‪VIDEO: Tribute to Geronimo ji Jaga - REST IN UHURU.m4v‬‏ - YouTube

Geronimo ji Jaga

 on Jul 19, 2011

This musical tribute in honor of Brother Geronimo ji Jaga who made his transition into the realm of the Ancestors in Tanzania, June 3, 2011 was created by some of East Africa's top artists including Akula 'Dunga' Akwabi; Fareed 'FidQ' Kubanda; Jacob 'JCB' Makalla; Charlotte 'Mama C' O'Neal; Lavosti; and Anwary Msechu of Kilimanjaro Film Institute. with additional drumming by Ras Noel. This collective effort was a a testament to the love and respect that so many had for G'!


PUB: Southern Rep - The Ruby Prize

Southern Rep is Now Accepting Submissions For

our national New Play Award for a woman of color playwright
and Announces A New Partnership With Hedgebrook:
a ten-day writer’s retreat for the RUBY PRIZE Winner


An annual new play award of $10,000 to a woman of color playwright named in honor of Ruby Bridges, representing perseverance in the face of formidable obstacles.

This program was conceived as part of ongoing efforts made by Southern Rep to develop new American plays, support a diverse community of artists, and incite a stimulating dialogue within our community.



• $10,000 prize
• A week long development workshop with collaboration of full artistic team at the
  Southern Rep New Play Bacchanal, held in New Orleans, January 5 – 7, 2012
• A sponsored trip to New York to continue development of the play and introduce the
   new work to a larger audience.
  (The above travel includes roundtrip air and accommodations.)
• A ten-day writing retreat to Hedgebrook. Located on beautiful Whidbey Island near Seattle,
  Hedgebrook offers one of the few residency programs in the world exclusively dedicated to
  supporting the creative process of women writers. Through innovative public programs,
  Hedgebrook enables women’s work to enrich the global community by diversity: of culture,
  nationality, voice, genre, generation, perspective, religious beliefs and political affiliations.
  (Does not include travel.)

Two finalists will be selected to have their new works read at the Southern Rep New Play Bacchanal
in January 2012. (Includes roundtrip air and accommodations. There is no cash award associated
with the selection of finalists.)



The contest will be open to US citizens who self-identify as women of color, and may be either emerging or established playwrights.

Southern Rep’s in-house readers will review and evaluate scripts, selecting finalists that will be move into the next round of judging. The final panel consists of national and local theatre artists with Southern Rep’s Artistic Director, Aimée Hayes.

Plays may be of any genre: drama, comedy, musical, etcetera. We will not accept collaborative scripts, translations, one-acts, or any play previously submitted to Southern Rep. In the case of musical submissions, only the playwright will be eligible for the prize.

Plays that have had a professional production, or have been written under a commission, are not eligible for submission. Plays that have received a development workshop, or reading/s or nonprofessional production are eligible. (“Professional production” shall be defined as a production with paid actors and had an official press opening.)

If selected as a Prize Winner or Finalist, playwright agrees that Southern Rep may include the play in an annual Ruby Prize publication. The publication will not require any exclusive rights for printing.

Only one submission per playwright is allowed.



Each submission shall include a letter of introduction that should contain a brief play synopsis, a
character breakdown, playwright bio, and brief history of the play’s development. The manuscript
should have a title page containing the playwright’s name, address and contact information. This
information may ONLY appear on the title page.

Submissions must be sent by email, as an attached document, in PDF (preferred) or Word doc format.

Submit all of the required elements in ONE email toTheRuby@SouthernRep.com. Please no Phone or Email inquiries regarding submissions.

If the play is a musical, CDs of original music may be sent to:
attn: The Ruby Prize; Southern Rep;
333 Canal ST, Box 34; New Orleans, LA 70130.
CDs will not be returned.

Due to anticipated number of submissions, we regret that feedback will not be available to submitting playwrights



September 15, 2011: Submission Deadline

November 1, 2011: Winner Announced

January 5 - 7, 2012: New Play Bacchanal Workshops and Readings

Past Winner & Finalists:

2010/2011 - Winner: RAMP by Eisa Davis // Finalists - AFRICAN AMERICANS by Jocelyn Bioh, HURT VILLAGE by Katori Hall, FIGHT by Kimber Lee, MALA HIERBA by Tanya Saracho

Hedgebrook is a literary non-profit that supports the work of visionary women writers whose stories shape our culture now and for generations to come. Founded in 1988, Hedgebrook hosts a global community of writers, more than 1,200 in two decades, at our Whidbey Island retreat. Hedgebrook’s public programs connect these women’s work with thousands of readers and audience members each year through readings, screenings, events, salons, publications and festivals. The annual Hedgebrook Women Playwrights Festival (HWPF) celebrates the work of women writing for the theatre. Since the festival’s inauguration in 1998, HWPF has supported the work of an impressive array of women playwrights and served an important role in the development of new plays by women.



PUB: All-Expense Paid Fellowship: 'Covering a Revolution' Reporting Fellowship in Egypt > Writers Afrika

All-Expense Paid Fellowship:

'Covering a Revolution'

Reporting Fellowship in Egypt

Deadline: 15 August 2011

A free press is the foundation of a working democracy. And Egypt right now is in the process of pouring the concrete that will give shape to a foundation for a new Egypt after “the January 25 Revolution” succeeded in toppling President Hosni Mubarak.

At this time of dramatic change in Egypt, GlobalPost and The Open Hands Initiative seek to bring together approximately 15 young journalists from Egypt and America to collaborate and learn from each other about how best to cover a democracy in transition.

The project, tentatively set to take place from October 10 to 22, will create a team of journalists who are starting out in their careers. These reporting fellows will be provide the opportunity to work together to produce a GlobalPost “Special Report” on the impact of the revolution in Egypt. All expenses will be paid for this fellowship and those who produce work that is accepted for publication on GlobalPost will be paid a standard rate for freelance articles.

The fellowship will begin with a three-day seminar that will feature a list of prominent speakers, including leading Egyptian political analysts, human rights workers as well as veteran journalists from Egypt and America. These speakers will brief the reporting fellows on the dramatic changes unfolding in Egypt and the challenges that lie ahead, and provide them a base of understanding to go out in the field in Cairo and across Egypt to carry out their reporting.

They will be assigned to cover issues including: the emergence of new political parties; the stumbling efforts to reform a police force accused of widespread abuses; the role of the Egyptian military in the transition of power; the rights of women and minorities; and the impact of the internet and social networking on the revolution and what role it will play in the future.

Based on its field reporting, the team will produce a multi-part series to be published by GlobalPost. They will also contribute to a blog which will document the daily journey of the team. The reporting fellows themselves will be responsible for posting blog entries, including short written vignettes, photo galleries and video clips. In the end, GlobalPost will work with the fellows to review all of the material they have gathered and help them give edit, fact check and give shape to a “Special Report.”

This collaborative report and daily blog will be written and produced in Arabic and English and will reach GlobalPost’s loyal and engaged audience of 2 million monthly unique visitors. As GlobalPost’s co-founder and Executive Editor, I will be leading the reporting project in the field along with GlobalPost’s Senior Correspondent in Cairo Jon Jensen and the VII Photo Agency’s co-founder Gary Knight.

The project is being funded through support from the The Open Hands Initiative, a New York-based non-profit foundation, dedicated to improving people-to-people education and understanding worldwide through projects that emphasize shared values and common humanity. The Open Hands Initiative was established by Jay T. Snyder, an American businessman and philanthropist, and he will direct the seminar.

Both GlobalPost and The Open Hands Initiative are dedicated to the idea that by working together this team of Egyptian and American journalists will learn from each other, deepen the bond between their two countries and produce quality reporting that will enlighten and inform. These two organizations are both committed to ensuring that this project is completely independent and free of any government or partisan ideology.


QUALIFICATIONS: The program will pull together a team of Egyptian and American journalists who are just starting out in their careers and provide them the opportunity to work together as a team to produce a GlobalPost “Special Report” on the impact of the revolution in Egypt. Applicants should have a college degree and at least two years experience in journalism.

Writers, photographers, videographers and/or bloggers interested in applying for this expenses-paid fellowship should send a resume, cover letter and links to at least three examples of your work to kgrant@globalpost.com.

Via: globalpost.com

Contact Information:

For inquiries: kgrant@globalpost.com

For submissions: kgrant@globalpost.com

Website: http://www.openhandsinitiative.org/



PUB: Contest Details - Memoir (and)

Contest Details

The submission period for Issue 10 is now open and will close at noon Pacific time, August 16, 2011. Snail mail submissions must be postmarked no later than August 16, 2011 in order to be considered. 


  • Read the Submission Guidelines.
  • Submit online with our Submission Manager, or submit by snail mail to Memoir (and) Submissions, 1316 67th Street #8, Emeryville, CA 94608. To be advised of the status of your snail mail submission, include a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope), or your email address. 


  • Online: Noon, Pacific time, August 16, 2011
  • Snail mail: Postmarked no later than August 16, 2011 


The Memoir (and) Prizes for Memoir in Prose or Poetry are awarded to the most outstanding prose or poetry memoirs—traditional, nontraditional or experimental—drawn from the submission period.

Grand Prize for Memoir in Prose or Poetry

  • $500 cash award
  • Publication in print and online
  • Three copies of the journal

Second Prize for Memoir in Prose or Poetry

  • $250 cash award
  • Publication in print and online
  • Three copies of the journal

Third Prize for Memoir in Prose or Poetry

  • $100 cash award
  • Publication in print and online
  • Three copies of the journal

The Memoir (and) Prize for Graphic Memoir is awarded to the most outstanding graphic memoir drawn from the submission period.

Prize for Graphic Memoir

  • $100 cash award
  • Publication in print and online
  • Three copies of the journal

The Memoir (and) Prize for Photography is awarded to the most outstanding and innovative photography submission.

       Prize for Photography

  • $100 cash award
  • Publication in print and online
  • Three copies of the journal



VIDEO: Trailer for Indie Film “Lesson Before Love” > Shadow and Act

Watch Now:

Trailer for Indie Film

“Lesson Before Love”

From first-time feature filmmaker Dui Jarrod comes Lesson Before Love, the story of “four unfulfilled singles’ journey towards love, while trying to find themselves along the way.”

The film will premiere at Long Island University in Brooklyn next Friday, July 29th as part of the Independent Film New York Premiere Screening Series. A Q&A with Jarrod will follow.

Jarrod, who counts himself a fan of films like Love Jones and The Best Man, hopes his film will tell the story of progressive, black professionals, “a group who rarely gets stories told from our perspective.”

See the trailer for the film below:

For more on Lesson Before Love, visit the film on Facebook.


CULTURE: How Porn Is Affecting The Libido Of The American Male

He’s Just Not That Into Anyone

Even, and perhaps especially, when his girlfriend is acting like the women he can’t stop watching online.

Photographs of men watching online pornography, taken on January 25.  


I met the woman at a Broadway show, but the night’s best piece of acting, I’d say, came from me, back at her East Village apartment, after we’d been having sex for about 25 minutes, with Neil Young wailing the song “Comes a Time” from the laptop on her bedside table. The dried-out condom had a full-bodied choke hold on me, but I’d already stopped twice to put on a fresh one, and I knew, as I kept earnestly pumping away, that one more condom wouldn’t make the necessary difference. Had I just given up, things might have played out the way they often did, with shades of confused disappointment and inadequacy on the part of the woman and mumbled apologies and awkward shame from me. But that night, ingenuity struck—unable to actually get off, I found myself flying a fresh route: I faked it.







Why would I, a healthy guy in his thirties, need to fake an orgasm? It was mystifying. I wasn’t on antidepressants, which I’d heard could decrease sensation. I got plenty of exercise. It didn’t seem to matter which woman I was with, or what kind of condom we used, or whether I’d downed one glass of whiskey or ten, or if we listened to Neil Young or Al Green, as I learned through trial and error (mostly error). Over the course of months, I picked a dozen suspects out of the lineup and gradually cleared each one. Except, perhaps, the most obvious.



