revolt (shouldn’t there be one?). The features I found are all seen through British eyes, and this one below isn’t all that different, but it’s maybe the most thoughtful and reflective.

Directed by Donald McWilliams, 2009, 87 min:


HAITI: The Poverty Pimp's Silent Violence & Corruption in Haiti - Ezili Danto > from Open Salon

The Poverty Pimps' Masturbating on Black Pain: Their silent but ever-present violence and corruption




Monsanto joins the pack

Haiti Connect charity workers

Photo Source: Poverty Pimps in Haiti
Haiti Connect charity workers, who on the way to Haiti, stopped off for a week in Florida for team topless bars and by the pool (published May 15, 2010, in an Irish, Sunday Mail news paper; written by Warren Swords and Valerie Harley. The article is not online but there is a scan available here.) Here's a discussion with, Evert Bopp, the head of Haiti Connect on the Sunday Mail article. See also Evert Bopp's story ; the post entitled: Why I don’t agree with Haiti Connect and, With Haiti in Ruins, Some U.N. Relief Workers Live Large on 'Love Boat'.)


The most direct and sustainable aid to Haiti's masses - Ti pèp la - comes from the Haiti Diaspora's remittances, not from the NGOS, the UN, the ruling Haiti Oligarchy and certainly not from the coup-detat-and-death -squad-creating USAID/US Embassy. Yet, those who want to change the world's system in Haiti mostly refuse to listen but to these anti-Haiti- people voices. They prefer not to support conscious disaster relief with human rights, healing and dignity.

(See also: Ezili HLLN's 14-Points for the Voiceless in Haiti: For a Return of Haiti's Sovereignty and for Disaster relief, Rebuilding with Human Rights, Healing and Dignity ; The Plantation Called Haiti: Feudal Pillage Masking as Humanitarian Aid ; Vision of Plantation Haiti - A White Pearl, Again! ; Sarkozy's visit to Haiti: A Buzzard Looking For a Free Meal? and Haiti has its own rebuilding plans: The US/UN Stop blocking Haitian Relief.


Going shopping in Haiti:

"It is organized violence on top which creates individual violence at the bottom." --Emma Goldman

Though they exist and form the exception to the rule, there are very few Paul Farmers, Margaret Trosts or Bill Quigleys in the Haitian world. And even amongst "the exceptions," the number whittles down to almost zero in terms of foreign heroes who can be expected to go the lifetime-distance without making "unusual alliances" or joining the status quo that vies for the soul of Black folks. Few who would HEAR, Lila Watson who said, "If you have come here to help me then you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine then let us work together." This sort of thinking that inspires self-reliance not dependency and provide the respectful conditions for those in great need to, in liberty, dignity and identify, realize their own needs is not what compels the International Community in Haiti right now.

For, in the age of humanitarian imperialism, globalization, financial colonialism and neocolonial-violence obfuscated behind forced assimilation and cultural imperialism, what exactly do some whites or modern missionaries go shopping in Haiti for: sex, self-esteem, adulation, fun, challenge, adventure, the boost in serotonin-consumption, to exploit cheap labor, plunder Haiti's natural resources, for self-improvement, recovery, to use Haiti as in excuse to raise funds for their salaries and living expenses to live the old Dixie's planters' life with exploitation black sex on tap, or as an easy way to gain international expert credentials in any field and move up the socio-economic ladder at home and/or for securing the good tropical lifestyle with mountain and oceanfront houses, the waiters, maids, gardeners and seafood they couldn't obtain as easily in their Euro/US countries where they are the majority, ordinary, can’t use the white privilege inheritance without some scrutiny and are not as exotic and special as in neocolonial devastated Haiti. It’s all hidden, of course, behind the mask of being good humanitarians, altruistic charity workers and helping Haitians. (See also, Ezili Dantò Reviews Travesty in Haiti: A true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid and drug trafficking (a book by Timothy T. Schwartz, Ph.D.); The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose ; Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues; UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children; The-To-Tell-The-Truth-About -Haiti Forum 2009 and 2010; I am the History of Rape: HLLN Letter to UN asking for investigative reports on UN soldier's rapes in Haiti; and, Proposed solutions to create a new paradigm.)

