PUB: 2012 Poetry Prize > Indiana Review

2012 Poetry Prize Guidelines

Final Judge: Dean Young

Photo by Jana Birchum of The Austin Chronicle.

Dean Young‘s most recent collection of poems is Fall Higher. His numerous books of poetry include Elegy on Toy Piano (2005), a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and Skid (2002), a finalist for the Lenore Marshall Prize He has received a Stegner fellowship from Stanford University, as well as fellowhips from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Guggenheim Foundation. Young’s awards also include an Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His poems have appeared seven times in The Best American Poetry series. Young has taught at the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop, in the low-residency M.F.A. program at Warren Wilson College, and at Loyola University, in Chicago. He is currently the William Livingston Chair of Poetry at the University of Texas, in Austin.




Reading Fee: $20

(includes one-year subscription)

The winner of our contest will receive $1000 and publication in Indiana Review.

All entries are considered for publication.

All entries are considered anonymously.
Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but the fee is non-refundable if accepted elsewhere. Multiple entries are okay, as long as a separate reading fee is included with each entry.

Further, IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University or the prize judge.


  • Send no more than three poems per entry, 8 pages maximum. Entrant’s name must not appear on the poems.

  • We prefer that you pay online. Payment instructions are available here.

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    Poetry Prize
    Indiana Review

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VIDEO: Trailer For "Redemption, For Colored Boys" + Full Short Film " I Am Sean Bell, Black Boys Speak" > Shadow and Act


Trailer For

"Redemption, For

Colored Boys"

+ Full Short Film

" I Am Sean Bell,

Black Boys Speak"

Blogs by Tambay | March 8, 2012

Appropriately, thought not necessarily intentionally on the heels of my Dark Girls review post...  double shot courtesy of award-winning filmmaker/activist Stacey Muhammad.

First, check out this trailer for Redemption, For Colored Boys, which, as Stacey notes is the first in a series of films that address the lives and experiences of black men.

Starring Rob Morgan (Pariah) and Julito McCullum (The Wire), the film follows the life of Benjamin Boyd, Sr. who is determined to rekindle the spark between he and his wife, and n turn reunite his family, after nine years in prison.

Prior to that film, Stacey directed the award-winning short film I Am Sean Bell, Black Boys Speak, which, as the title suggests, features the reactions of black boys reflecting on the well-documented Sean Bell tragedy.

Stacey has also created the Reel Oscars - the Micheaux Awards, which she says will honor the best and often overlooked black artists in cinema. The innaugural event is scheduled to take place in Harlem in 2013.

Below I embedded both the trailer for Redemption and the entire 11-minute short I Am Sean Bell.

First, the trailer:

And here's the full 11-minute I Am Sean Bell for those who haven't seen it:


INTERVIEW: Hugh Masekela: 'I don't think I have the power to forgive' > The Observer

Hugh Masekela:

'I don't think I have the power

to forgive'

The South African jazz trumpeter on the legacy of apartheid, Nelson Mandela and squandering $50m

  • The Observer, Saturday 3 March 2012

  • Hugh Masekela: 'The oppressor has been enriched.' Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

    Can a non-verbal instrument like a trumpet be political?

    No. I don't think any musician ever thinks about making a statement. I think everybody goes into music loving it. I just came from South Africa, a place that had been in a perpetual uprising since 1653, so the uprising had become a way of life in our culture and we grew up with rallies and strikes and marches and boycotts. Politics was no different to us from how it was to the Irish, except we were fighting real oppression instead of a racial or religious war.

    It started in 1653, so I grew up with it and at the time I got international notice I was from South Africa, and my resource was South African music, so it would have been very awkward not to mention the circumstances in whatever I was doing, because I came from those people and I sourced from them. But then by the time it gets translated by editors, scribes, authors, people like yourself, it ends up with a trumpet making speeches in Trafalgar Square. But the trumpet is an inanimate object.


    Can you describe what it was like to be a young black man growing up in apartheid South Africa?

    By the time we grew up, millions of tricks against the establishment were there in place already. What people don't know about oppression is that the oppressor works much harder. You always grew up being told you were not smart enough or not fast enough, but we all lived from the time we were children to beat the system.


    There was one occasion when the apartheid government tried to invite you back as an "honorary white". How did that feel?

    It was not only insulting, but it was like the height of comedy, right out of the fucking Marx Brothers. The apartheid people were actors and they had to act out their part in their beliefs every day. That's why we always saw them as being comedic.