“Pornography? It’s a new synaptic pathway.” This is what John Mayer said in a candid interview with Playboy. “You wake up in the morning, open a thumbnail page, and it leads to a Pandora’s box of visuals,” he continued. “There have probably been days when I saw 300 vaginas before I got out of bed.”



Porn’s allure and ubiquity isn’t exactly titillating news. The question that still remains, however, is how this tsunami of porn is affecting the libido of the American male or, more selfishly, mine. First I came across a post on Sanjay Gupta’s blog by Ian Kerner, a sexuality counselor, who wrote that he noticed a distinct rise in the number of men approaching him with concerns about delayed ejaculation. Kerner went on to attribute much of the problem to a “rapid proliferation of Internet porn” which leads to “over-masturbation,” something I’m very familiar with. Then I read about a University of Kansas study that found that 25 percent of college-age men said they’d faked orgasms, which, I’ll admit, was oddly comforting to hear. But it wasn’t until I interviewed dozens of men with varying porn-watching habits (and a few very open-minded women) that some unexpected themes began to emerge. Porn is not only shaping men’s physical and emotional interest in sex on a very fundamental neurological level, but it’s also having a series of unexpected ripple effects—namely on women.






For decades, hand-wringers have warned of a porn epidemic that would tear the nation’s moral fabric asunder. But if online porn has spread a sickness, it’s one that’s less like Ebola and more like a midwinter cold. The initial symptom for a lot of guys who frequently find themselves bookmarking their favorite illicit clips appears to be a waning desire for their partners. Jonas*, a 34-year-old ad exec, told me, “I get on SpankWire or X Videos—you could carve ice sculptures with my dick. I take a girl home from the bar, though, and I’ll be up for a minute while she’s going down on me, but once I put a condom on and we start going at it, it’s like the Challenger exploded—all the flags are at half-mast.”



Then there’s Stefan, a 43-year-old composer, who has no problem getting aroused when he has sex with his wife. “In order to come, though, I’ve got to resort to playing scenes in my head that I’ve seen while viewing porn. Something is lost there. I’m no longer with my wife; I’m inside my own head.”



As John Mayer told Playboy, “How could you be constantly synthesizing an orgasm based on dozens of shots? You’re looking for the one photo out of 100 you swear is going to be the one you finish to, and you still don’t finish … How does that not affect the psychology of having a relationship with somebody? It’s got to.” Most of the men I interviewed admitted having a similar habit of jumping quickly from porn clip to porn clip (which explains the rise and popularity of “cumshot” montages and other rapidly edited compilations). Kerner went so far as to coin the term “sexual attention deficit disorder.” For a lot of guys, switching gears from porn’s fireworks and whiz-bangs to the comparatively mundane calm of ordinary sex is like leaving halfway through an Imax 3-D movie to check out a flipbook.



“I used to race home to have sex with my wife,” says Perry, a 41-year-old lawyer. “Now I leave work a half-hour early so I can get home before she does and masturbate to porn.” Throughout the course of our conversation, Perry insists that he’s still attracted to his wife of twelve years. Still, he says, she can’t quite measure up to the porn stars he views online. “Not to be mean, but they’re younger, hotter, and wilder in the sack than my wife,” he says. “Me and her, we still ‘do it’ and everything, but instead of every day, it’s maybe once a week. It’s like I’ve got this ‘other woman’ … and the ‘other woman’ is porn.”



Ron, 27, an architecture student, met his girlfriend when they were both undergrads. She goes to school in another city, and Ron says that for the past couple of years, he’s had weekly “dates” with his favorite porn stars, which he looks forward to all day and even showers and shaves for, as though preparing for a live-action rendezvous. “Mondays are for Gia Jordan,” he says. “Tuesdays for Sasha Grey.” Wednesdays he has a reprieve—a Portuguese night class. “I always look forward to Thursdays the most—Kasey Kox,” he says. “Then, on the weekends, I hang out with my girlfriend.” Occasionally, when he returns to his apartment on Sundays, Ron explains, he roams the web looking for candidates to spend time with on Wednesday nights in case he has leftover energy after his language class. “I don’t like to believe that porn is replacing anything I have with my girlfriend,” he says, “but I’ve always loved sex, and I’ve always had a lot of it, so I really had to stop and think about it when she asked me recently why she always has to be the one to initiate things. And she was right; I guess I’ve been fading from her. It’s like all that time with these porn stars was subduing any physical desire for my girlfriend. And, in some weird way, my emotional need for her, too.”


“I used to race home to have sex with my wife. Now I leave work early so I can get home before she does and masturbate.”


Is it possible that porn is causing men to detach from their partners in more profound ways? Though porn research is the subject of much debate and barb-flinging (with religious groups seizing on any study to prove that porn and masturbation are wrong), scientists speculate that a dopamine-oxytocin combo is released in the brain during orgasm, acting as a “biochemical love potion,” as behavioral therapist Andrea Kuszewski calls it. It’s the reason after having sex with someone, you’re probably more inclined to form an emotional attachment. But you don’t have to actually have sex in order to get those neurotransmitters firing. When you watch porn, “you’re bonding with it,” Kuszewski says. “And those chemicals make you want to keep coming back to have that feeling.” Which allows men not only to get off on porn but to potentially develop a neurological attachment to it. They can, in essence, date porn.



And as tripod-in-the-corner porn evolves into a high-def wonderland, our grasp on whether we’re watching sex or actually having sex may, with the help of oxytocin, loosen. Many of the men I interviewed spoke of the charge they get from watching their favorite porn actresses. But they also had a tendency to describe the act of watching porn as though it were a real sex act they had participated in—making their emotional investment in porn all the more concrete. “I love when Kasey [Kox] is fully clothed and smiling at me from her bed, or I’m doing her from behind,” says Ron, the architecture student. “I get one glimpse of Kasey and I’m so turned on. I get dizzy.”






All of which raises an interesting question: How does having sometimes flaccid, sometimes faked, oftentimes dizzied sex impact the partners on the receiving end? Sadie, 29, a real-estate agent in Boston, quotes performance artist Nicole Blackman to make her point: “ ‘There is no glory in trying to make love to men who only know how to fuck—man after man after man after man raised on porn.’ There have been times in the past,” Sadie continues, “when I would be with someone and thinking, Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck kind of stupid porn have you been watching? Did you just smack my kitty? Dumbass!



“There’s a failure to distinguish between porn reality and reality reality,” says Monika, 27. “One guy kept shouting at me, ‘Ride the cock, ride the cock!’ I was laughing so hard we had to stop.”



As a result of the blending of reality and fantasy, some women have chosen to willingly play along by a new set of rules in order to keep their men interested: They’re intentionally impersonating porn stars. Sadie, the real-estate agent, says, “A lot of guys have come to expect P.S.E. [the “Porn-Star Experience”] as a common thing—snatches waxed bald, access to every hole—and plenty of women are more than happy to provide. A few might enjoy it, but for most it’s harrowing. I think there’s a fear that if they can’t make it happen, their boyfriend will retreat online.”



Monty, 31, an actor from Queens, who between shooting scenes spends about an hour a day masturbating to online porn, says he’s noticed the shift. “I was with a girl who seemed to be in an arms race with porn,” he says. “She had this imaginary Soviet Union she kept trying to out-fuck.”



“Women are turning up the dial,” says Evan, also 31. “I’m a pleaser. I get off on a woman’s arousal. But I’ve noticed that women are getting a lot more vocal now. Either I’m doing something I’m not aware of, or women are beginning to mimic what happens in porn. Honestly, it’s kind of weird. I’m not sure if I like it.”



Tony, 48, a web designer in St. Paul, who separated from his wife a few years ago after twenty years of marriage, echoes the thought. “I’ve always thought it’s really hot when women in porn movies say dirty stuff,” he says. “Usually, they’re just literally narrating the shit that’s happening, giving the play-by-play: ‘You’re fucking me! Your dick’s in my ass! I’m sucking your cock right now!’ For whatever reason, that’s what does it for me. But recently a woman I was with started saying all that stuff, and it just kind of spooked me. She seemed slightly nuts.”



And so a conundrum emerges. Men, oversaturated by porn, secretly hunger for the variety that porn offers. Women, noticing a decline in their partners’ libidos, try to reenact the kinds of scenes that men watch on their computer screens. Men, as a result, get really freaked out. They don’t want their real women and their fantasy women to inhabit the same body. Or, as Ron analogizes: “Remember Ghostbusters? How in love Bill Murray was with Dana, the Sigourney Weaver character? He feels lucky to even get her to agree to a date with him, but then when he shows up at her door, she’s possessed by demons, floating four feet above her bed, begging him to fuck her brains out. And he’s completely rattled by it and can’t get out of there fast enough. Well, that’s what it’s like when your girlfriend suddenly starts acting like a porn queen. You’re like, ‘Baby, where’d you go? I just want my girlfriend back.’ ”



Like any thorough researcher, I decided to investigate a theory. I had heard about something called the National Day of Unplugging, sponsored by the New York–based Jewish group Reboot, which encourages people to take a one-day vacation from their tech. But I chose to unplug in my own way: by refusing to visit the usual series of tawdry websites I frequent before bedtime. Now, I’m certainly not trying to indict porn, or to conclude that it has no place in men’s lives, whether they are alone or in company. And I’ll concede that some couples still find it to be something of a turn-on. But realigning one’s relationship to it might just improve one’s actual relationships—especially if you’re often finding yourself in the bedroom, staring into the eyes of a very confused partner. So I did some realigning.



I went without porn for a day. Then I tried it for two. Then three. On the fourth day, I had the fortune of having sex with a woman. And nothing was faked, although I can only speak for myself.


PALESTINE + VIDEO: An Image/A Conversation—I have no doubt that Palestinians will be victorious, sooner than later

I have no doubt that

Palestinians will be victorious,

sooner than later

by Seham on July 20, 2011


Officer points loaded weapon into face of Palestinian, Palestinian does not back down. 

More from Haaretz:

According to B'Tselem, a human rights organization that uploaded the video, on June 18 IDF forces came to arrest a youth from the village for allegedly throwing stones when his cousin stopped the IDF officer to try to prevent the arrest.

The video shows the IDF officer, a First Lieutenant, shouting and pushing the Palestinian man and then immediately cocking his loaded gun into the man's face. When the man continued to fight with him, the IDF officer again pointed the gun at him.

{ 127 comments… read them below or add one }

chet July 20, 2011 at 2:28 pm

Notwithstanding that I am a huge Haaretz fan, it occasionally appears that its reporting has a tinge of IDF stenography to it.

In this article, the Palestinian man is described as having “stopped” the IDF thug, connoting physical contact, while in fact none occurred – it appears he was verbally trying to get him to stop. Further: “…the man continued to fight” – again, no physical contact even with the IDF thug’s provocation – imagine what would have happened if the Palestinian man had laid hands on him!

Quibbles, I know, but they are Haaretz’s choice of words.

Seham July 20, 2011 at 3:11 pm

Chet, there is a lot of IDF stenography in a lot of Haaretz articles. To be honest I don’t think Haaretz does nearly enough to remind its readers on a daily basis that they are living in a country that is a colonialist apartheid regime oppressing millions. I see articles like this one to be a red herring video to tell the world that they are “mindful” of the crimes of the occupation. It’s not enough for me, not even close.

tree July 20, 2011 at 3:42 pm

Chet, there is a lot of IDF stenography in a lot of Haaretz articles.