Excerpt of Going Shopping In Haiti is taken from Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation by Ezili Dantò

USAID's Monsanto Mutations: Perpetual Debt and Mortally Lethal

Haiti suffered the worst natural disaster in modern history. A natural disaster greatly exacerbated by man-made poverty due mostly to US free trade neocolonialism, Haiti oligarchy greed, neoliberal economics, white privilege and the racism generated that devalues the life of the Black woman’s children. ( 8 MILLION dead in Central Africa since 1986 ) But, it seems Clinton/Farmer/UN/the over 10,000 NGOs masturbating on black pain, aren't quite done yet. (See, A message to Paul Farmer, the Senate, Dobbins & Francois.) Monsanto, the giant biotech conglomerate is the latest USAID tenacle (joining the pharmaceutical giants, private military companies, charity industry, et al..) to attach itself to the pool of foreign aid monies, in the name of helping Haiti earthquake victims - donating $4 million worth of their patented hybrid corn and vegetable seeds. (Monsanto gives Haiti $4 million in hybrid seeds). Local Haiti Farmers will have to buy the seeds. Allegedly there's no genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) involved in these patented "gifts." But, the hybrid seeds have to be repurchased and planted every year!

They’re giving mutated-corn and vegetables a Haiti people already too malnourished. There are no seeds in these hybrids. Have you ever bought an eggplant or a cucumber that has no seeds? Then you know it’s strange food. Infertile food! Frankenstein food. Does earthquake ravaged Haiti really need such GIFTS?

No. No, in the name of 300,000 dead Haitians, countless others taking to the high seas looking for asylum and over 1.5 million homeless, we say NO THANK YOU to more dependency, wealth monopolies, economic slavery, loss of soil fertility, loss of watershed protection, more foreign toxins that further pollutes the ground water, more destruction of local seed stock. No more environmental degradation and sediment loads in Haiti's rivers. Don't introduce your cancerous food system and production to Haiti. We want to grow, not produce our foods. No thank you, please! (See, Monsanto's Toxic Legacy (Organic Consumers Organization); Le lobbying de Monsanto ; Ezili's HLLN on the Counter-Colonial Narrative on Deforestation ; GMO Files: Monsanto’s Next “FrankenFood” ; Health Scandal - Monsanto's GMO Perversion of Food ; Monsanto Under Investigation by Seven US States ; Monsanto 7-State Probe Threatens Profit from 93% Soybean Share ; Food Inc - A documentary by Jeremy Freed; Tavis Smiley on Food, Inc.)

"I don't know why it is...but since the beginning of time Haitians have been suffering" ---Haitian migrant , 2009
500 lane depi w (blan kolon) vle efase n. Jodi a ou vle m kwè se sèl ou ki ka sove n --- Edike from Daniel 'Dadi' Beaubrun's Lataye (buy album)

[English - "For 500 years the whites (settlers/colonists) have tried to erase us. Today they want us to believe they're the only ones who can save us" --- Edike from Daniel 'Dadi' Beaubrun's Lataye (buy album)]

Video Reel - Red, Black & Moonlight: Between Falling and Hitting the Ground


The Haiti government runs Haiti like its a private not public enterprise. But it's our blood they’re spilling and polluting. The next generation’s future they’re mortgaging with these “gifts” that deny Haiti's food sovereignty, deny Haiti the ability to set its own agricultural policies in years to come. We Haitians have a right to know what horror USAID has prepared for us next as "gift" and "development!" Haiti’s Agricultural Minister has not answered the question: where will the Haiti farmers get the money to buy the seeds? What are the terms? Who gets the money? USAID as you see from the AP article is silent on the subject. No one underlines that the hybrid seeds must be repurchased for next year's harvest .. ie: a ROYALTY payment in effect and DEPENDENCY. It's worst than a World Bank/IMF debt. A WB/IMF/IDB loan arguably doesn’t start out as a debt in perpetuity. These seed are debts in perpetuity and as mortally lethal to Haiti’s future and present health as any old bullet to the head. Oh well, that's seems to be what the Clinton/Bellerive agricultural reforms are about, right? Some Good Samaritan wanting to really help the earthquake victims ought to leak these contracts so the world may take a gander at the Obama change in Haiti! (Michael Taylor: Monsanto's Man in the Obama Administration )