    Have you forgiven white people in South Africa?

    I don't think I have the power to forgive. I think the most difficult thing that has had to happen in South Africa for the previously disadvantaged communities is they had to reconcile that the oppressor has been enriched and the establishment is now making five or 10 times more profit than they were during the time the economic embargo was on them.

    There's never in history been a people who have ever said to another people: "Hey, sorry we made so much fucking money off your backs. Here's 500 trillion to show you how sorry we are for enslaving you."

    The inequalities are still there. We're not being harassed by police at night or being arrested for stupid things, but there are inequalities. And life is not an act, we're not in a movie.


    Do you think the African National Congress has lived up to its promise after 18 years in government?

    I don't think anybody has ever been able to live up to what they promised. I don't know a government that has ever been successful at that because once they get into power, things change and the world is controlled also by business now. I'm not expecting any miracles.

    Corruption is everywhere, man. It's in England; all those MPs who stole money and lied about their houses. It's an international malady and there's no reason why South Africans wouldn't have done it .

    Do you think there will be a traumatising effect for South Africa when Nelson Mandela dies?

    Does he have a special magic hold on South Africa, so that everybody will die when he dies? He's a human being who became who he became because of the people of South Africa. I wish him good health and I hope that he's not going to be in too much pain.


    You've said you squandered $50m over the years?

    I'm the kind of person who goes on with life. I was one of the smallest benders of the era. But I've gone on with my life. This was more than 40 years ago, you know.


    You don't dwell on the days of taking drugs such as marijuana and cocaine?

    No, because I'm not as anal, I guess, as most of the media are. You have to remember I'm self-employed. So the mundane things that the press and people basically occupy themselves with, I've no time for. I live a creative life and I have a very happy family life.

    Do you have any regrets?

    I don't have anything to regret. I think people who have regrets are people who think they can relive their lives. You only see each day once.


    Do you believe in God?

    I don't criticise any people who believe. I don't believe in organised religion and don't have time for it because I'm in music all the time. What I do is very spiritual because I do it religiously, 24 hours a day. If there is a God, he should be worshipped as we worship him every day because when we're not on the road, we're in the studio.


    VIDEO: Frederick Douglass Stands Against War With Mexico In 1848 > Zinn Education Project

    Frederick Douglass’ article “The War with Mexico,” printed in The North Star on January 21, 1848. The article can be found in Voices of a People’s History of the United States, edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony ArnoveBelow is an excerpt from “The War with Mexico” read by actor Benjamin Bratt on February 1, 2007 at All Saints Church, Pasadena, CA. Find more clips at the Voices of a People’s History website and in The People Speak film.

    U.S. Mexico War:

    “We Take Nothing by Conquest,

    Thank God”



    Teaching Activity PDF. Lesson by Bill Bigelow and student reading by Howard Zinn. 21 pages.

    Interactive activity introduces students to the history and often untold story of the U.S. Mexico War.

    Download PDF.

    Student handouts for this lesson are also available in Spanish.

    Today’s border with Mexico is the product of invasion and war. Grasping some of the motives for that war and some of its immediate effects begins to provide students the kind of historical context that is crucial for thinking intelligently about the line that separates the United States and Mexico. It also gives students insights into the justifications for and costs of war today.

    This activity introduces students to a number of the individuals and themes they will encounter in the chapter from Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, “We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God.” The individual roles include: Cochise, Colonel Ethan Allen Hitchcock, Congressman Abraham Lincoln, Doña Francesca Vallejo, Francisco Márquez, Frederick Douglass, General Mariano Vallejo, General Stephen Kearny, Henry David Thoreau, Jefferson Davis, María Josefa Martínez, Padre Antonio José Martínez, President James K. Polk, Reverend Theodore Parker, Sgt. John Riley, William Lloyd Garrison, and Wotoki.


    Published by Rethinking Schools in The Line Between Us: Teaching About the Border and Mexican Immigration.







    Related Resources

    Bound for the Rio Grande: Traitors—Or Martyrs. The story of the San Patricio Battalion, Irish-American soldiers who deserted the US Army during the US-Mexican War and fought on the side of the Mexicans. Written by Milton Meltzer for middle- and high-school students.