Lawrence of Cyberia has done a series of posts on “liberal” Haaretz. Her latest one, from February of this year is here, with links to earlier ones.

link to lawrenceofcyberia.blogs.com

and here’s an except from one in 2004:

Ha’aretz is “liberal” in exactly the same way: it gives a platform to outstanding individuals who will challenge conventional wisdom on Israeli affairs in a way that the newspaper as a whole will not. Amira Hass and Gideon Levy regularly supply eyewitness accounts of the realities of Palestinian life under Israeli occupation that no U.S. newspaper would dare print for fear of the orchestrated outrage that would follow from so-called “friends of Israel”. Danny Rubinstein (on Palestinian affairs), Akiva Eldar (on the peace process) and Gideon Samets (on internal Israeli politics) also regularly report on their respective areas of expertise with a degree of nuance and understanding that defies the “you’re either with us or against us” school of reporting that U.S. newspaper readers have to put up with when it comes to Israel and Palestine. I’m sure I have quoted all of them at various times on this blog.

There is one area of Ha’aretz’ reporting that I doubt I have ever relied on however, and that is their reporting of I.D.F. affairs.

Too often, reports from Ha’aretz’ military analysts consist of an unquestioning repetition of unsubstantiated claims about Palestinian intentions and military capabilities, or an uncritical justification for I.D.F. actions with no analysis, no corroboration and no source except some unnamed, unspecified “military source”. If I wanted to read a press release justifying the I.D.F.’s latest “incursion” or “targetted killing”, or laying the groundwork for the next mass home-razing in Rafah, I could go to the I.D.F.’s homepage: I don’t need to have it regurgitated as “news” on the pages of Ha’aretz. Adding a correspondent’s name to the top of an I.D.F. press release and publishing it in a respected newspaper doesn’t suddenly turn propaganda into journalism.

And here’s another post by Diane(L of C) in 2009 critiquing their reporting.

First, quoting a Haaretz article:

“Two Palestinians were lightly injured Friday following confrontations with settlers near Havat Gilad in the Samaria region.

One of the Palestinians was hurt by rocks hurled at him and the other from an aerosol spray of a yet-to-be-determined nature.

The spat broke out following a dispute over agricultural practices in the area.

Samaria local council officials said that a group of about 25 Palestinians arrived around noon to the vicinity of Havat Gilad and began tending to lands that constitute part of the settlement’s fields.

The officials also said that the settlement’s residents, accustomed to such provocative acts, preferred to avoid a direct conflict with the Palestinians and notified the IDF.

The Palestinians assaulted the settlers, according to the Samaria council official, using rocks and pick-axes until IDF forces arrived 20 minutes later and dispersed the gathering.

The officials said it was unclear how the Palestinians were injured since the settlers “never went near them.”

The Samaria police has commenced investigating the incident, and Israel Police has reported that no arrests were made as of yet.

The two Palestinians injured in the quarrel were evacuated from the scene for medial treatment in a Nablus hospital.”

Then, after posting a long list of reports on the continual violence by Jewish settlers from the (illegal even according to Israel) settlement outpost of Havat Gilad against the Palestinian farmers of Jit, she concludes:

So, now we can put this genteel “spat” into some kind of context, what can we say about Friday’s report in Ha’aretz? A few things that immediately come to mind are:

1. This is not a “spat” or a “quarrel”, it’s almost certainly an assault – the latest in a series of well-documented assaults. Ha’aretz wouldn’t be calling it a “spat” or a “quarrel” if it were two Israelis hospitalized in the latest of a long series of attacks on some kibbutz by infiltrating Palestinians trying to force them off their farmland.

2. Settler violence directed at Palestinian farmers with the intention of intimidating them off their land really isn’t accurately described as “a dispute over agricultural practices”.

3. That farmland doesn’t “constitute part of the settlement’s fields”; illegal settlement outposts don’t have fields. They’re illegal; they don’t have anything except the right to go away.

4. Palestinians farming land they legally own in spite of the illegal presence of Israeli settlers is not a “provocative act”, any more than Palestinian farmland that settlers plonk a trailer on becomes “part of the settlement’s fields”. A so-called professional journalist shouldn’t simply regurgitate these descriptions without comment. This is the ideological terminology of a Yesha press release, not a serious newspaper.

5. On the one hand the incident reportedly began when “The Palestinians assaulted the settlers…using rocks and pick-axes”; on the other hand, the settlers don’t know how any Palestinians could have gotten hurt because the settlers “never went near them.” Well, if the settlers were never anywhere near them, how did the Palestinians assault them? How is that even possible? What’s the range of a pick-axe? Is Ha’aretz content simply to juxtapose whatever contradictory claims the settlers feed them, and call that reporting the news? It’s bad enough that Ha’aretz should dishonestly reduce the latest attack on the farmers of Jit to a he-said-she-said story of a spat between dueling “agricultural practices”; do we really have to put up with internal incoherence too?

The really odd thing about the whole tone of this Orwellian report is that Ha’aretz knows very well the story of the long struggle by farmers in Jit and Far’ata against settlers trying to violently force them off their land, because the story’s already been covered in respected news outlets like … well … Ha’aretz! For example, here’s a feature it ran on the subject of Jewish Israelis who are so appalled by the repeated settler violence carried out on area farmers by settlers acting in the name of the Jewish state that they go to Jit every year to participate in the olive harvest, in the hope that their presence might deter the settlers from attacking the farmers and stealing their crops.

link to lawrenceofcyberia.blogs.com

lysias July 20, 2011 at 7:33 pm

Aren’t Ha’aretz and all other Israeli newspapers under military censorship? That would affect how they can report on matters concerning the IDF.

radii July 20, 2011 at 4:37 pm

remember, Haaretz is widely-read outside of israel – not within israel … and there is no mainstream journalistic organization that can work freely within israel’s “democracy” so facts have to trickle out through a black-market of bloggers and activists and journalists willing to take real risks … yet anyone who is really interested does indeed know that basic outlines of what is going on there and lots of specifics get out too … the wave is building and it will be within a year or two (maybe even September) when Palestinians assert themselves and israel is fully exposed to the world as the pariah murder regime it is

Citizen July 20, 2011 at 6:54 pm

I’m reminded of that list of countries furnished the other day on MW that ranks countries according to their willingness to allow free speech–the US was ranked #20, England #19, and Israel #86, if memory serves.
I think if they got more particular regarding free speech allowance and the I-P conflict, the US would rank at the very bottom of the list.

So much for the mother of free speech, the USA…

Bumblebye July 20, 2011 at 5:28 pm

Perhaps they have the “stenography” flavor from the fact they have to pass the censor! However, this same video plus two more of the same officer – in the last of which a Palestinian man has his hand deliberately broken – are on 972mag:
link to 972mag.com
And is this by the law center that went after Flotilla II in Greece? Watch the “Mission to Israel” video and then book your next hasbaraholiday!
link to antonyloewenstein.com

Dan Crowther July 20, 2011 at 2:33 pm

Eventually, Israeli’s are gonna be faced with trained soldiers pointing their weapons back at them, and it wont be a hodge podge of militia type fighters, but a regular ,uniformed army – and their gonna get their clocks cleaned.

In the words of Bart Scott ( someone has to be a Jets fan on this site) : “Cant Wait”

eee July 20, 2011 at 3:55 pm

Boy, you know nothing about the IDF. But Dan, why don’t you and your buddies wear uniforms and come over? Or who did you have in mind that is going to “clean our clocks”? Some imaginary force riding unicorns?

Taxi July 20, 2011 at 6:27 pm

Try hizbollah on for size eee – uhuh that’s what I thought: hiding under your (stolen) bed again.

James July 21, 2011 at 2:04 am
Citizen July 20, 2011 at 6:56 pm

The US Marines could clean the IDF’s clock easily. If the US quit giving Israel military stuff, it would be even more of a joke.

longliveisrael July 20, 2011 at 10:45 pm

Let’s see, the Marines had one bombing against them in Lebanon and they took off. In Somalia, you had a bunch of ragtag beggars run you off. In Iran you failed miserably in your hostage rescue attempt (remember Israel and Entebbe) In Panama, you had to resort to disco music to flush out Noriega. In Grenada, you barely were able to take on 600 Cubans. It’s the Air Force and Cruise missles that wins battles for the US, and even then not always. American soldiers, marines, like to think of themselves as Rambo, but the reality says otherwise.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 2:42 am

Let’s see, the Marines had one bombing against them in Lebanon and they took off.

So would Israel had they lost more than 200 in a single hit. Israel called in quits in 2006 after losing 110.

In Somalia, you had a bunch of ragtag beggars run you off.

A bunch of ragtag beggars with weapons yes.

remember Israel and Entebbe

Remember Shalit and the 3 Israelis captured by Hezbollah?

In Panama, you had to resort to disco music to flush out Noriega.

In Lebanon, you caught the wrong Nasrallah.

In Grenada, you barely were able to take on 600 Cubans.

In Lebanon you got your buts kicked by a few thousand Hezbollah. TWICE!!

American soldiers, marines, like to think of themselves as Rambo, but the reality says otherwise.

Perhaps, but they would eat IDF nancy boys for breakfast.

Let’s not forget that one retired and unarmed marine on the Mavi Marmara disarmed two Israel elite commandos.

Dan Crowther July 21, 2011 at 8:46 am


true, reagan pulled the Marines out of Lebanon. imagine a right winger doing that today….
The Marines in Somalia actually never got attacked- we wore black boots, the Army wore tan boots – The Somali’s actually had “standing orders” not to fire on the guys in black boots…..true story. And blackhawk down and such were all Army operations.
The Iranian hostage rescue was actually Navy Seals, and it was helo crash, not Iranians giving it to Seals and Marines.

You can dump on the American Military all you want, but I’d leave the Marine Corps alone, we’re a different breed of cat.

Daniel Rich July 20, 2011 at 7:47 pm

I can give you 119 reasons as to why beating the crap out of women and murdering kids will eventually backfire link to mfa.gov.il

Dan Crowther July 20, 2011 at 10:13 pm


Ive actually helped to train the IDF. I’m a former US Marine that was stationed at 29 Palms California, and was part of a battalion that ran the combined arms ranges. pilots, tank and artillery commanders from several countries ( including Israel) came through there….Im not taking credit for any command experience, but we certainly showed folks how to use and do stuff….. So, there.

But dont worry eee, im not much for uniforms anymore – and neither are most of my friends.

semper fidelis,


Shingo July 20, 2011 at 10:34 pm

Fascinating Dan,

Out of curiosity, when you were referring to Israelis facing trained soldiers pointing their weapons back at them, who were you referring to?

Dan Crowther July 21, 2011 at 8:51 am

Well, I was thinking of an army comprised of all the “fighters” from all over the middle east that have been getting a sht ton of live training the last decade. and it wont be a rag-tag group, it will be men who fought the american monolith and recently. so maybe not a “regular” army but certainly comprised of experienced and well trained soldiers. The key word in my original post being “eventually” – I really dont know who it would be, but hizbollah kicked their ass in southern lebanon, and every single country in the world knows it……

richb July 21, 2011 at 3:10 pm

Heck, just look at what a single unarmed Marine could do against them. From the UN report on the 2010 flotilla:

A fight ensued between passengers and the first soldiers to descend onto the top deck that resulted in at least two soldiers being pushed down onto the bridge deck below, where they were involved in struggles with groups of passengers who attempted to take their weapons. The equipment jacket of at least one soldier was removed as he was pushed over the side of the deck. A number of weapons were taken from the soldiers by passengers and thrown into the sea: one weapon, a 9-mm pistol, was unloaded by a passenger, a former U.S. Marine, in front of witnesses and then hidden in another part of the ship in an attempt to retain evidence.