CNN's Byron J. Richards: "Monsanto is making an ominous power play to corner the worldwide market on food and seeds. In the process they are adversely altering the very nature of food itself." ( Health Scandal - Monsanto's GMO Perversion of Food)

“..what has slipped under everyone's radar screen is Taylor's involvement in setting U.S. policy on agricultural assistance in Africa. In collusion with the Rockefeller and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations, Taylor is once again the go-between man for Monsanto and the U.S. government, this time with the goal to open up African markets for genetically-modified (GM) seed and agrochemicals.” (Michael Taylor: Monsanto's Man in the Obama Administration.)


The charity industry and USAID’s money pool is for its cronies and the elite corporatocracy. It’s their corporate welfare. The good-hearted public can’t absorb such evil, so they generally prefer not to know. And those of us who pour our life-force out, no matter the repercussions and marginalization, to expose how these evil folks make a living from letting the poor die or get sicker and uses disasters as an opportunity to sell their pesticides, herbicides, nutritional supplements, vitamins, vaccines, guns, weapons, security services, construction services, consultancy services, hybrid seeds or to take over their lands and silence the poor into accepting even more lower wage jobs and sub-standard living, seem to be the ones who are labeled “not constructive.” This disaster capitalism is practiced on the poor, black and the brown all over the world, including New Orleans USA with Katrina. ( Naomi Klein Issues Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert ; Lessons for Haiti from the Asian Tsunami ; Saving Haiti from disaster capitalism ; Naomi Klein on Disaster Capitalism in Haiti ; Profiting From Haiti's Crisis: Disaster Capitalism in Washington's ....)


In 2008, four back-to-back- hurricanes hit Haiti, a million people were left homeless and 1,000 died in Gonaives Haiti, alone. USAID and the NGO industry in Haiti collected over $3billion donor dollars on the pains of Haitians from the 2004 and 2004 Gonaives hurricanes and storms. They said the same thing as they’re saying now about why once the cameras where gone, even the food, water and medicine dried up, much less any “future projects” were ever undertaken. Gonaives Haiti is still devastated from the floods of 2004 and 2008. The people have not gotten any major help in rebuilding their lives, major roads, bridges, flood barriers, even though the good public coughed up hundreds of millions of dollars for this.

Miami Herald photographer Patrick Farrell won a Pulitzer for his Haiti  harrowing images of the victims of the storms and hurricanes that ravaged Haiti in 2008. Did the pictures push the large NGOs that collected vast sums of monies in the name of the Haiti storm victims to give a check to the Gonaives victims so they could rebuilt their lives, or were the monies used to rebuid their houses or to build flood barriers to protect the lives of these Haitians from the next hurricane? No. The prizes to come from the epic horror of the earthquake photographers will soon be announced. Meanwhile the people shall continue to die.

The violence is not just about the large NGOs and charity industry, it's as structural as white privilege The corruption and violence to Haiti, to Africa, to most parts of Asia, to Australia autochthones are structural, not perpetrated just by individual NGOs and charity organizations. We Haitians die, while the do-gooders sunbath, swim at the beaches, at Labadie on vacation, on salary or hourly rate for a "charity" or, for taking pictures of us crushed, grieving and dead for international photo contests to "help us."  (For more examples, go to Travesty in Haiti: A true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid and drug trafficking ; Travesty in Haiti - Reviewed by Ezili Dantò/HLLN ; The majority of humanity continues to be enslaved by a dominant system that thrives on poverty.

Haiti's founding father, Jean Jacques Dessalines (Janjak Desalin), said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated.  That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). (Haiti and the Aid Racket : How NGOs are Profiting Off a Grave Situation ; The Two most common neocolonial storylines about Haiti .)