    San Patricio. Ballads about the San Patricio Battalion during the U.S. Mexico War. Although the members of the San Patricio Battalion were treated as traitors and deserters by the U.S. government, Chieftains’ founder and frontman Paddy Moloney says, “the men of the San Patricio Battalion are remembered by generations of Mexicans to this day as heroes who fought bravely against an unjust and thinly veiled war of aggression.” ‘San Patricio’ brings their story to life through heart-stirring ballads and effervescent dance songs from both countries, including traditional “sones” that the San Patricios might have heard while in Mexico, and Irish airs and reels that evoke the homeland they left behind.


    ACTION: The Murder of Trayvon Martin and Why His Killer Might Legally Go Free


    Witness Speaks Out

    In Trayvon Martin Case


    The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin

    Published: March 16, 2012



    “He said that Tray was gone.”

    That’s how Sybrina Fulton, her voice full of ache, told me she found out that her 17-year-old son, Trayvon Martin, had died. In a wrenching telephone call, the boy’s father, who had taken him to visit a friend, told her that Trayvon had been gunned down in a gated townhouse community in Sanford, Fla., outside Orlando.

    “He said, ‘Somebody shot Trayvon and killed him.’ And I was like, ‘Are you sure?’ ” Fulton continued in disbelief. “I said ‘How do you know that’s Trayvon?’ And he said because they showed him a picture.”

    That was Feb. 27, one day after Trayvon was shot. The father thought that he was missing, according to the family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump, but the boy’s body had actually been taken to the medical examiner’s office and listed as a John Doe.

    The father called the Missing Persons Unit. No luck. Then he called 911. The police asked the father to describe the boy, after which they sent officers to the house where the father was staying. There they showed him a picture of the boy with blood coming out of his mouth.

    This is a nightmare scenario for any parent, and the events leading to Trayvon’s death offer little comfort — and pose many questions.

    Trayvon had left the house he and his father were visiting to walk to the local 7-Eleven. On his way back, he caught the attention of George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch captain, who was in a sport-utility vehicle. Zimmerman called the police because the boy looked “real suspicious,” according to a 911 call released late Friday. The operator told Zimmerman that officers were being dispatched and not to pursue the boy.

    Zimmerman apparently pursued him anyway, at some point getting out of his car and confronting the boy. Trayvon had a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea. Zimmerman had a 9 millimeter handgun.

    The two allegedly engaged in a physical altercation. There was yelling, and then a gunshot.

    When police arrived, Trayvon was face down in the grass with a fatal bullet wound to the chest. Zimmerman was standing with blood on his face and the back of his head and grass stains on his back, according to The Orlando Sentinel.

    Trayvon’s lifeless body was taken away, tagged and held. Zimmerman was taken into custody, questioned and released. Zimmerman said he was the one yelling for help. He said that he acted in self-defense. The police say that they have found no evidence to dispute Zimmerman’s claim.

    One other point: Trayvon is black. Zimmerman is not.

    Trayvon was buried on March 3. Zimmerman is still free and has not been arrested or charged with a crime.

    Yet the questions remain: Why did Zimmerman find Trayvon suspicious? Why did he pursue the boy when the 911 operator instructed him not to? Why did he get out of the car, and why did he take his gun when he did? How is it self-defense when you are the one in pursuit? Who initiated the altercation? Who cried for help? Did Trayvon’s body show evidence of a struggle? What moved Zimmerman to use lethal force?

    This case has reignited a furor about vigilante justice, racial-profiling and equitable treatment under the law, and it has stirred the pot of racial strife.

    As the father of two black teenage boys, this case hits close to home. This is the fear that seizes me whenever my boys are out in the world: that a man with a gun and an itchy finger will find them “suspicious.” That passions may run hot and blood run cold. That it might all end with a hole in their chest and hole in my heart. That the law might prove insufficient to salve my loss.

    That is the burden of black boys in America and the people that love them: running the risk of being descended upon in the dark and caught in the cross-hairs of someone who crosses the line.

    The racial sensitivity of this case is heavy. Trayvon’s parents have said their son was murdered. Crump, the family’s lawyer, told me, “You know, if Trayvon would have been the triggerman, it’s nothing Trayvon Martin could have said to keep police from arresting him Day 1, Hour 1.” Even the police chief recognizes this reality, even while disputing claims of racial bias in the investigation: “Our investigation is color blind and based on the facts and circumstances, not color. I know I can say that until I am blue in the face, but, as a white man in a uniform, I know it doesn’t mean anything to anybody.”

    Zimmerman has not released a statement, but his father delivered a one-page letter to The Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. According to the newspaper, the statement said that Zimmerman is “Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family.” The paper quotes the letter as reading, “He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever” and continues, “The media portrayal of George as a racist could not be further from the truth.” And disclosures made since the shooting complicate people’s perception of fairness in the case.