116. A number of the passengers on the top deck fought with the soldiers using their fists, sticks, metal rods and knives.69 At least one of the soldiers was stabbed with a knife or other sharp object. Witnesses informed the Mission that their objective was to subdue and disarm the soldiers so that they could not harm anyone. The Mission is satisfied on the evidence that at least two passengers on the bridge deck also used handheld catapults to propel small projectiles at the helicopters. [My note: who's the David and who's the Goliath?] The Mission has found no evidence to suggest that any of the passengers used firearms or that any firearms were taken on board the ship. Despite requests, the Mission has not received any medical records or other substantiated information from the Israeli authorities regarding any firearm injuries sustained by soldiers participating in the raid. Doctors examined the three soldiers taken below decks and no firearm injuries were noted. Further, the Mission finds that the Israeli accounts so inconsistent and contradictory with regard to evidence of alleged firearms injuries to Israeli soldiers that it has to reject it.

Here’s one of the terrible weapons the fearless IDF fought valiantly against:

At least one of those killed was using a video camera and not involved in any of the fighting with the soldiers.

Some more:

As the seriousness of incidents on the outer decks became apparent, there was growing concern among some of the flotilla organisers that holding the captured Israeli soldiers may have serious implications for the security of all passengers on board.74 It was decided that the soldiers should be released and they were taken to the bow of the lower deck. Once on the bow deck two of the soldiers jumped into the sea and were picked up by Israeli boats. The third soldier did not jump and was rapidly joined by Israeli soldiers who came down from the top deck.

Think of this. Civilians with no firearms disarmed, captured and released three special forces soldiers who fled in abject terror. Think what a modern, armed, regular army could do.

Dan Crowther July 21, 2011 at 3:53 pm

Thanks Rich, for that. I was about to post the same thing. I can say for certain that Israeli fighter pilots are very very good and very professional – but based on my experiences, with the IDF officer class, i would have serious doubts about their ability to hold up against a modern force, to say nothing of the general lethality of their military. i think they fired something like 5 million rounds of different armaments during Cast Lead – thats a WHOLE LOT. “sprayin and prayin” as we called it……

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 7:14 pm

That’s a fair comment Dan,

After all, Hezbollah wouldn’t be the formidable force it is today, were it not for the 18 years of Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon.

pineywoodslim July 20, 2011 at 10:40 pm

I may be incorrect as to the source, but I believe it was General Schwarzkopf back in the 80′s during the cold war who stated that the Israeli army wouldn’t last 30 minutes in a war on the central plains of Europe.

I have also read that the Israeli army is notoriously undisciplined–as should be obvious by that video.

ToivoS July 20, 2011 at 11:11 pm

People here are having fun ridiculing the IDF, today they certainly deserve it. However in 1948, 1956 and 1967 they were definitely an fighting force worthy of that name. In 1948 the IDF (or whatever it was called, Stern gang, hagana, Irgun…) was made up of trained soldiers with combat experience during WWII. In fact the Zionist organizations encouraged their youth to volunteer to join the British army to gain combat experience.

What changed is that the IDF over the last 30 years has become an army of occupation — their only experience has been in suppressing mostly unarmed civilians and terrorizing civilians. This has seriously degraded their ability to fight real armed combatants. The IDFs showing in Lebanon in 2006 showed the whole world how ineffective they have become.

Basically, the IDF outnumbered the Hezbollah fighters by 20 to 1, they had complete air dominance and total artillery superiority. Hezbollah had only committed fighters with small arms and some very lethal antitank weapons. In addition, they had good mortars and ground to ground missiles. The net result was that 150 Israeli soldiers versus 185 Hezbollah fighters were killed. In addition Hezbollah destroyed a number of those fearsome Merkava tanks and other APCs. At the end Israel was unable to hold on to any of the territory they tried to conquer.

Uri Avnery described this at the time (BTW, Uri’s brother died fighting with the British in Egypt against Rommel’s corps during this time when the Zionists were encouraging their youth to fight during WWII). The whole military world knows that Israel no longer has an army that can confront a real dedicated and trained opposition.

The IDF has been totally corrupted by being nothing more than an army of occupation suppressing unarmed civilians.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 2:50 am

What changed is that the IDF over the last 30 years has become an army of occupation — their only experience has been in suppressing mostly unarmed civilians and terrorizing civilians.

There’s a saying that if you’re only fighting a weak enemy, you become weak. The IDF have become lazy, soft and pamapered and heavily dependent on state of the art weaponry.

One of the reasons given for the defeat of the IDF in 2006 was that none of them were willing to die for their country, whereas Hezbollah were.

What really sums up the attrophy of the IDF was their claim that the Gaza turkey shoot was their belief that they had regained their deterrance capacity. In other words, by picking on a soft target, they believed they regained their street cred (as Witty woudl call it).

How pathetic is that?

eee July 21, 2011 at 10:09 am

500-600 Hezbollah fighters lost their life in the 2006 war.
link to en.wikipedia.org

Since the border with Lebanon has never been more quiet since 2006, it is clear Israel won the war. Yes, there were failures in planning. Halutz (chief of staff at that time) thought he could win just by using air power. That was a major mistake.

marc b. July 21, 2011 at 10:50 am

brilliant, eee-ah. the kill-ratio theory of victory. it worked so well for the US in vietnam. the only ‘success’ enjoyed by israel in 2006 was the wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure and the lacing of s. lebanon with bomblets to be found by lebanese children and farmers.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 7:18 pm

500-600 Hezbollah fighters lost their life in the 2006 war.

According to thaty wonderfulyl reliable source of factual informations….the IDF. the same IDF that got their butts kicked.

The following sentence says “Sources can be conflicting.”

Thanks for the comic relief eee.

Since the border with Lebanon has never been more quiet since 2006

False. The border was more quiet between 2000 and 2006. After all, since 2006. there was a firefight between Israeli and Lebanese forces and Israel kidpnapped a Lebanese man earlier this year.

Yes, there were failures in planning. Halutz (chief of staff at that time) thought he could win just by using air power.

Theyu tried sending in greound troops and gthey got their asses kicked, so air power and gound troops wasn’t going to win it either.

Cliff July 20, 2011 at 3:04 pm

IDF is an army of 18-year-old brainwashed thugs. They are professionally trained bullies, with a God-complex.

marc b. July 20, 2011 at 3:33 pm

agreed. it’s hard not to want to see them get their ass kicked when they so regularly beat up and kill men, women and children. unfortunately the ass kicking would likely be part of a larger mess, which i don’t wish on israelis or palestinians.

but take heart. the israelis treat everyone like sh@t, even their nominal friends.

link to cryptogon.com

i like the bit in the story where new zealand forces confront the israeli ‘rescue’ team. would have been satisfying to hear that they shot a few rounds over their heads at least given that israel so blatantly violates new zealand sovereignty.

tree July 20, 2011 at 5:49 pm

marc b.

Haaretz had an article about that too, although it was more abbreviated.

link to haaretz.com

eee July 20, 2011 at 3:56 pm

The IDF is one of the best armies in the world Cliff, get used to it.

Cliff July 20, 2011 at 5:57 pm

No they aren’t. They have faced very few real challenges. Their victories have been exaggerated and mythologized, as have their opponents strength and efforts.

The best example is the 1948 War.

An army of crooks, who everyday face down men, women and children.

You subjugate virtually helpless people, so you can steal their land and resources. You deny these people even exist, so it makes it easier in your mind to steal from them.

marc b. July 20, 2011 at 6:13 pm

the idf is soft, and wouldn’t fare well against similarly armed forces. they would be embarassed in a confrontation with any americans or Brits with experience in iraq or afghanistan, and they had their ass handed to them in s. lebanon in 2006. get used to it.

Shingo July 20, 2011 at 10:36 pm

They also had their ass handed to them in Lebanon in 2000.

Citizen July 21, 2011 at 6:07 am

Poll: What country has the best trained military?: link to bestandworst.com

(Top 3: Brits, Americans [by far], Israelis, in that order)

Poll: What nation has the best best military?: link to bestandworst.com

(Top 4: Americans, Brits, Turkey, Israel, in that order)

Who are the best soldiers in the world?: link to wiki.answers.com

(Depends on context, see the details on this web site: re IDF: conclusion: “Good – yes. Exceptional? No,”)

2011 World military strength rankings (by country;excerpt of top ten):

1. USA
2. Russia
3. China
4. India
5. UK
6. Turkey
7. S Korea
8. France
9. Japan
10. Israel

link to globalfirepower.com

chet July 20, 2011 at 6:39 pm

What about the reports of the brave and intrepid Israeli soldiers holed up in a house under fire during the Lebanon incursion soiling themselves in fear.

Charon July 20, 2011 at 6:50 pm

LOL! Is that why they got their butts handed to them by the Hezbollah? An unorganized resistance group using mostly amateur weapons?

The IDF have never faced a serious war. EVER. They’re weak. They have advanced and mostly US technology which makes them powerful, but the actual soldiers are cowards. Just like in the video with the coward pointing the gun. All the comments saying “what about xxxxxx? nobody died so who cares” But that’s just rule #4 everything sucks.

You don’t point guns at unarmed civilians. Unless you’re a cowardly criminal thug. Let’s see, in 1948 IDF only faced one ‘real’ army in Jordan. Contrary to popular belief, nobody ‘won’ that war. If they ‘won’ then the we wouldn’t have the status quo still in effect. In 1967 IDF destroyed (from the air) Egyptian and Syrian military targets. That’s how they ‘won’ that war.

Using Lebanon and the Palestinians for target practice over the years doesn’t make your army any good. If the US marines ever fought the IDF, they’d all go down like dominoes.

Shingo July 20, 2011 at 10:39 pm

Let’s see, in 1948 IDF only faced one ‘real’ army in Jordan.

Very good point, and Jordan had already promised the British that they would not push into Israeli territory. The British had concluded a deal with the Zionists that there would be no confrontation between the Jordanian Arab army and the Jewish forces. This is why Glubb later called the ’48 war, the phony war.

James July 21, 2011 at 2:10 am

charon – your comment reflects the video up at the top very succinctly..

“You don’t point guns at unarmed civilians. Unless you’re a cowardly criminal thug.”

Egbert July 21, 2011 at 9:15 am

He is also wearing a tee shirt. Who does he think he is? Someone who has the right to bare arms?

Also look at the 3rd IDF thug near the stairs at the rear of the shot at about 1:00. He is absolutely terrified of unarmed civilians – the guy with bare arms has scared him sh*tless.

MRW July 20, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Not according to US Colonel Lang, who was DIA + Liaison Officer in the Middle East for a long time. He said the IDF wasn’t really an army, more like a police force. Said the soldiers were undisciplined and were trained by 24-year-olds who did not have military discipline themselves.

radii July 20, 2011 at 4:32 pm

that sums it up neatly, Cliff

seafoid July 20, 2011 at 6:08 pm

The IDF at this stage is no more than a colonial police force.
What does the picture show? A European Jew with a gun in the Middle East. It is still ludicrous
63 years on.

Citizen July 20, 2011 at 7:00 pm

The IDf looie reminds me of a nerd playing macho in his mother’s basement. He’s a disgrace. The Israelis have chosen this guy as their replacement “light to the world.” They get a lot out of those old German movies, don’t they?

justicewillprevail July 20, 2011 at 7:47 pm

The IDF are kids with guns. Real tough guys when the targets are civilians, journalists, women and children. But put them in an equal fight and they are a bunch of crybabies. Like the KKK, all front, pointy heads and air-for-brains racists.

libra July 21, 2011 at 9:18 am

seafoid: “A European Jew with a gun in the Middle East.”

He didn’t look any different from the Palestinian to me. What’s specifically European about him? Really seafoid, your continual comparison of Israelis to Europeans says much more about you than anything else. The Israelis are out there on there own, nothing really European about their behaviour at all. If anything, I would say they are reverting to biblical times but with modern weapons (that might explain their fascination with white phosphorus shells – those airbursts literally look like Yahweh smiting their enemies).