Recently, CBS News investigated the 5 major Haiti charities - CARE, the American Red Cross, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund, and the Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund - and found that they had collected vast amounts of monies for the emergency in Haiti but did not use but a fraction of it to ease the people’s emergency sufferings, claiming the 80 to over 90% emergency monies still in their coffers, four months after the earthquake, were for “future projects.” Thing is, many Haitians will have no future. When you’re having a heart attack, it’s an emergency and if the ambulance gets there months in the future, you’re dead already. These folks know this. That’s why we say they’re letting the people die.

That’s what Ezili’s HLLN means when we write about the "poverty pimps masturbating on Black pain."

The Clinton-Bush fund and Clinton Foundation raised $52 million in donor dollars and have spent only about $7 million: less than one-seventh. The Red Cross raised $444 million and spent about 25 percent ($111 million). CARE raised $34.4 million and spent about 16 percent ($5.75 million. Catholic Relief Services raised about $165 million and spent no more than 8 percent ($12.2 million). Much of what they say they spent the money on was “shelter.” That is, tents, tarps and sheets. The people still have no real shelter. How could tents cost the Red Cross, for instance, $38.5million within the first two months after the earthquake when the people were mostly living under sheets and tarps and many say they had not seen the Red Cross at all, even for food, water distributions. (See, How did the Red Cross spend $106 Million Dollars in Haiti ; Following the Aid Money to Haiti and Why Don’t They Spend the Money Now, When People Need It? )

Haiti pains are a good capital asset for this industry. They wouldn’t have a job, salaries and tropical vacations and the illicit black sex they crave from Africans, without our pains, indignities, death, submissions and sufferings. Imagine swallowing the nutritional supplements, vitamins, vaccines and the other pharmaceuticals USAID insist are "aid to Haiti," when you've not eaten in four days? And the HIV drugs you have to swallow are washed down with toxic ground water, in some ways also from US, Canada gold, copper and coal mining companies who pollute Haiti's shores and riverbeds?

When the earthquake hit, many of us who lived through the two recent US coup d’etats in Haiti, the two Gonaives hurricane destructions of 2004 and then in 2008, knew these poverty pimps, knew they would crank up the press releases and telethons and collect and collect and collect, while the majority of people suffer, lose more, grieve and die in Haiti. In our minds eye we saw USAID, CRS, CARE, Red Cross, et al smirking and salivating at the huge prospects of monies to be collected from the deaths and brutal suffering of Haitians. It’s a profitable gig the poverty pimps are just not about to give up.


The mainstream media won't give you this perspective. They switch, ad nausea, the parasitic poverty pimps strumming dependency into Haiti's do-gooders. But we are the Haitians: from the womb to the tomb our life is about struggle to survive, mostly alone, as the system grinds out racist and feudal-pillage plans they think are way over our heads. (Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds.)

Ezili Dantò of HLLN
May, 2010

More Background Information
Haiti's founding father, Jean Jacques Dessalines (Janjak Desalin), said, "I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided" and for that he was assassinated. That was the first coup d'etat, the Haitian holocaust - organized exclusion of the masses, misery, poverty and the impunity of the economic elite - continues (with Feb. 29, 2004 marking the 33rd coup d'etat). Haiti's peoples continue to resist the return of despots, tyrants and enslavers who wage war on the poor majority and Black, contain-them-in poverty through neocolonialism' debts, "free trade" and foreign "investments." These neocolonial tyrants refuse to allow an equitable division of wealth, excluding the majority in Haiti from sharing in the country's wealth and assets. (See also,"Et revient la question. Et ceux dont les pères sont en Afrique, ils n'auront donc rien.")

Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds: "The hybrid corn seeds Monsanto has donated to Haiti are treated with the fungicide Maxim XO, and the calypso tomato seeds are treated with thiram. Thiram belongs to a highly toxic class of chemicals called ethylene bisdithiocarbamates (EBDCs). Results of tests of EBDCs on mice and rats caused concern to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which then ordered a special review. The EPA determined that EBDC-treated plants are so dangerous to agricultural workers that they must wear special protective clothing when handling them. Pesticides containing thiram must contain a special warning label, the EPA ruled. The EPA also barred marketing of the chemicals for many home garden products, because it assumes that most gardeners do not have adequately protective clothing. Monsanto’s passing mention of thiram to Ministry of Agriculture officials in an email contained no explanation of the dangers, nor any offer of special clothing or training for those who will be farming with the toxic seeds.

Haitian social movements’ concern is not just about the dangers of the chemicals and the possibility of future GMO imports. They claim that the future of Haiti depends on local production with local food for local consumption, in what is called food sovereignty. Monsanto’s arrival in Haiti, they say, is a further threat to this.

“People in the U.S. need to help us produce, not give us food and seeds. They’re ruining our chance to support ourselves,” said farmer Jonas Deronzil of a peasant cooperative in the rural region of Verrettes."


A Conspiracy or Not? When will the sun come up for Black
by Ezili Dantò, May 13, 2004

Confronting the Occupation: Haiti, Neo-liberalism, and the US Occup...

The Middle Class Game Is Up: We're Heading to a Slave Labor Planet

Haiti Union Leader Interview: “We’re Looking for Solidarity. Charity We’re Not Interested In.”

With Haiti in Ruins, Some U.N. Relief Workers Live Large on 'Love Boat' -

Quake Accentuated Chasm That Has Defined Haiti
By SIMON ROMERO, New York Times, March 27, 2010

NYT Video: Close Quarters in Haiti
Depopulation and extermination are the words in Central Africa also - 8 MILLION dead since 1986

Say No To Canadian Troops For Congo and Yes To Canadian Diplomacy

Stop foreign vultures wearing black mask preying on resource-rich Congo under the guise of humanitarian intervention

Intentional: The International plan to depopulate and exterminate a large portion of Haiti's population?

Rwandan police ( ) heading to Haiti

Just what Haiti doesn't need: Rwandan police

IRI's former head man, Stanley Lucas, inspired by Rwanda

What You're Not Hearing about Haiti (But Should Be) by Carl Lindskoog

Haiti's Oligarchy - The Subcontracted Haitians




OP-ED: Quest for oil leaves trail of damage across the globe > from McClatchy

Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader (May 18, 2010)

Read more:


Quest for oil leaves trail of damage across the globe


The global reach of oil production




Like many of her neighbors, Celina Harpe is angry about the oil pollution at her doorstep. No longer can she eat the silvery fish that dart along the shore near her home. Even the wind that hurries over the water reeks of oil waste.

"I get so mad," she said. "I feel very sad."

Harpe, 70, isn't a casualty of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. She lives in a remote corner of Alberta, Canada, where another oil field that's vital to the United States is damaging one of the world's most important ecosystems: Canada's northern forest.

Across the globe, people such as Harpe in oil-producing regions are watching the catastrophe in the Gulf with a mixture of horror, hope and resignation. To some, the black tide is a global event that finally may awaken the world to the real cost of oil.

"This is a call to attention for all humanity," said Pablo Fajardo, a lawyer in Ecuador who's suing Chevron over oil pollution in the Amazon on behalf of 30,000 plaintiffs.

"Oil has a price," he added, "but water, life and a clean environment are worth much more."

Others say previous oil disasters haven't changed things much, and this one won't, either.

"We're addicted to oil, so the beat will go on," said Richard Thomas, an environmentalist in Newfoundland, Canada, where drilling rigs pepper the coast. "Oil companies will make absolutely sure we don't check ourselves into hydrocarbon rehab anytime soon."

There's no denying that the rust-red plumes of oil and tar balls in the Gulf of Mexico are a potential ecological calamity for American Southern shores. More than half the petroleum consumed in this country, however, is imported from other countries, where damage from exploration and drilling is more common but goes largely unnoticed.

No one's tallied the damage worldwide, but it includes at least 200 square miles of ruined wildlife habitat in Alberta, more than 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater spilled into the rainforests of Ecuador and a parade of purple-black oil slicks that skim across Africa's Niger Delta, where more than 2,000 polluted sites are estimated to need cleaning up.