    According to Crump, the father was told that one of the reasons Zimmerman wasn’t arrested was because he had a “squeaky clean” record. It wasn’t. According to the local news station WFTV, Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 for “battery on a law enforcement officer.”

    Furthermore, ABC News reported on Tuesday that one of the responding officers “corrected a witness after she told him that she heard the teen cry for help.” And The Miami Herald published an article on Thursday that said three witnesses had heard the “desperate wail of a child, a gunshot, and then silence.”

    WFTV also reported this week that the officer in charge of the scene when Trayvon was shot was also in charge of another controversial case. In 2010, a lieutenant’s son was videotaped attacking a black homeless man. The officer’s son also was not initially arrested in that case. He was later arrested when the television station broke the news.

    Although we must wait to get the results from all the investigations into Trayvon’s killing, it is clear that it is a tragedy. If no wrongdoing of any sort is ascribed to the incident, it will be an even greater tragedy.

    One of the witnesses was a 13-year-old black boy who recorded a video for The Orlando Sentinel recounting what he saw. The boy is wearing a striped polo shirt, holding a microphone, speaking low and deliberately and has the heavy look of worry and sadness in his eyes. He describes hearing screaming, seeing someone on the ground and hearing gunshots. The video ends with the boy saying, “I just think that sometimes people get stereotyped, and I fit into the stereotype as the person who got shot.”

    And that is the burden of black boys, and this case can either ease or exacerbate it.

    Charles M. Blow / photo by Damon Winter/The New York Times

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    Sorry, Trayvon Martin:

    They Just Don't Like You


    "It is about time the court faced the fact that the white people of the South don't like the colored people." -- Chief Justice William Rehnquist (written when he was a law clerk on the Supreme Court).

    The recent murder of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager, by George Zimmerman, a white "neighborhood watch vigilante from Sanford, Florida, should remind the public of the continuation of racial injustice in the United States. Zimmerman shot and killed Martin as he walked to his father's home in a central Florida neighborhood.

    Prior to shooting Martin, Zimmerman called police from his car to report a "suspicious" person in the neighborhood. Zimmerman asked police whether he should leave his car to investigate the situation, but police told him not to do so. Despite the police warning, Zimmerman left his car and confronted Martin. 

    Although the facts remain hazy, Zimmerman admits that after he left his car, he killed Martin. Zimmerman says that he acted in self-defense. Several witnesses tell local newspapers, however, that Zimmerman did not act in self-defense; they have also accused police of mishandlingthe investigation. It is also clear that Martin was unarmed and that he was returning to his father's home from a store where he had purchased candy for a younger sibling. 

    Police have declined to arrest Zimmerman. Bill Lee, Chief of the Sanford Police Department, accepts Zimmerman's allegation that he acted in self-defense. Lee says that Zimmerman believed that Martin was a threat because "the way that he was walking or appeared seemed suspicious to him." Lee also says (mistakenly - see below) that Zimmerman has a "squeaky clean" record and that he does not believe that "it was [Zimmerman's] intent to go and shoot somebody. . . .” Currently, prosecutors are considering whether to bring criminal charges against Zimmerman.

    This case is deeply troubling for several reasons. First, the police are misapplying and misleading the public about the criminal laws regarding homicide and self-defense in order to justify the decision not to arrest Zimmerman. Also, this case is yet another reminder of the continuing problem of racial injustice in the United States, particularly, the disparate treatment of black and white offenders and victims. 

    Law Regarding Homicide and Self-Defense

    The law regarding homicide is far more complicated than the public's general understanding of the term.  While the public tends to equate "homicide" and "murder," these words are quite different from a legal perspective.

    Homicide is simply the killing of a person by another individual. Within that broad category, however, several scenarios are possible. The killing could result from intentional and planned behavior; this is typically described as "murder." The killing could result from recklessness or negligence; this is typically described as "manslaughter." Although I have simplified these categories somewhat, it is clear that even if Zimmerman did not begin the night with the intent to kill an individual, he still might have committed a serious crime -- possibly, manslaughter or even second-degree murder. 

    Every state recognizes "self-defense" as a defense to a homicide charge. Under Florida law (as in many other states), in order to act in self-defense, the assailant must reasonably fear that the victim will harm him or her or some other person. Furthermore, in order to rely upon self-defense, the assailant must not have acted act as the aggressor.