That said, the Zionist influence via the elite could be dragging Europe down as it has America. Yet another reason to fight it.

Taxi July 21, 2011 at 10:00 am

Most israeli citizens are of european origin – just look at the frigging Knesset members! How many of them even ‘look’ like brown-skinned mideastern semites?

Also read up on the Khazar of central Europe.

“The Israelis are out there on there own, nothing really European about their behaviour at all.”

Hahahaha you’re kidding, right?!

libra July 21, 2011 at 10:46 am

Taxi: “Hahahaha you’re kidding, right?!”

No I’m not. Where in Europe to you find this behaviour to be the norm? Don’t give the Zionists easy excuses with lazy racially-based thinking.

As for the Khazars, you’d be foolish to get drawn into this blind-alley as an explanation for anything. Only of interest to a serious student of human migration.

Taxi July 21, 2011 at 11:09 am


I have no interest in linking you to the facts of history – you go google and you go discern for yourself!

But I’ll give you a teenee weenee puny little hint: zionism itself is an 18th century european colonialist ideology – duh!

And actually, YOU’RE the “blind-alley” that dismisses chunks of history to suit their perverse definition of what is the ‘norm’. Wow the audacity and folly of your dismissing the seismic effects of “human migration”! So like you ever heard of ‘genealogy’? Ever heard of ‘geopolitics’?

Yeah you probably have but ‘prefer’ to dismiss them too huh?

libra July 21, 2011 at 12:18 pm

Taxi: “But I’ll give you a teenee weenee puny little hint: zionism itself is an 18th century european colonialist ideology – duh!”

Early Zionism was undoubtedly a product of its time, place and people. So it blended colonialism, “volkish” thinking, socialism, Judaism and no doubt more. But so what? Zionism is not an immutable idea that is tied to a specific “racial group”, nor is any “racial group” tied to immutable ideas.

Israel is essentially an isolated place with its own language, the perfect place for it’s culture to rapidly evolve in a unique direction. And of course Europe’s culture has changed after two world-wars, but in a very different direction. Just compare modern Israel with modern Germany, for instance. I just don’t see much resemblance, except perhaps the faces in the Knesset may have a passing resemblance to those in the Bundestag.

Israel may like to show a “European” face to the world, but don’t fall for it. The two are far apart today. Indeed, America with the rise of the Old Testament-leaning religious right is much closer in attitude to Israel.

But the reason I bring this up is a serious one. Israel’s behaviour is against global norms. It does not help to build a global coalition against it, which needs to include European countries, by making these poor (and very lazy) comparisons.

Taxi July 21, 2011 at 12:43 pm

Oh the ‘exceptionalist’ argument, yeah right Libra. “Lazy”, yeah right again you are.

Shingo July 20, 2011 at 8:26 pm

IDF is an army of 18-year-old brainwashed thugs. They are professionally trained bullies, with a God-complex.

More like professionally trained Dough Boys, who would wet themselves if ever they had to stare down anyone armed as well as they were.

eljay  July 20, 2011 at 3:27 pm

>> The video shows the IDF officer, a First Lieutenant, shouting and pushing the Palestinian man and then immediately cocking his loaded gun into the man’s face. When the man continued to fight with him, the IDF officer again pointed the gun at him.
>> “On the surface this looks like a serious incident.”

You bet it does. Why, it’s enough to make a Zio-supremacist want to touch himself! 8-o

Anyway, the IDF thug was right to raise his weapon. The Palestinian man clearly possesses fists, so we cannot say that he was “unarmed”.

Mndwss July 20, 2011 at 3:47 pm

This made me think about the stories my father told me about how he and other children threw stones at German soldiers in occupied Norway. He was living in a building on a cliff above the soldiers in the harbor. I asked him if he was scared. He said no, throwing stones from a distance is not dangerous if you hide when you see the flash from guns shooting back. The scary part came later.

The scary part was when the soldiers came to the building looking for the children.

Citizen July 20, 2011 at 7:02 pm

Yep. And that’s a perceptive historical analogy, Mndwss. The only difference is that the German soldiers kept themselves cleaner and neater. And, oh yeah, they actually could face a strong opponent, and did.

Rag July 21, 2011 at 10:13 am

Perfect analogy. Palestine is occupied, and any population has the right to defend itself and have an active resistance against an occupation. Quoting from our phone book in Sweden during the cold war, ‘Any message that the resistance should end is false.’ The same page contained tips on how you could resist and perform simple sabotage while still qualifying as a non-combatant.

seethelight July 20, 2011 at 4:41 pm

The video frame on this blog post (above), with the IDF soldier’s rifle barrel only inches from the Palestinian’s face, captures in exquisite detail the depth of depravity to which the IDF, and the Israeli society it represents, has fallen. (What courage it must have taken for this unarmed Palestinian to stand his ground.) The IDF is an army of state-sponsored thugs. And, yes, won’t Israelis be shocked when these state-trained hoodlums begin pointing weapons at them in the not too distant future. Because that’s the direction Israel civil society is headed.

This photo frame should be made into a poster! It is powerful.

tree July 20, 2011 at 5:43 pm

What courage it must have taken for this unarmed Palestinian to stand his ground.

Yes, my thought exactly. Although, sadly, I imagine that he’s probably had a lot of unrequested and undesired practice at it.

annie July 20, 2011 at 6:48 pm

This photo frame should be made into a poster!

i want one!

eljay  July 20, 2011 at 8:18 pm

>> (What courage it must have taken for this unarmed Palestinian to stand his ground.)

Yup. And it’s easy for a scrawny supremacist to be a tough guy when he’s got a gun in his hand, his government’s blessing to commit murder and the world’s sympathy for his (aggressor-)victimhood.

Damn you, Hamas!!!

mudder July 20, 2011 at 9:48 pm

Such a powerful video frame! Please, someone make a good quality still image. It would make a great poster.

DICKERSON3870 July 20, 2011 at 5:50 pm

RE: “I have no doubt that Palestinians will be victorious, sooner than later” ~ Seham

From: Josh Ruebner, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:24 AM
To: dickerson
Subject: John, Tell U.S. Not to Veto Palestine UN Membership in Security Council

TAKE ACTION: Tell U.S. Not to Veto Palestine’s Membership in UN Security Council – link to salsa.democracyinaction.org

Citizen July 20, 2011 at 7:14 pm
Cliff July 20, 2011 at 6:00 pm

The Palestinians are very patient. Having to endure this bullshit everyday.

Kids being convicted of crimes for throwing rocks at soldiers of the occupying army. The soldiers safe-guarding the religious fanatical colonists who steal from and abuse the Palestinians. These soldiers, who regularly humiliate elders in Palestinian society. Kids having to watch their parents treated like dirt in front of them. Parents watching their kids treated like animals.

Disgusting. Even if the IDF were ‘the best trained’ – no decent person would give a damn. Monsters is what they are.

seafoid July 20, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Keep up the good work, Israel

This is just unbelievable. They really think this is going to fly and half a million settlers will pull it off.

link to haaretz.com

The Knesset passed a preliminary reading on Wednesday of a bill that would extend Israeli law to museums in West Bank settlements. The bill passed by a vote of 51 to 9. According to its creator, National Union MK Uri Ariel, the bill is the first in a series whose purpose is to strengthen Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank and put an end to the “humiliating discrimination” against the settlers.

This is what the Board of Deputies in the UK, the ZOA, AIPAC, the French Jews, the German Jews, the Australian Jews are doing by their tacit support – they are condemning Zionism to death .

Bumblebye July 20, 2011 at 7:09 pm

How can you “strenthen…sovereignty” where you have none?
And is it regular Israel doing the “humiliating discrimination” against illegal settlements in this case, since the museums are in them?

Shingo July 20, 2011 at 8:31 pm

This is just unbelievable. They really think this is going to fly and half a million settlers will pull it off.

Why so outraged Seafoid? Didn’t you listen to Witty? The two state soluition is alive and well.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Taxi July 20, 2011 at 6:39 pm

Bravo Palestine.

Eff you israel.

Bravo Palestine AGAIN!

So patient, so righteous, so noble, so brave, so beautiful!

I lllllllllllllove ya, yer men, yer women, yer children – everything ’bout you I just forever love!

longliveisrael July 20, 2011 at 10:49 pm

You don’t wonder why he is supposedly not afraid? Would he do the same if faced with Hamas thugs? Syrian security? Not bloody likely. He knows very well that Israeli soldiers operate under a moral code. Of course, none of you will accept that, but I speak from direct experience.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 2:44 am

You don’t wonder why he is supposedly not afraid?

He’s not afraid because he’s not afraif to die. Israel kill more civlians than Syrian security or Hamas.

He knows very well that Israeli soldiers operate under a moral code.

You might have a point. After all, he wasn’t a 13 year sold girl, so maybe he figured he was safe.

Cliff July 21, 2011 at 4:10 am

Israeli soldiers have no moral code. What stopped him was his own fear.

Often Zionists will say “Israel didn’t seek to inflict devastation on the civilian life/infrastructure in Gaza” because the IDF hadn’t ‘nuked’ it into oblivion.

Essentially, if Israel isn’t shoving people into ovens or wiping them off the map, nothing they actually do is a bad thing.

It’s always relative to what X, Y, and Z countries do. Hence, they whitewash their own criminality.

At the same time, Israel and its supporters justify their actions due to terrorism or more specifically, for example, the rockets fired at S’Derot.

So they whitewash their own crimes and downplay the suffering of the Palestinians by comparing the Israel-Palestine conflict to some OTHER conflict.

So, if we follow their argumentation style, we could say ‘don’t whine about suicide bombing, YOU kill far more civilians than the Palestinian terrorists have AND you occupy, steal from, murder, abuse, and humiliate them – all without reproach.

They use an irrelevant comparison as a tactic, and we use a relevant one.

Yesh Din studies show how there is virtually no accountability within the IDF in the territories. And of course, all the news stories about IDF shootings of civilians, abuse, etc. Protecting racist, abusive and often murderous settlers. Etc.

Only deluded Christian fanatics, the far-right, and Zionists believe in the moral stature of the IDF.

RobertB July 21, 2011 at 11:18 am

Hey lli-Lie

>> “He knows very well that Israeli soldiers operate under a moral code. Of course, none of you will accept that, but I speak from direct experience.”

Hmmm… “Israeli soldiers operate under a moral code”!!!

You must think that Americans, Europeans & others are naive to fall for your hasbara & deceptive lies.

Israeli IDF thugs/killers shoot & murder 9 & 10 year old Palestinian boys & girls…or any Arab/Palestinian regardless of age and/or gender… And they NEVER have to spend one hour in prison…NEVER!

They slaughtered 1400 Palestinians in Gaza most of the dead were civilians and many were women & children {December 2008-January 2009}. They used the most sophisticated American made weapons…500 pounds plus bombs, missiles…etc… on homes, neighborhoods…Israel’s IDF even gunned down unarmed Palestinian civilians holding white flags. To top it all, they used their “white phosphorus”, a chemical weapon, on a civilian population. The Israeli army/IDF at first denied using white phosphorus…and only after investigation & witnesses results…Israel’s army admitted to the use of white phosphorus in Gaza.

Nice operational moral code for your Israeli IDF killers…eh!!!

Israel & AIPAC/zionist controlled US News media called the heavy military assault on Gaza…A war!!! How could it be a war when the Palestinians have NO army, no tanks, no Apache helicopters, no fighter jets, no missiles, no navy, no air force…etc… The Palestinians had a few rifles…and home made “rockets” that are about as accurate as fire crackers.

Israel’s army/IDF have NO moral code … if they did, there would be less deaths of Palestinian/Arab children, women, grandmothers, grandfathers….

annie July 20, 2011 at 6:47 pm

throwing stones my ass. so f’ing what! show these friggin iof bullys for what they’re really made, of. they need rifles to feel like men. what wimps.