"The Gulf spill can be seen as a picture of what happens in the oil fields of Nigeria and other parts of Africa," Nnimmo Bassey, a human rights activist and the head of Environmental Rights Action, the Nigeria chapter of Friends of the Earth, said in an e-mail.

"We see frantic efforts being made to stop the spill in the USA," Bassey added. "In Nigeria, oil companies largely ignore their spills, cover them up and destroy people's livelihood and environments."

Despite calls for more domestic drilling and new sources of energy, America's reliance on foreign oil has climbed steadily over the years, from 44.5 percent of consumption in 1995 to 57 percent in 2008.

"Spills, leaks and deliberate discharges are happening in oil fields all over the world, and very few people seem to care," said Judith Kimerling, a professor of law and policy at the City University of New York and the author of "Amazon Crude," a book about oil development in Ecuador.

"No one is accepting responsibility," Kimerling said. "Our fingerprint is on those disasters because we are such a major consumer of oil."

The United States burns through 19.5 million barrels of oil a day, one-quarter of the world's consumption, more than China, Japan, India and Russia combined. That's 2.7 gallons a day for every man, woman and child, one of highest rates in the world.

The biggest hope for paring the nation's dependence on foreign oil lies in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Alaska and California coasts, but that treasure remains largely untapped. Offshore production has dropped in recent years, from 2.3 million barrels a day in 2003 to 1.8 million in 2008.

The Gulf spill is likely to shrink output even more and increase foreign imports. "We must find a way to do this more safely," Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., said at a Senate hearing last Tuesday.

If oil production moves abroad, Landrieu said, "We will export some of these problems to countries less equipped and less inclined to prevent this kind of catastrophic disaster."

Others, however, say that such drilling closer to home is too risky. In California, where imports of foreign oil are a record 48 percent, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently pulled his support for an offshore project, citing concerns over the spill in the Gulf. Similar shifts have occurred elsewhere, including Florida and Virginia, where some lawmakers who once supported drilling now are distancing themselves from it.

"You turn on the television and see this enormous disaster, you say to yourself, 'Why would we want to take that kind of risk?' " Schwarzenegger said at a news conference.

In poor countries such as Ecuador, people don't have a choice.

"The impacts here have been enormous," said Esperanza Martinez, Ecuador coordinator for the international environmental group Oilwatch. "We calculate 1 million hectares" — 2.5 million acres — "have been deforested."

Four decades of spills and leaks by oil companies there, including some from the United States, have fouled thousands of miles of jungle streams and wetland zones.

"What does this all mean to the people? It means high levels of illness in the petroleum zones, where they have 30 percent more cancer," Martinez said. "The worst indicators of poverty are right next to petroleum sites."

For its part, the Western States Petroleum Association, which represents U.S. oil companies, argues that tapping America's offshore oil is more responsible, but the Gulf spill will only make that more difficult, said Catherine Reheis-Boyd, the group's president.

"We have to re-earn the confidence, relearn the lessons and move on to explore and access these resources domestically, so we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil," Reheis-Boyd said.

Much of California's disdain for drilling stems from a 1969 well blowout near Santa Barbara that killed some 3,700 seabirds and captured nationwide attention.

By historic standards, it was a significant but not gigantic spill: More than 3 million gallons leaked, compared with 11 million from the Exxon Valdez in Alaska in 1989 and four million gallons so far from the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf.

The Santa Barbara spill had a super-sized impact, however, jump-starting an era of environmental activism and helping to inspire the first Earth Day a year later.

"A lot of the oil ended up on the coast, where people are highly sensitized to their environment and activist by nature," said Tupper Hull, the vice president of strategic communications for the Western States Petroleum Association.

"Oil spills are terrible things to see," he said. "They have a visual and visceral and emotional impact on people that cannot be trivialized."

The Santa Barbara spill "set off a chain of events that created an orthodoxy on this issue," he said. "It was a game-changer, not unlike what's now taking place in the Gulf of Mexico."