    In order to act with lethal force, as Zimmerman did, the assailant must reasonably fear that the victim will cause imminent great bodily harm or death to him or her or to another person. Under Florida law, lethal force is also justifiable to stop home invasions and carjacking -- scenarios that are not relevant to Martin's death. 

    The Facts Support Charging Zimmerman

    From the few facts that are known, Zimmerman's self-defense claim seems shaky at best. Zimmerman, who is 26, weighs about 100 pounds more than Martin, who was 17. Zimmerman was safe in his car and advised by police to remain inside. Zimmerman admitted to following Martin in his car. Zimmerman was armed with a gun.  Martin was unarmed. The facts of the case do not suggest that Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force against Martin. Instead, they suggest the opposite: Martin should have feared Zimmerman

    Martin should have feared Zimmerman because Zimmerman was following -- or stalking -- him in a vehicle.  Zimmerman left the car to confront Martin.  Zimmerman was much larger than Martin. Zimmerman was armed with a deadly weapon. Zimmerman was likely the aggressor because he left his car and confronted Martin.  Under these circumstances, if Martin fought Zimmerman, he likely had the right to do so according to Florida law regarding self-defense.  Zimmerman's behavior would cause a reasonable person to fear him.

    Furthermore, the police statement that Zimmerman has a squeaky clean record is not exactly true. In 2005 Zimmerman was charged withresisting arrest with violence and battery upon a police officer. Also, residents in Zimmerman's neighborhood allegedly complained to police about his aggressive tactics in the past. Even though these additional factors could not prove guilt in a court of law (and might not even be admissible as evidence), they certainly are the type of information police routinely use before making arrests.

    Racism Still Exists

    The oldest "race card" is the denial that racism exists. Despite the popular belief that the United States is post-racial, racism remains a substantial factor in American culture.  Indeed, this case follows a disturbing racial pattern that was typical during Jim Crow and segregation. The police have discounted the value of the black victim. The police have accepted as factual the allegations of the white assailant -- however suspicious they sound. The police have failed to charge a white man who unlawfully killed an innocent black male.  And the police have stated that the black victim was the aggressor. These traditional patterns of racism that exist in the Martin case were pervasive during Jim Crow. 

    These racist patterns also exist far beyond the Martin case. Social scientists continue to conduct studies that reveal implicit racial bias in the United States. Even people who consider themselves racial egalitarians often act upon stereotypical beliefs about persons of color. 

    In one study, researchers showed a series of images of individuals to test subjects. The participants were told to "shoot" at images that also included a gun.  More often, test subjects incorrectly shot unarmed black subjects; they paused, however, before shooting white subjects, which limited the amount of incorrect outcomes. The researchers repeated this study with police officers and found frighteningly similar results: race impacted the subjects' conclusion that the image was armed. This same instinctive racial thinking could have impacted Zimmerman.

    Others studies demonstrate that whites are more sympathetic crime victims than blacks and Latinos.  This pattern even impacts reports of crime in the media. Compare, for example, the extreme level of media attention to white female crime victims (in particular) with the reaction to black victims, including Martin. If Martin were killed in Aruba, like Natalee Holloway, he still would not receive the same volume of attention her death attracted from the media. Race and gender biases explain this differential treatment.  And, to reiterate, these biases even affect the behavior of individuals who sincerely describe themselves as nonracist, which is how Zimmerman's father recently portrayed his son.

    What To Do Next

    Currently, prosecutors are examining Martin's death. Because prosecutors are elected and impacted by social biases, however, it is unclear whether they will behave differently than the police.

    In order to provide justice in this case, a new investigation should take place with different investigators. The Sanford police department lacks credibility. Also, Chief Lee needs to lose his job. He is shielding a likely violent felon, rather than helping the victim.  This is atrocious behavior.

    Finally, the public needs to admit that race still remains a powerful force in the United States. Researchers who have documented the existence of implicit bias have also found that training and education can prevent racist behavior. Unless the public admits that racism remains a substantial social issue, then people will not recognize the need for training and education. The greatest outcome of young Trayvon's death could be progress towards a more just society.

    UPDATE: Apparently, the Sanford police department has issues. See BREAKING NEWS in Trayvon Martin Case: Officer in the Case Has A Prior Record of Racial Controversy.