Kate July 20, 2011 at 6:52 pm

I find it fascinating how the Israeli army occasionally decides to make a big thing out of a relatively minor outrage (not at all minor to the Palestinian victim, obviously, but minor compared to even worse behavior – see story below), apparently in the hope that the rest of the world will think ‘What a moral army!’ They always seem to choose some action which won’t result in serious jail time for the perp.

BTW, look at the Ynet version of the gun-to-head story to see how badly the brave victim (and his family) were affected by the actions of this soldier once the adrenaline wore off: link to ynetnews.com
“The Palestinian man told Ynet that since the incident he has been having trouble returning to the site and is no longer able to drive his cab. “I don’t understand why they did it to me. I’m just a person who wishes to live, with a wife and four children. My wife is also scared after a weapon was aimed at her husband, and the children aren’t doing too well either.” Haaretz didn’t go into that.

Now consider the behavior described below — shooting and ultimately killing an innocent young man on his way to pick up his family. It clearly wouldn’t do for the army to admit to this deed. Only Gideon Levy seems to think this outrage worth mentioning; certainly the Israeli army is not going after the perps in this case (which was in my Today in Palestine list yesterday but engendered no comments):

link to haaretz.com

Twilight Zone: Drive-by shooting / Gideon Levy

Haaretz 15 July — Jalal Al-Masri was fatally shot by soldiers while driving to collect his family for a weekend vacation in Eilat. Six months after the incident, his bereaved family are still looking for answers — What happened in January this year? During that month, Israel Defense Forces soldiers, using live ammunition, killed three Palestinians in incidents at checkpoints and another, aged 66, as he slept in his bed. In the six months since, not one Palestinian has been killed in the West Bank. Last week, however, the fifth casualty from January died. The circumstances of his death are especially puzzling and infuriating.

Jalal Al-Masri was a 28-year-old truck driver from Jerusalem’s mixed Arab-Jewish Abu Tor neighborhood, married and the father of two children. He carried cargo between Ashdod and Sde Uziyahu, a village near the port. He had a blue ‏(Israeli‏) ID card and yellow ‏(Israeli‏) license plates on his private Peugeot 205. Before becoming a truck driver, he worked as a domestic in the Eldan Hotel in Jerusalem. His brother, Jamil, a taxi driver in Jerusalem, says Jalal loved his work; he once suggested that he switch to the public transport sphere, like him, but Jalal declined.

He had no security or criminal background, was never arrested or interrogated, never “belonged,” and was never “active.” He liked to vacation in Eilat, with his wife, Safaa, who is from the southern West Bank town of Idna, and their two small children, Khalil, four, and Razal, two and a half. They had been married for five years. Last January they planned to spend a weekend in Eilat at their favorite hotel. It was cold in Jerusalem, and the family wanted to bask in southern sunshine for a couple of days.

Late in the evening of Thursday, January 20, Jalal left his home for Idna, to pick up his wife and children ‏(who were there for a short family visit‏), ahead of the trip to Eilat early the next morning. Jalal was in good spirits, say his two brothers, Jamil and Hakham. He had supper with his parents and left Abu Tor for Idna around 10 P.M. in his Peugeot. The details of what happened on the way are few and very unclear. What’s known is that around noon the next day, the police called Hakham and told him Jalal had been injured in a road accident and was in Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem.

Jalal had driven south on Highway 60. He was shot with live ammunition by soldiers who were standing on the roadside outside the town of Halhul, near Hebron. Three bullets tore through the rear window of the Peugeot; no bullet struck the wheels or other parts of the vehicle. One bullet hit Jalal in the back of the head and exited through the front, doing lethal damage to his brain….

Cliff July 20, 2011 at 7:35 pm

link to ynetnews.com

Check out the Zionists in the comments section. These people are insane.

Kathleen July 20, 2011 at 10:01 pm

insane, violent, dangerous

Kathleen July 20, 2011 at 9:57 pm

And he probably would have pulled the trigger if there were not cameras

Shingo July 20, 2011 at 10:08 pm

Seriously Kathleen,

It’s obvious that the IDF guy was only defending himself. He has that right, haven’t you heard?

Witty would call this “humanising the other”.

Chaos4700 July 20, 2011 at 10:48 pm

Yeah. To Witty, human is to humanizing as fish is to fishing.

James July 21, 2011 at 2:17 am

witty never shows himself on threads like this…

i guess he is hiding under the table with eee…

Cliff July 21, 2011 at 4:12 am

Dick Witty always ignores the facts-on-the-ground types of reporting.

He only posts in academic discussions about how to end the conflict.

However, in his case, he is not interested in ending it. He spams the same garbage over and over (is awarded his own topic for it) and essentially talks to himself, while every anti-Zionist on this blog (including me) fall for it and take the time to refute his lies.

That is the flow-chart for Richard Witty on Mondoweiss. And in another 10,000 comments it will not change. Phil will likely award the troll another congratulatory post.

Kathleen July 20, 2011 at 10:07 pm

New Terror Report Warns of Insider Threat to Utilities
link to abcnews.go.com

Few talk about why so many people still want to attack the US. Hell Diane Rehm has stopped doing shows on the Israeli Palestinian conflict and so has Neil Conan. The I lobby is closing down the openings

Colin Murray July 21, 2011 at 5:49 am

The IDF ground force, Col. Patrick Lang, Sic Semper Tyrannis

As a result of this system of manning, the IDF’s ground force is more unpredictable and volatile at the tactical (company) level than might be the case otherwise. The national government has a hard time knowing whether or not specific policies will be followed in the field. For example, the Israeli government’s policy in the present action in the Gaza Strip has been to avoid civilian casualties whenever possible. Based on personal experience of the behavior of IDF conscripts toward Palestinian civilians, I would say that the Israeli government has little control over what individual groups of these young Israeli soldiers may do in incidents like the one yesterday in which mortar fire was directed toward UN controlled school buildings.

In Beit Suhur outside Bethlehem, I have seen IDF troops shoot at Palestinian Christian women hanging out laundry in their gardens. This was done with tank coaxial machine guns from within a bermed up dirt fort a couple of hundred yards away, and evidently just for the fun of it. In Bethlehem a lieutenant told me that he would have had his men shoot me in the street during a demonstration that I happened to get caught in, but that he had not because he thought I might not be a Palestinian and that if I were not the incident would have caused him some trouble. I have seen a lot of things like that. One might say that in war, s–t happens. That is true, but such behavior is indicative of an army that is not well disciplined and not a completely reliably instrument of state policy. In my travels in the west Bank in March of 2008, it was noticeable that the behavior towards Palestinian civilians of IDF troops at roadblocks was reminiscent of that of any group of post-adolescents given guns and allowed to bully the helpless in order to look tough for each other. I think the IDF would be well advised to grow some real sergeants.

dimadok July 21, 2011 at 8:28 am

I was the platoon sergeant in IDF during the second intifada. Although I do not endorse the behavior of that particular officer I can assure that vast majority of the soldiers are trained, hardened and can take any challenge thrown at them. We are the real sergeants and it seems that most of people forget the fact that at half of the IDF troops are reservist force, at their late 20s to 40s years old. So keep on your rants about child- thugs with gun, it only makes us more resilient to stand our ground.
P.S. Please do not tempt the IDF from your own comfortable places- it seems childish and immature.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 9:03 am

I can assure that vast majority of the soldiers are trained, hardened and can take any challenge thrown at them.

Provided those challenges are limited to the Palestinian youths throwing rocks.

So keep on your rants about child- thugs with gun, it only makes us more resilient to stand our ground.

Yeah, all that resilience was on full display in 2006, as those trained, hardened men came back, crying into their hankershiefs – that is, the ones that didn’t go AWOL.

It seems your traned and hardened colleagues can’t even deal with fighting an enemy that is unarmed.
link to haaretz.com

And more recently, it seems your, ahem “trained, hardened” colleagues are still losing control of their bodily functions at the first sight of their fellow trained, hardened colleagues geting th chit kicked out of them

Flotilla evokes post-traumatic stress in former soldiers
link to ynetnews.com

Please do not tempt the IDF from your own comfortable places- it seems childish and immature.

Why, are you afraid you might lose control of your own bodily functions?

In any case, I wouldn’t worry about the IDF being tempted by anyone other than an unarmed Palestinian, or a peace activist on a boat – it’s not like your Dough Boys have taste for taking on anyone who can fight back.

Taxi July 21, 2011 at 10:11 am

LOL dimdock and oooooooh you’re like soooooo scary.


LOL the arrogance and lies of idf soldiers like dimdock who come here to Mondoweiss to set us all straight! Gee thanks for the bad joke you jerk!

“… childish and immature”. What’s the difference between these two words huh? NOT MUCH! But they show you’re very upset (cold rage). See: you really are a thin-skinned jerk who can’t handle even verbal confrontations let alone physical ones.

Bumblebye July 21, 2011 at 11:07 am

You should take a look at this ape with a gun! I don’t think he’s had much training:
link to youtube.com

The little guy’s naked too. Can’t tell whose army he belongs to.

Djinn July 21, 2011 at 12:21 pm

Please do not tempt the IDF from your own comfortable places- it seems childish and immature

My experience in ‘tempting’ (by the way what exactly do you mean by that, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and asssume that it’s simply a case of ESL rather than the far less flattering interpretation) was in the West Bank. I did not have skunk water, tear gas, riot gear, guns and total legal impunity. From where I stood THEY were the childish, not to mention cowardly, racist and obnoxious ones.

Perhaps you shouldn’t ‘tempt’ Palestinians from your safe place, ie as a member of the apartheid class.

annie July 21, 2011 at 12:26 pm

do not tempt the IDF

oh my, a warning. yawn.

American July 21, 2011 at 2:45 pm

“P.S. Please do not tempt the IDF from your own comfortable places- it seems childish and immature”

rotflmao…..you’re funny.
But I guess there’s only one way to settle this.
The pro Americans in the DOD and CIA do a false flag attack on the US or it’s overseas interest and set up the Israelis as the culprits.
Maybe something like an attack on a US military base in the ME in Iraq since the Israeli motive of keeping us in Iraq to prevent Iran from spreading it’s influence is well known and would be obvious.
Then we can attack Israel.
And see who wins.
Sounds like a plan to me!

eljay July 21, 2011 at 8:47 am

>> I was the platoon sergeant in IDF during the second intifada. Although I do not endorse the behavior of that particular officer …

Thank you for that comment.

>> … I can assure that vast majority of the soldiers are trained, hardened and can take any challenge thrown at them. … So keep on your rants about child- thugs with gun, it only makes us more resilient to stand our ground.
>> P.S. Please do not tempt the IDF from your own comfortable places- it seems childish and immature.

So…keep on with the rants, but do not tempt the IDF. Got it.

FWIW, most people here express disgust with the IDF’s behaviour in general. I do not believe anyone actually wants to “tempt” the IDF to carry out even more violent and criminal acts than they already do.

dimadok July 21, 2011 at 11:28 am

Would you feel disgust by that?
link to youtu.be
or by that link to youtu.be

Please tell me where are your morals, because I know where I’m standing and why I put my uniform every time I went to stand in front of people, which some of them are determine to kill me our my fellow soldiers, family or friends.
Israel is very convenient target for the outburst of rage, anger, suppressed fears and other complexes exhibited by the readers comments here, and particularly to my comment above. It’s easily forgettable that there are two parts to that conflict, which has a very basic principle of nation building underneath of it. I choose to be on the Israeli side and will do everything in my powers for it to prevail.

Taxi July 21, 2011 at 11:56 am

Well I ain’t in uniform and I AIN’T GONNA LET YOU WIN buster!