The pollution-control efforts in the Gulf are said to be unprecedented. They include the deployment of more than 100 miles of protective booms and the use of more than 400,000 gallons of chemical dispersant to break up the oil. Scores of state and federal agencies are helping, too, including the Army National Guard.

That doesn't happen in Nigeria, the fourth-largest source of foreign oil in the U.S., according to Bassey, the environmental leader.

"Officially, there are over 2,000 oil spill sites that need environmental remediation," he said.

In Nigeria, oil firms "wield the big stick and work with state security to silence complaints," Bassey charged. "Pollution impacts fisheries, agriculture and human health. Thanks to the industry, life expectancy is lowest in the oil communities."

Last year, Amnesty International published a report on the Niger Delta region, saying, "Oil spills, waste dumping and gas flaring are endemic."

Shell, one of the major operators in the Delta, acknowledges that conditions are difficult. On its website it says that most pollution isn't its fault, however. "Most oil spills — 98 percent by volume in 2009 — are the direct result of militancy and other criminal activity," the company said.

However, Omoyele Sowore, a Nigerian environmentalist in the U.S., called West Africa "the wild, wild west of pollution. It's lawless."

Oil companies pollute "with impunity," he said. "There are no consequences."

In northern Alberta, where oil companies are mining tarlike sands, converting them to crude and piping about 830,000 barrels a day south to the United States, indigenous people such as Harpe have complained for years about pollution, illness and the destruction of wildlife habitat.

"It doesn't matter what we say," Harpe said by phone from her home along the Athabasca River in the booming "oil sands" region. "It seems to go in one ear and out the other. We are being ignored."

"What we're seeing in the Gulf is very acute, whereas what's unfolding in the oil sands is much more chronic," said Dan Woynillowicz, the director of external relations for the Pembina Institute, a Calgary environmental group. "As a result, the scale and consequence are not catching the attention of the U.S. media, public and politicians, despite the fact that U.S. oil demand is driving the expansion of oil sands development."

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers says the disturbance is manageable and the mined areas can be reclaimed. "We will mitigate our impact on the land while maintaining regional ecosystems and biodiversity," the group says on its website.

In the Third World, oil companies operate differently from the way they do in Canada or the United States, activists say.

"When they go into a country like Ecuador or Peru, where there is no meaningful regulation, they take advantage of that," charged Kimerling, the law professor. "They are more careless, and go in with an attitude that they can do whatever they want.

"The U.S. government has not shown any interest in the environmental disasters that are being caused by our companies in other countries."

"I think they should," she added. "When we have oil spills in this country we care, we respond, we do everything possible to try to minimize damage.

"But when our companies spill oil in other countries — and those governments don't respond — we don't, either. It sends a chilling message that we don't care."

(Knudson is a staff writer for The Sacramento Bee. Bee Photographer Hector Amezcua contributed to this report.)


Since spill, feds have given 27 waivers to oil companies in gulf

Researchers worry about oil dispersants' impact, too

McClatchy's oil spill coverage

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VIDEO: 'Calypso Dreams' Trailer

'Calypso Dreams' Trailer

Winner of the Best Caribbean Documentary at the Jamerican Film Festival, Audience Favorite at the DC Film fest, Pan- African film festival, Mill Valley Film Fest and embraced by an entire nation in Trinidad, Calypso Dreams chronicles the rich and complex cultural roots of calypso music in Trinidad and Tobago.

fishboy55 July 15, 2008Trailer from the award-winning documentary film, Calypso Dreams, directed by Geoffrey Dunn and Michael Horne; produced by Dunn, Horne, Mark Schwartz and Eric Thiermann. To be released in 2008. Starring Mighty Sparrow, Calypso Rose, Lord Kitchener, Warlord Blakie, Singing Sandra, Lord Superior, Lord Relator, Lord Melody, Black Stalin, Lord Brigo and countless other calypso stalwarts from Trinidad and Tobago. With narration by David Rudder and Chalkdust; and additional commentary by Harry Belafonte.Caribbean Beat praised it as "far and away the best film ever made about calypso..." Copyright 2008.
For more info:

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Diane Buccheri



PUB: Call For Submissions : Kwani Trust (Kenya)

Written by Kwani · May 17, 2010

Call For Submissions







Kwani Trust

Artists working in any medium and writers expressing themselves in any form or genre are invited to submit work for the sixth issue of ITCH Online. The “theme” is:*i*Me, me, me – you, you, you?