    Note: Police have released the 911 tapes. The tape of Zimmerman's call contradicts police accounts of the Martin's killing.
    My Photo
    Washington, DC, United States
    Professor Darren Hutchinson teaches Constitutional Law, Critical Race Theory, Law and Social Change, and Equal Protection Theory at the American University, Washington College of Law. Professor Hutchinson received a B.A., cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania and a J.D. from Yale Law School.


    "Justifiable Homicides"

    Are on the Rise:

    Have Self-Defense Laws

    Gone Too Far?

    With shoot first/ask questions later legislation passing across the country, are more Americans getting away with murder?

    One year ago today, a 61-year old Texan named Joe Horn looked out his window in Pasadena, just outside of Houston, and saw a pair of black men on his neighbor's property. It appeared to be a burglary in action, so he called 911. But as he described what he saw to the emergency dispatcher, he began to get agitated. The police would take too long to get there, he decided. Instead, he'd stop the crime himself.

    "I've got a shotgun," Horn told the 911 dispatcher. "You want me to stop him?"

    The dispatcher tried to talk him down. "Nope, don't do that," he told Horn. "Ain't no property worth shooting somebody over, OK?"

    It was not OK with Horn. With the dispatcher still on the phone, he grabbed his gun, went outside, yelled, "Move, you're dead!" -- and shot the two men in the back.

    The victims turned out to be two undocumented immigrants from Colombia, Diego Ortiz and Miguel de Jesus. Both died on the scene.

    The killings sparked instant controversy nationwide, with some labeling it a deplorable act of vigilante justice, and others calling Horn a hero for defending his neighbor's property. Because the victims were in the country illegally, the controversy was further fueled by the ugly, ongoing fight over immigration. Protesters who arrived on Horn's block to call for justice for his victims were met with counterprotesters waving signs in support of their neighbor. "Once again, our chaotic immigration system has led to death," Bill O'Reilly fumed on Dec. 6, 2007.

    This summer, Horn was officially cleared of wrongdoing, when a grand jury failed to indict him on any charges. The decision was met with dismay by the families of Ortiz and de Jesus. Diamond Morgan, Ortiz's widow, will now raise their infant son without him. "It's horrible," she said about the 911 recording. "(Horn) was so eager, so eager to shoot." "This man took the law into his own hands," Stephanie Storey, de Jesus' fiancee, told reporters. "He shot two individuals in the back after having been told over and over to stay inside. It was his choice to go outside and his choice to take two lives."

    But Horn and his attorney claimed that in addition to protecting his neighbor's home, he was acting in self-defense. "He was afraid for his life," his lawyer, Tom Lambright argued. " … I don't think Joe had time to make a conscious decision. I think he only had time to react to what was going on. Short answer is, he was defending his life. "

    But the 9/11 recording tells a different story:
    Horn: He's coming out the window right now, I gotta go, buddy. I'm sorry, but he's coming out the window.
    Dispatcher: Don't, don't -- don't go out the door. Mr. Horn? Mr. Horn?
    Horn: They just stole something. I'm going after them, I'm sorry.
    Dispatcher: Don't go outside. 
    Horn: I ain't letting them get away with this shit. They stole something. They got a bag of something.
    Dispatcher: Don't go outside the house.
    Horn: I'm doing this.
    Dispatcher: Mr. Horn, do not go outside the house.
    Horn: I'm sorry. This ain't right, buddy.
    Dispatcher: You're going to get yourself shot if you go outside that house with a gun, I don't care what you think.
    Horn: You want to make a bet?
    Dispatcher: OK? Stay in the house.
    Horn: They're getting away!
    Dispatcher: That's all right. Property's not worth killing someone over, OK?
    Horn: (curses)
    Dispatcher: Don't go out the house. Don't be shooting nobody. I know you're pissed and you're frustrated, but don't do it.
    Horn: They got a bag of loot.
    Dispatcher: OK. How big is the bag? … Which way are they going?
    Horn: I'm going outside. I'll find out.
    Dispatcher: I don't want you going outside, Mr. Horn.
    Horn: Well, here it goes, buddy. You hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going.
    Dispatcher: Don't go outside.
    Horn: (yelling) Move, you're dead!
    (Sound of shots being fired)

    Besides being a disturbing recording, the tape is also notable for what it reveals about the moments before Horn saw Ortiz and de Jesus emerge from the window. "I have a right to protect myself too, sir," Horn argued with the dispatcher. "… And the laws have been changed in this country since September the first, and you know it and I know it."