In case you haven’t noticed, you Apartheid israelis are LOSING the ‘war over the hearts and minds’ of the world – losing the propaganda war. Why? Is it because of anti-shamnticism? A big fat NO! I’ll give you two hints: it starts with the letter ‘A’ and ends with the letter ‘d’.

annie July 21, 2011 at 11:56 am

oh great, another new israel defender relying on clips from the 2nd intifada to make his point. file this under pizza parlor.

dimadok July 21, 2011 at 12:32 pm

Well I’m sorry but the facts on the ground as they are now are the direct consequence of the 2nd intifada. It seems it is OK to bring stories form ’48, ’67 or even 06′ as long as they serve your line of arguments, but it is major no-no to bring the 2nd intifada lessons as viewed by the Israelis.

And Taxi -get some rest , you get too excited when you see new faces here, especially if their opinions contradict your view of the world.

Nobody in Israel feels like “losing” some propaganda wars, and I think most of the are not aware of such, including Israeli Arabs, Druze, Bedouins or anyone with any real connection to the land of Israel.

mig July 21, 2011 at 1:56 pm

dimadok :

“Well I’m sorry but the facts on the ground as they are now are the direct consequence of the 2nd intifada. It seems it is OK to bring stories form ’48, ’67 or even 06′ as long as they serve your line of arguments, but it is major no-no to bring the 2nd intifada lessons as viewed by the Israelis.”

++++ Have they told you what was the reason for 2nd intifada ? No, not that one….this one and story behind of it :

link to theredmountainpost.com

“Nobody in Israel feels like “losing” some propaganda wars”

++++ Because you dont know that is the real story. And thats why you still think its the real one. Stick around and you will see. Be polite, and we will take you to the wild side. Unfortunately after that you’ll have to cut all your family ties, to be precise, they’ll skip you out. And you gonna be self-hating jew. Now, does that sound interesting ?

Take the blue pill :

Other side you will stick with your family, following zionista propaganda.

Take the red pill :

Other side you will join us, live life with truth, and you’ll never see your family again.

“and I think most of the are not aware of such, including Israeli Arabs, Druze, Bedouins or anyone with any real connection to the land of Israel.”

++++ Right, thats what they have told you, and thats you telling us. Not your fault, you just dont know any better. Because that information is blocked from you.

So how its gonna be dude ?

Taxi July 21, 2011 at 3:14 pm

“And Taxi -get some rest , you get too excited when you see new faces here, especially if their opinions contradict your view of the world.”

Au contaire mister Apartheid israel dimadok – I get BORED not excited with the same old same old same old same old hasbara!

And you reckon we’re deluded? Hahhahahhah yeah right. Keep thinking this – it’ll really make israel safe and secure.

annie July 21, 2011 at 3:27 pm

the facts on the ground as they are now are the direct consequence of the 2nd intifada.

ah yes, the ol ‘israel only reacts’ lingo. impressive/not.

Taxi -get some rest , you get too excited

this is not a majority rule site. the attitude you present, entering these threads advising people to get rest, will probably not endear yourself to the ptb here. just saying. i could be wrong, but i doubt it. bloviation, declarations of winning arguments, haughty holier than thou presentations and the like will never compensate for a weak argument. hauling out isolated incidents to justify state sponsored policies (like targeted assassination squads) and decades of draconian oppression, especially incidents that took place years ago that have been humped and humped til kingdom come just show us how weak your argument is.

tree July 21, 2011 at 4:30 pm

Well I’m sorry but the facts on the ground as they are now are the direct consequence of the 2nd intifada. It seems it is OK to bring stories form ’48, ’67 or even 06′ as long as they serve your line of arguments, but it is major no-no to bring the 2nd intifada lessons as viewed by the Israelis.

The 2nd intifada came long after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the start of Israeli theft of private land from the Palestinians there.( 23 years later, to be exact) The closure policy that Israel instituted came before the 2nd intifada as well( in 1991), and in the first month of the 2nd intifada, the vast majority of the casualties were Palestinians killed by Israelis, during the time when, according to official Israeli sources, the IDF shot over one million rounds of ammunition in the West Bank and Gaza and invaded most of the West Bank cities with armored tanks. The first suicide bomb didn’t happen until over 4 months after all the Israeli violence and Palestinian deaths.

And you have the chutzpah to claim that everything that came BEFORE the 2nd intifada happened BECAUSE of the intifada? Because the “facts on the ground” are simply an extension of actions that Israel took well before the 2nd intifada, and in fact well before the 1st intifada. What is it about Israelis that makes them think that they can treat people like dirt, and steal their land, and not expect any blowback from dishing out that kind of horrendous treatment? Seriously.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 5:24 pm

Nobody in Israel feels like “losing” some propaganda wars, and I think most of the are not aware of such, including Israeli Arabs, Druze, Bedouins or anyone with any real connection to the land of Israel.

Does that include the bedoins who’s houses you are demolishing?

As for losing propaganda wars,  well, let’s just say that enjoying popularity and prestige similar to that of North Korea doesn’t bode well.

BTW. There’s no such thing as the Land of Israel.

eljay July 21, 2011 at 12:31 pm

>> It’s easily forgettable that there are two parts to that conflict …

No, it’s not easily forgettable. Everyone knows that there are two parties. But only one side:
- ethnically cleansed the Palestinians (an unjust and immoral act that some Zionists on this site choose to justify as “necessary” and a “required” evil); and
- is engaged in an ON-GOING campaign of occupation, land theft, colonization and destruction.

The blowback from that should not come as a surprise to you or to anyone else.

dimadok July 21, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Well as long the Israel admits his wrongdoings, whether truthful or not- everlasting peace will be achieved? I saw the rise and fall of Oslo accords, I saw PA reaching the levels of unthinkable interactions with Israel , everyday I watched 50 thousand of workers heading to their jobs in Israel, and now everything is gone.
Now my question is where are the limits of bending over for the Israel, and the answer as you may see in geopolitical scene in Israel is -enough is enough.
So we shall endure, keep living our lives and protecting our families, while other side consider his steps. Israel is viable state, living in full, while Palestinian society , after receiving about 100 bn USD in aid (link to unrwa.org
link to en.wikipedia.org
, still remains hateful, disintegrated and totally dependent of daily supplies of goods.

eljay July 21, 2011 at 3:15 pm

>> Now my question is where are the limits of bending over for the Israel …

It’s amusing that you seem to think Israel is doing everything to accomodate the Palestinians (“the limits of bending over”) when the facts clearly show that Israel continues to occupy, steal, colonize, destroy and kill…and refuses to stop.

While raping his victim, the rapist wards off her punches. “See how she punches me? Where are the limits of bending over?! Why must I endure this anger, this hatred, this violence?!! There are two parts to every conflict!!!”

American July 21, 2011 at 3:35 pm

“Israel is viable state, living in full, while Palestinian society , after receiving about 100 bn USD in aid (link to unrwa.org
link to en.wikipedia.org , still remains hateful, disintegrated and totally dependent of daily supplies of goods”

The problem is that isn’t true.
Israel is the biggest welfare state in the universe.
You are living on welfare mainly from the US and partially from Germany.
Even most of your industry comes from US companies locating there due to the combinations Jewish lobbying businesses in the US and cheaper labor in Israel just like they go other third world countries for.
All your IT is owned by USA companies.
All you military hi-tech is given by or pirated from the US…which Israel ‘modifies”, slaps an Isr sticker on and sells to other countries
Your drug industry is 90% generics off expired patents or pirated patients from France and the US. Teva, your so called premier drug producer is the most ‘sued’ drug company for illegally reproduced drugs from US, German and French patents.
There is no way to describe Israel except as a parasite.
And an ungrateful parasite at that.
As far as most can tell all you produce on your own is hot air and chaos. For all your tough talk and insulting you’re just monkeys pretending to be silverbacks.
Currently the only thing standing between Israel and it’s total disappearance is a bunch of corrupt and zio US congress people– and when we get rid of them where will you be then?
And that will happen because you are stupid enough in your little pissant hubris to make it happen. So keep it up, people everywhere are looking forward to your last and final mistake.

link to fas.org

CRS Issue Brief for Congress

Israel is not economically self-sufficient,
and relies on foreign assistance and borrowing
to maintain its economy

eee July 21, 2011 at 3:42 pm


Welcome. The people on this site do not believe that Israel should have been founded. Most of them are anti-zionists. Therefore, an argument that you are protecting yourself and your family falls on deaf ears since they will tell you that it should be expected that you are attacked since you are a colonialist. Yes, they are that extreme.

But as you say so well, we will prosper and prevail and they will keep howling at the moon.

eee July 21, 2011 at 4:18 pm


You are completely delusional and incorrect.
From wikipedia:
The Economy of Israel is a technologically advanced market economy[6], consisting of a rapidly developing high-tech sector, which is backed by a strong Venture capital industry. Israel possesses a substantial service sector and the Israel diamond industry is one of the world’s centers for diamond cutting and polishing. It is also a world leader in software and telecommunication development and is a major tourist destination with 3.45 million foreign tourists visiting in 2010. The major industrial sectors include metal products, electronic and biomedical equipment, processed foods, chemicals, and transport equipment. Relatively poor in natural resources, Israel depends on imports of petroleum, coal, food, uncut diamonds and production inputs, though the country’s nearly total reliance on energy imports may change with recent discoveries of large gas reserves off its coast.[7]
In September 2010, Israel joined the OECD,[8] which praised Israel’s scientific and technological progress and described it as having “produced outstanding outcomes on a world scale.”[9] Israel has also signed free trade agreements with the European Union, the United States, the European Free Trade Association, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, and on 18 December 2007, became the first non-Latin American country to sign a free trade agreement with the Mercosur trade bloc.[10][11]
American billionaires and business tycoons including Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Donald Trump have each praised Israel’s economic environment,[12] and the country was the destination for Berkshire Hathaway’s first investment outside of the USA when it purchased ISCAR Metalworking, and the first research and development centers outside the USA for companies including Intel and Microsoft. The high concentration of high-tech industries in Israel gave it the nickname “Silicon Wadi”, which is considered second in importance only to its Californian counterpart.[13][14]

American July 21, 2011 at 4:48 pm


As a “Accurate “source for the truth about Israel?
LOL you have got to be kidding me.
Anyone can write anything in wikipedia.

eee July 21, 2011 at 6:20 pm

Really? Then try changing that entry to your “facts”. The article is well sourced also.

dimadok July 21, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Thanks. It is very amusing to read these comments here. Most of the people here never set foot in Israel and yet made self-righteous remarks, which I presume gives them some sort of satisfaction. The exchange of views here is ridiculous and the use of words to describe us (Israelis) is appalling. So here I am spending some time here and punching hot air from them. You are not alone.

mig July 21, 2011 at 7:00 pm

dimadok :

“Thanks. It is very amusing to read these comments here.”

++++ You are mostly welcome, fun is all on our side.

” Most of the people here never set foot in Israel and yet made self-righteous remarks, which I presume gives them some sort of satisfaction.”

++++ Wrong, and just a little hint, ask before you make such remarks.

” The exchange of views here is ridiculous and the use of words to describe us (Israelis) is appalling.”

++++ They say that truth hurts.

” So here I am spending some time here and punching hot air from them.”

++++ Lovely. And before you continue, here is some homework for you.
link to unispal.un.org

And after few years when you have read those, you are welcome to come back.

Have fun !

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 7:29 pm

Thanks. It is very amusing to read these comments here.

That’s hardly surprising comog from a Zionist. Only a Zionist could find humor in listenign to outrage over crimes against humanity, aopartheid, ethnci cleasing, mass murder and land theft.

Hot air is probably the only thing you’ve ever punched.

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 7:44 pm

I saw the rise and fall of Oslo accords…

The same ones that Nenetyahu boasted about sabotaging right?

So we shall endure, keep living our lives and protecting our families, while other side consider his steps.

Living your lives and protecting your families where dimadok? In Isrlae or in the occupied territories?

