In 1989, you won the coveted Gordon Bell Prize for your work with massively parallel computers. You programmed the Connection Machine to compute a world record 3.1 billion calculations per second using 65,536 processors to simulate oil reservoirs. This was done over the Internet. I was wondering how you choose or found the 65,536 computers to help you?
Philip Emeagwali - The 65,536 processors were inside the Connection Machine. I accessed the Connection Machine over the Internet. The Connection Machines owned by the United States government laboratories were made available to me because they were considered impossible to program and there was no great demand for them at that time. In fact, the national laboratories that purchased them were embarrassed because their scientists could not program them and they were hardly being used. The labs were happy that I was brave enough to attempt to program it and the $5 million computer was left entirely to my use. I was their human guinea pig.
Can you describe the Connection Machine and explain how it all worked?
Philip Emeagwali - The Connection Machine was the most powerful supercomputer in the world. It is a complex supercomputer and it will take forever to completely describe how it works.
A 32-node cube in five-dimensional universe.
Briefly, to program it requires an absolute understanding of how all 65,536 processors are interconnected. The processing nodes are configured as a cube in a 12-dimensional universe, although we only use it to solve problems arising from our three-dimensional universe.
To perform the world's fastest computation, I divided and evenly distributed the calculations among the 65,536 processors and then squeezed the most performance from the each processor. It took me 1057 pages to describe the hundreds of mathematical equations, algorithms and programming techniques that I invented and used. The gory details will be of interest to only mathematicians and super computer nerds. However, for your amusement, they include equations such as:

That was 1989 and what you did was considered at that time to be one of the 20 national grand challenges in science and engineering: petroleum reservoir simulation. What is the grand challenge for you today?
Philip Emeagwali - The greatest grand challenge for any scientist is discovering how to prevent the spread of HIV and finding the cure or an effective vaccine for AIDS.
Eighty percent of Americans with HIV do not know they are infected. One out of every 100 American men is HIV positive. The rate of infection has reached epidemic proportions in 40 developing nations. Worldwide, 23 million people are infected with the HIV virus.
Because I am not formally trained in the medical sciences, I can bring in new ideas to AIDS research and the cross-fertilization of ideas from different fields could be a valuable contribution to finding the cure for AIDS.
It could be easier for me to develop an AIDS vaccine than to solve the next grand challenge in computer science.
You have submitted 41 inventions to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office concerning seven technologies. Can you give us expanded details?
Philip Emeagwali - Inventors are reluctant to provided expanded details of their inventions until they receive full patent protection. The reason is that the Patent and Trademark Office can deny patents to inventors that publicly provided details of their invention.
Briefly, my inventions are on how to design powerful computers and computations.
The following is an excerpt from an interview by Susan Henderson for the book African-American Inventors, which further explains Philip Emeagwali achievements:
...Invented methods and procedures for making computers faster and more powerful. These methods enabled me to perform the world's fastest computation of 3.1 billion calculations per second in 1989 and solve the largest weather forecasting equations with 128 million points in 1990.
Programmed a computer with 65,000 processors to outperform the fastest supercomputer and thereby proving that it is best to use many processors in designing supercomputers. As a result, the technology of supercomputers now use hundreds or thousands of processor to achieve their computational speed.
Successfully implemented the first petroleum reservoir model on a massively parallel computer in 1989. As a result, one in 10 parallel supercomputers is used to find and recover additional oil and gas.
Solved one of America's 20 Grand Challenges --- accurately computing how oil flows underground and thereby alerting the petroleum industry that massively parallel computers can be used to recover more oil. Only 30 percent of the oil in a reservoir can be recovered and this discovery will enable oil companies to recover more oil.
Invented a new approach of designing supercomputers by observing and emulating patterns in nature.
Invented hyperball computer networks.
Formulated new mathematical (partial differential) equations for slowly moving liquids and gases such as the flow within the Earth's interior.
Set world record for an unprecedented parallel computer speedup of 65536 in 1990. This experiment, involving 65536 physically linked computer processors demonstrated that the speed of supercomputers can be increased a million times.
The experiment was done before the term scalability replaced "computer speedup" as an industry buzzword. In 1990, the computer industry did not understand the implications of my experiments and scalable systems. Today, scalability is cool and every vendor promises that their system is scalable.
So, what does a speedup of 65536 mean to a customer conducting business on the Internet or networked computer? It means that:
1. Computers can operate continuously without any down time. 2. Commercial transactions are safe from hackers. 3. Smaller applications can to be ported to bigger computers without the additional expense of rewriting the original software. This is a form of investment protection. 4. Response time can remain constant at complex high-volume websites such as the Olympic Games, airline reservation computers, and Internet search engines.
You invented the hyperball nature-inspired computer network, can you describe it for us?
Philip Emeagwali - I observed that many problems that occur in nature possess a spherical structure. For example, the Earth is spherical and, for this reason, forecasting global warming is best done on a hyperball computer which has numerous processing nodes interconnected in a spherical-structure. This was what motivated me to invent the hyperball computer.

Click on photograph for larger photo - Hyperball nature-inspired computer network invented by Emeagwali. The red dots represent the processing nodes while the red lines show which nodes are directly connected.