    Horn was referring to Texas's newly enacted Castle Law, signed by Gov. Rick Perry on March 27, 2007, and which had gone into effect that fall. The law, as described by the governor, "allows Texans to not only protect themselves from criminals, but to receive the protection of state law when circumstances dictate that they use deadly force." Its benefit, Perry said, is that "it protects law-abiding citizens from unfair litigation and further clarifies their right to self-defense."

    It may seem like a stretch to say Horn was acting out of self-defense. As CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin observed after listening to the tape, "He does not appear to be someone who's in a panic. It's a very cool and rather chilling determination to go out and use his gun, against the instructions of the 911 operator." Nevertheless, the new statute ultimately saved Horn from prosecution. Whether or not the law was designed to protect private property as much as human life, rather than "clarifying" the right to self-defense, as Perry claims, the practical effect of Texas' Castle Law appears to be a broadening of the definition to an unprecedented -- and deadly -- degree.

    "Stand Your Ground" Laws

    The Castle Law is not some wild Texas invention. In fact, the "castle doctrine" is a concept that dates back to English Common Law. As Ohio State law professor and criminal justice expert Joshua Dressler explains, the castle doctrine basically dictates "that your home is your castle; it's the one place where you should be able to be free from intrusion." This idea has provided the legal basis for self-defense legislation across the country for years -- legislation that traditionally has also acknowledged a person's "duty to retreat" in the face of a threatening situation. "The law has always taken the view for self-defense that someone can use deadly force to respond to what the person reasonably believes is a threat," explains Dressler. But, he adds, "the old law tended to be that people ought not to use deadly force until absolutely necessary. They tended to require people to find non-deadly solutions."

    Recent decades have seen some exceptions. One precursor to the new Texas law is a 1985 Colorado law, nicknamed the "Make My Day" law, that treats property crimes as legitimate grounds for the use of force. The law came under national scrutiny in 1990, when an 18-year-old named Laureano Jacobo Grieigo Jr. was shot in the head by a 69-year-old-man as he fled his the man's home in an unsuccessful robbery attempt. No charges were filed, and an article published in the New York Times at the time called the law an "unusual" statute "that protects people from any criminal charge or civil suit if they use force -- including deadly force -- against an invader of the home." (The same article quoted a criminologist at Florida International University, Dr. William Wilbanks, who warned that the law was ripe for abuse. "The danger is not that this kind of law will be abandoned, but that it will be extended even more," he said. ''The public sentiment is clearly behind this kind of law.")

    Almost two decades later, Texas' Castle Law is part of a wave of similar legislation passed by states throughout the country, building upon the castle doctrine and broadening the right of civilians to use lethal force under the auspices of self-defense. The new laws are particularly expansive in that they go beyond the boundaries of private homes to include cars, workplaces or anywhere else a person may feel threatened. In this sense, says Dressler, "what is happening is that the castle doctrine is becoming less important."

    Leading the pack was Florida. In 2005, Gov. Jeb Bush signed a law that, as written, "authorizes (a) person to use force, including deadly force, against (an) intruder or attacker in (a) dwelling, residence, or vehicle under specified circumstances." The law "provides that person is justified in using deadly force under certain circumstances," and "provides immunity from criminal prosecution or civil action for using deadly force." Formally called the "Protection of Persons/Use of Force" law, it became known as the "Stand Your Ground" law.

    Heavily backed by the National Rifle Association, Florida's new law alarmed more than just gun control advocates. Many people were appalled at the fact that it could apply in public spaces. As the Christian Science Monitor reported at the time:
    "Most significantly, (the law) now extends that right to public places, too, meaning that a person no longer has a duty to retreat from what they perceive to be a threatening situation before they are entitled to pull the trigger. Members of the public may now stand their ground and "meet force with force," it states, without fear of criminal prosecution or civil litigation. "It's common sense to allow people to defend themselves," said Gov. Jeb Bush (R) as he signed the new law."

    Only 20 state legislators opposed the law. One Democratic critic worried that it could "turn Florida into the OK Corral," but other Democratic politicians "admitted that they did not want to appear soft on crime by voting against it." It helped that one of the driving forces behind the law was Marion Hammer, a lobbyist who argued that the law would protect women against abuse and assault. She "characterized herself as a feminist," recalls Dressler, "but … more relevantly, was a former president of the NRA."

    Mere months after the passage of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, similar legislation was being proposed in more than 20 states. The NRA was happy to take the credit. "Today, the NRA is feeding the firebox of Castle Doctrine legislation in states throughout the country," an article posted on the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action Web site boasted, crediting itself with "reuniting Americans with the right to protect themselves and loved ones from danger."