…while Palestinian society , after receiving about 100 bn USD in aid.

Where did you gert the 100 billion figure from dimadok? None of your links alude to 100 billion, unelss you are confuising Palestinians with Israel.

Your Wiki link states that the PA received the follwing sums, which comes to a grand total of 6.1billion.

$929 million in 2001
$891 million in 2003
$1.1 billion in 2005
$1.8 billion in 2008
$1.4 billion in 2009

So where did the other 94 billion come from?

If Israel were viable state, they woudl be lving off the largetst aid payments in the world, not to mention the billions in annual loan guarantees (loans Israel doesn’t repay) and the preferntial trade agreements it has with the US, that the US giovernment ahs described as a $10 billion annual grant to Israel.

I am pretty sure that without the massive foreign aid and unconditional US support, and living under 60 years of occupation, Israel too would be isintegrated and totally dependent of daily supplies of goods.

As it stands, you’ve already succeedeed in cprioducing a hateful apartheid society.

Djinn July 21, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Strange that such a robust economy needs to sponge billions of dollars a year from the US.

Either Israel is an economic basket case OR you are willfully stealing from American working people who could perhaps use those billions for something of actual benefit to them, say the kind of healthcare and social welfare Israel provides to it’s citizens. So which is it eee?

Chaos4700 July 21, 2011 at 8:28 pm

Keep in mind what eee’s academic record is like.

In a word? Embarrassing. Eee wouldn’t know a documented fact from a hasbara spoon-feeding.

eljay July 21, 2011 at 9:27 pm

>> Therefore, an argument that you are protecting yourself and your family falls on deaf ears since they will tell you that it should be expected that you are attacked since you are a colonialist.

Yeah, it’s funny how the rapist’s argument that he is protecting himself from the victim’s punches AS HE CONTINUES TO RAPE HER falls on deaf ears.

Your amusement at the fact that your country is an oppressor nation, and that thugs like you can’t get enough of shoving your hatred down other people’s throats, is distasteful. And your whines of ersatz victimhood are pathetic.

But at least you have a new co-collectivist to play with in your sandbox. Goody for you. :-)

PissedOffAmerican July 21, 2011 at 1:59 pm

“I choose to be on the Israeli side and will do everything in my powers for it to prevail”

Do they sound bugles when you guys defecate in Palestinian homes you’ve commandeered, and target practice on farmers and fishermen?

Perhaps a medal….

The Distinguised Big Pile Cross.

Or, even more honorable; The Dead-Eye Farmer-Fragger Medal of Freedom??

Or even an honor of lesser degree?

Perhaps the Arms Competency Award, “for excellent accuracy and performance at targeting American citizens with outlawed high velocity tear gas cinisters”. Three head shots, and VOILA!!! You’re a hero!!!!

Shingo July 21, 2011 at 7:28 pm

Would you feel disgust by that?

Who wouldn’t be disgusted by this?
link to youtube.com

What business did those IDF troops habve in Ramallah? Oh that’s right, they were there to enforece the occupation that is stealing Palestionian land, evicting Paelstiniasn from theri homes, demiolishing them, ethnically cleasing them and mass murdering them.

Please tell me where are your morals Diamadok, because I know where you were standing was on someone else’s land that your government and people were stealing, not to mention killing those that resisted your land grabs.

Israel is indeed a very convenient target for the outburst of rage, anger, because it’s policies evoke rage and anger and outrage.

It’s easily forgettable that there are two parts to that conflict…

Let’s not forget that in a rape, the assailant is a victim tooo right dimadok? What right does a woman have to deny a man an orgasm?

I choose to be on the Israeli side and will do everything in my powers for it to prevail.

In making that choice, you also chose to support ethnic cleansing, land theft, colonialism, apartheid and mass murder.

There’s no pointr complaining about the fact that humans are predicposed to being digusted by such policies.

Richard Witty July 21, 2011 at 8:55 am

You didn’t feel that it was relevant to post my comment that the term “victorious” is a war term, a recipe for permanent war, as if that status is a “democratic” one.

eljay July 21, 2011 at 11:02 am

>> You didn’t feel that it was relevant to post my comment that the term “victorious” is a war term, a recipe for permanent war, as if that status is a “democratic” one.

Since you’re worried that a single word represents “a recipe for permanent war”, you should be beside yourself with concern at maxNarr’s latest (re-hashed) proclamation:
>> All should remember that since San Remo, the Sovereigny of the Jewish people over the entire Land of Israel, from the med to the sea is enshrined in International law. Nobody can successfully argue otherwise.

That there is “a recipe for permanent war” if I ever saw one. You might want to express your disapproval to his comment in that thread.

tree July 21, 2011 at 12:10 pm

…. from the med to the sea. ???

Is that what he said? He does know that “the med” IS the sea, doesn’t he? That makes for a less than infinitesimal “Land of Israel”. Not too bright that one.

eljay July 21, 2011 at 3:19 pm

>> He does know that “the med” IS the sea, doesn’t he?

My guess is that he meant the Sea of Galilee. Regardless, “Sovereigny of the Jewish people over the entire Land of Israel” is clearly “a recipe for permanent war”. RW really should express his disapproval of such language.

Chaos4700 July 21, 2011 at 8:29 pm

And the Knesset calls the siege of Gaza a “diet” and has openly threatened “shoah” against Palestinians. You never felt motivated to react to that.

Rag July 21, 2011 at 9:39 am

Is that really correct uniform for the Israeli military? To me, looking at those pictures, the only thing separating him from a random person wearing green is the weapon, and some small marking on the shoulder. No other insignia, belt with equipment or anything, and a bare head. Looks unprofessional (even before the behavior) .

I’m quite new on this site, and have not really paid enough attention earlier in my life, so pardon what is probably a stupid question.

A translation of what is being said would be invaluable, I’m really curious about what is being said.

PissedOffAmerican July 21, 2011 at 1:45 pm

Online “tough guys”, proffessing to be bigger-than-life soldiers, have always intrigued me. I always get this image of someone sitting in front of their monitor, fat, wrinkled and aged, bath robe frayed, clicking back and forth between their favorite porn site and their favorite political blog. Armed and dangerous with the only “gun” they’ve ever shot in their life.

PissedOffAmerican July 21, 2011 at 2:01 pm

Aw, c’mon, monitor! If they can insult our intelligence, can’t I at least insult their sensitivities? Where’s your sense of humor?

PissedOffAmerican July 21, 2011 at 10:34 pm


VIDEO + AUDIO: George Jackson Tribute

The George Jackson

Tribute Mixtape

July 21, 2011 at 4:33 am


We’ll start our Black August celebration a little early this year by re-posting our 2006 George Jackson FreeMix Radio Mixtape.  This mixtape features DC-area artists and activists reading portions of Jackson’s work and a bunch of good music from folks like Public Enemy, Dead Prez, Blitz, Hasan Salaam, Asheru, Head-Roc, Black United Front, Wise Intelligent, Immortal Technique, Mos Def, Lil’ Wayne, RZA, Ghostface Killah, and many more.  We also borrowed of few minutes from the classic Freedom Archives audio documentary Prisons on Fire: George Jackson, Attica and Black Liberation and a Bay Area television documentary Day of the Gun.






PHOTO ESSAY: The people of Blikkiesdorp « AFRICA IS A COUNTRY

The people of Blikkiesdorp

July 18, 2011

by Sean Jacobs

For at least 3 years now South African photographer Lizane Louw have chronicled the lives of the people of Blikkiesdorp (translation: Tin Town), a temporary relocation camp in Delft–not to be confused with the Dutch town and one of the poorest townships in Cape Town, located about 30 km from the city center.

Life there consists of daily humiliation for the camp’s residents who face no, or little, protection from violent crimes, rape and robberies. (Some residents, though, have organized themselves.) For city officials, run by the Democratic Alliance, the camp is at once a temporary and permanent solution to housing problems. Lizanne speaks of  the city planning to erect another 200 structures in Blikkiesdorp.

Lizanne decided first photographed residents of Blikkiesdorp 2 years ago. In February this year she wanted to publish some of the pictures, including one of a 92 year old grandmother, Ouma Magdalena. When she went back to ask Ouma Magdalena for permission to publish the image, she found the old woman had passed away. She had TB. “Ouma is a big inspiration for this project that I am currently doing. I would like to use her story to make a change in this community. I don’t think it is ethically and morally acceptable that people that are poor must live in such challenging and substandard living conditions. Something needs to be done and we need to seriously reflect on ourselves as a society, when these things happen in your backyard without us attempting to do anything about it.”

All the photos are available on the project’s Facebook page.

Below Lizanne talks us through some of the images.


This photograph is one of the first I took in Blikkiesdorp. The name “Tin Town” comes from these rows and rows corrugated iron structures that make up the streets and community in Blikkiesdorp. This is a very special photograph. Ouma Johanna walking in one of the alleys in Phase 1. The green dress that she wore that day was her favourite. When I met her, she was sitting outside her structure and she smiled. She said that she knew she had to put on her favourite green dress, because that day was going to be going to be a special day. I smiled and enjoyed following her and photographing her in Blikkiesdorp. Ouma Johanna passed away in 2010.  She died of starvation.

Blikkiesdorp has a moon landscape, there is no colour, no solid structures, no plants,grass or trees. When I first started photographing there it looked to me like a metal tin-town. I understood the name it was given by the community ‘ Tin Town’ or in Afrikaans “ Blikkiesdorp”. The “architecture” is changing as more people are moved in and more structures are build. And yes, it is becoming another shanty town.

[The children are wearing makeshift raincoats and throwing up gang signs--Sean]. This saddened me from the very beginning. Gangs, 28’s and 27’s, are the role models in this society. It is very rare that you would find children that would not pose without giving you a “nommer” (gang sign; literally “number”). This is the reality and if you ask them about it they will share their stories and their understanding. They don’t know anything better.  However, what I find inspirational about Blikkiesdorp is that the people always use creative ideas to overcome obstacles, the “raincoat” is a good example of this. These “raincoats” are made out of plastic bags they pick up in the garbage bins. These garbage bins are an endless source of entertainment for the children. They also make kites out of these garbage bags. This is what they do. It is normal to them. Some of them even make their own “raincoats” when they go to school …

[This is] Adeen and Anton. I have not seen Adeen (left) for about a month. Anton applied for and  received his first disability grant at the end of May and left Adeen in Blikkies. I plan to visit her soon. From this news, I gather that their “engament” is off and also the wedding her mom, Tannie Elna, was dreaming about.

There is no form of recreation for any of the 7500 children. The children and teenagers make toys out of anything they pick up. Here the group  build a table from stuff that they found. Dominoes is a very popular game in Blikkies. Most evenings and during holidays, people can be found playing dominoes in the streets.

* You can also follow the project on Twitter.  Finally if you want to support Louw, who wants to put up a exhibition and a sustainable initiative on INDIEGOGO.


VIDEO: Miles Davis 1970 Concert Video Streaming for Free — By Jeff Tamarkin > Jazz Articles

Miles Davis 1970 Concert

Video Streaming for Free

Entire concert can be viewed at Wolfgang’s Vault


An entire set of Miles Davis performing live at Tanglewood in Lenox, Mass., in August 1970 is currently streaming for free at Wolfgang’s Vault. The set includes such classic tunes as “Bitches Brew,” “Spanish Key” and “Miles Runs the Voodoo Down” from the groundbreaking album Bitches Brew.

Miles Davis circa 1970

The band for the concert includes Miles Davis, trumpet; Gary Bartz, soprano and alto sax; Chick Corea, electric piano; Keith Jarrett, organ, electric piano, Dave Holland, electric and acoustic bass; Jack DeJohnette, drums; and Airto Moriera, percussion. The concert can also be accessed for free in audio and downloads can be purchased at the site.