You have described your research approach as multi-disciplinary, unorthodox, intuitive and nature-inspired. Tell us more?
Philip Emeagwali - I am a mathematician who relies heavily on qualitative problem solving techniques. I studied the most influential scientists and inventors to learn what made them different from ordinary people and discovered that the most creative people in the world scored lower than expected in SAT and IQ tests and most only earned high school diplomas.
Henri Poincare, considered one of the world's greatest mathematicians, had an extremely low IQ. Thomas Edison (electricity), Benjamin Banneker (clock), Garret Morgan (traffic light), Henry Ford (automobile) and Alexander Graham Bell (telephone) had 8th to 12th grade education. Bill Gates (Microsoft), Ted Turner (CNN), Bill Lear (Lear jet), Soichiro Honda (Honda cars), and Howard Hughes (Hughes aircraft) never earned a college degree.
These geniuses had average IQ but made the world a better place by using their intuition. The lesson that I learned from the greatest inventors and scientists is that I will invent and discover more things by de-emphasizing quantitative methods and using a multi-disciplinary, unorthodox, intuitive and nature-inspired approach.
You have stated that you have found algorithms, software and computers can be enantiomeric --- that is, they have left-handed and right-handed versions like shoes. How did you apply that observation?
Philip Emeagwali - Computers that are commercially available are symmetric or non-handed but it is possible that some existing software and algorithms are left- or right-handed. I have demonstrated that you can apply a righted-handed algorithm and software to a right-handed computer. But I have not shown how to apply the right- and left-handed algorithms and software to applications.
How they can be applied may depend on the thought processes that led to my discovering them. I discovered enantiomeric computing by observing everyday things such as fitting an ear muff over an ear, slipping our feet into shoes, and putting our hands inside gloves.
Because I believe that humans are computers, I conjectured that computers, like people, can have left- and right-handed versions.
Since the left hand has a left glove that complements it, I reasoned that a left-handed computer must have left-handed software and algorithms that also complements it. Therefore, efforts to implement a left-handed software on a right-handed computer may be as awkward as putting your left shoe on your right leg. This discovery is weird and totally unexpected.
Because this discovery is new, it will take a while to fully understand its implications and applications. Our lives sometimes depends on computers performing as predicted. When an algorithm or software is symmetric, that is, has no left- and right-handed versions, it will not matter whether it is executed in a right- or left-handed computer. For example, because a pen or fork or hammer is symmetric, it does not matter whether we hold it in our right or left hand. On the other hand, a glove is either right- or left-handed and it matters whether we wear it in our right or left hands. It is possible that a right-handed computer can perform in unpredictable manner when a left-handed software is unintentionally executed in it.
On the optimistic side, it might be possible that a right-handed computer may be more useful than a left-handed computer. Remember the drug called thalidomide which is manufactured in both left- and right-handed forms. One form of it causes birth defects when taken by pregnant women and the other form is safely prescribed by doctors as a sedative.
The right- and left-hand versions of the lactic acid molecule.
I am most intrigued by your statements in regards to nature and technology, and how your computing networks have dealt with the awe inspiring powers of nature like the oil field flows, the weather, the movement of the oceans. Are you on the brink of solving any of nature's deeper mysteries and what does a scientist owe mother nature?
Philip Emeagwali - Scientists try to discover or unravel the mysteries of nature. Some of the problems we are trying to solve have been solved in nature.
My focus is not on solving nature's deeper mysteries. It is on using nature's deeper mysteries to solve important societal problems.
Scientists and engineers draw their inspirations from nature. Physicists try to understand the laws of nature. Mathematicians use symbols called partial differential equations to describe natural phenomena such as weather forecasting and petroleum reservoir simulation. Computer scientists try to design neural computers that emulate the human brains. And so on.
Why the choice of music for your web site?
Philip Emeagwali - The music played at my web site reflects my personal taste. At home, I play soukous, highlife and reggae. Highlife has a mesmerizing effect on me. Highlife dance band music flourished in Nigeria and Ghana during the 1950s, 60s and 70s.
Soukous is an uptempo and infectious east African music that is a current rage in Paris dance halls. It has Congolese, Cuban and Caribbean rhythms and elements of American country music of the 1930s and 40s. Soukous live performances include energetic female show dancers and their fast shaking of the pelvis. Sokous means "shake." I always feel delirious after a sokous concert.
I trust you, Frugivore, but where is this data from?
@Tonja: Hi Tonja,
Thanks for reading this article,
Here is the hyperlink to specific data that links refined, processed sugar — the kind that you’ll find in processed food — and drug reward processes.
The overabundance and availability of processed food bothers me so much. It is addictive and although I do my best to avoid it, my grocery cart always ends up with something processed. They say stick to the edges of the store to avoid processed food, but when 80-90 percent of the grocery store is filled with boxes, bottles, bags, and cans of food, how is the average person supposed to avoid it all?
The evidence is around us. Kids and adults are look sick not fat but sick. My grandmother who eats out of garden looks younger than most of my peers, and I’m not even putting a lot on this statement.