Where does the self fit in to the ways in which creative work takes shape? Of all the lovely words that start with it -
i-nformation, i-nquisitiveness, i-deologies, i-nterventions, i-dentities,-diosyncrasies, i-tchiness, i-ntrospection, i-ntentions (good or bad) -which is most i-nteresting to you? How do questions of ‘i’ i-nfluence (ooh, there’s another good one) your i-nteractions (again!) with the outside world? What is i-nner space, and what is outer space? What is the boundary
between the two? How could a dot hovering above a column represent the complexities of self i-dentity, those battles between id and ego? What kinds of things do people do all by themselves, alone, just ‘me, myself and i’?

What does this little letter represent? What names, places, practices and experiences might it i-nspire? What is the line between i-diocy and -ntelligence? What does ‘i’ mean to you?*

You are free to interpret this theme in any way that you wish, to speak to or against it, to explore or ignore it.

Submissions for this issue will be open until 6 June 2010. Contact the editor if you have any questions.


PUB: Short Story Contest - Caribbean book publishers, Trinidad and Tobago

Caribbean Short Story Competition 2009/2010

It's official. The Caribbean Short Story Competition 2009/2010 has been launched. 17 winners will have their work published in a November 2010 release. One overall winner will secure USD $ 250.00. For more details see. Caribbean Short Story Competion 2009/2010.

Caribbean Short Story Competition 2009/2010

Deadline extended to Tuesday 31st August 2010

Great news! Potbake Productions has been making waves in the news recently with the release of Lyndon Baptiste's 90 Days of Violence and oOh My Testicles! and Michael Cozier's Forward Ever! Backward Never!

At Potbake Productions, part of our vision is promoting the growth of literature. In light of this, we are launching a Caribbean Short Story Competition, a short story competition with a twist. There will be a total of 17 prizes. The overall winner gets USD $ 250.00 and their story, along with 16 other winning stories, will be published as short story book collection by November 2010.

Guidelines and rules for submitting stories

  • Entrants must be citizens of the Caribbean.
  • Entrants must be greater than or equal to 13 years of age.
  • A maximum of 2 entries per entrant.
  • Stories must be a minimum of 2,500 words but no greater than 3,000 words. Other entries will not be considered.
  • Stories must be original works, having never been featured in any other publication, newspaper, magazine or otherwise.
  • Submissions must be in MS WORD or PDF format and must include the word count, author's name and contact information
  • Entries submitted after Tuesday, 31st August 2010, will not be considered.
  • Entries can be sent via hard or soft copy
    • Email: Subject line must be: "CSSC.2009/2010".
    • Hard copy submissions must be made to #3, 3rd Street West, Beaulieu Avenue, Trincity, Trinidad, West Indies.

The end result for the top 17 stories

  • The overall winner will receive a cash prize of USD $ 250.00.
  • The top 17 stories will be compiled in a book and each winner will receive a free copy.
  • An about the author page will be included in the publication for each of the 17 winners.
  • The authors will retain the copyright for their stories.
  • Potbake Productions will retain distribution rights for the top 17 stories.
  • There is no other monetary gain for the winning authors. There are no royalties to collect on sales.

VIDEO: Invisible-Children living with HIV/AIDS > from The Best of CaribbeanTales 2010

Invisible 11 mins


Mini documentary created by Elspeth Duncan (Happy Hippy Productions) for TTCRC (Trinidad and Tobago Coalition for the Convention on the Rights of the Child) “Invisible” focuses on the story of a woman named Veronica* and her two children. Both the mother and her young daughter are HIV-positive and face the bitter effects of discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS in Trinidad and Tobago.

Read more about Elspeth Duncan