    "Justifiable Homicides" on the Rise

    Today, there are similar new laws in at least 15 states across the country, and while it may be too early to know the effects, in Texas, the newly passed Castle Law was followed by a series of shootings that prompted questioning over the potential "sudden impact." "Does new law make them quicker to pull the trigger?" asked the Dallas Morning News in January. (At least one source said yes: "I think the Castle Law has more citizens thinking about fighting back, knowing they're protected from being sued later," said a Dallas man who shot and killed a man who broke into his garage, "where he stored thousands of dollars worth of tools.")

    Anecdotal evidence aside, one recent government report suggests that the laws may be having some effect. A little-noticed study released in mid-October by the FBI found a spike in the number of "justifiable homicides" recorded in the past few years.

    The FBI defines "justifiable homicides" as "certain willful killings" that "must be reported as justifiable, or excusable." This includes "the killing of a felon by a peace officer in the line of duty" and "the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen." According to the report, in 2007, police officers killed 391 people -- the highest number since 1994 -- and private citizens killed 254 -- the most since 1997.

    Although the report got little attention in the press, an article in USA Todayquoted criminal justice experts who cited "an emerging 'shoot-first' mentality by police and private citizens" as a possible explanation.

    Dressler agrees. "What's been happening is that a lot of states have broadened their homicide rules to give greater authority to citizens to use deadly force in circumstances that in the past would not have been permissible," he says. Expanding "stand your ground" style legislation "means that there are going to be, in the future, many more homicides perpetrated by citizens against other citizens -- homicides that were in the past viewed as criminal now will be seen as justifiable."

    "If you talk to prosecutors, the message that they're getting is, really, don't even prosecute cases that come close to the category of what is now deemed 'just homicides.'"

    Whether a killing is "just" or not is currently determined by local police departments, to whom the concept is long familiar. "Police, of course, use justifiable homicide, both in self-defense and in crime prevention," explains Dressler, "but now a couple things are happening. One is the reality that … thanks to the NRA, some fairly conservative judges, Republicans, we've really become an armed nation. Far more people possess guns today than in the more distant past, and that means that when a police officer is dealing with someone, they have much greater reason to fear that the person they're dealing with is armed." This, perhaps, helps to explain the rise in "justifiable homicides" committed by police (not to mention the rise of "non-lethal" weapons like tasers, themselves deadly weapons).

    The recent FBI study is not the first time the government has tracked the number of "justifiable homicides" committed by police alongside those committed by civilians as if they were equivalent phenomena. But given that police officers are, at least in theory, trained to be uniquely authorized to use force in a law enforcement capacity, to what extent do these new laws blur the distinction between police and civilians?

    "I think the creed of the NRA is that citizens/civilians have the right to use deadly force because the police don't (or cannot) protect us," says Dressler. "So, under that view, yes, the distinction is blurring."

    More Homicides Will Be Seen as Justifiable

    Although it may be an old concept, the notion of "justifiable homicides" is itself a slippery one. Anti-abortion extremists, for example, have used the term to describe the killing of abortion providers, on the grounds that they are defending the lives of the unborn. But perhaps more alarming is the positive connotation the term holds for some. When a Memphis paper reported earlier this year that the number of local justifiable homicides "jumped from 11 in 2006 to 32 in 2007," it quoted a firearms instructor whose (admittedly unscientific) explanation was that "the thugs have started running into people who can protect themselves." It's a rather glib way to talk about murder, and the perverse effect is to cast the killings as a positive trend. In Memphis that year, the 32 "justifiable homicides" included four killings by police officers. "All were found to be what internal affairs investigators term 'good shoots,'" according to the report, which explained that "Tennessee law gives citizens the right to defend themselves if they have a reasonable and imminent fear of harm from a carjacker, rapist, burglar or other violent assailant. They can also employ deadly force to protect another person."

    But what about another person's property, as in the case of Joe Horn? If a person can shoot two men in the back and get away with it -- and, indeed, if he cites his legal right to do so -- haven't these laws gone too far?

    Dressler thinks so. "My fear is that these changes in self-defense laws will lead to a lot more homicides -- and that a lot more homicides will be seen as justifiable."





    HISTORY: Archaeologists find graves containing bodies of 5,000 slaves on remote island of St Helena > AFRO-EUROPE

    Archaeologists find graves

    containing bodies

    of 5,000 slaves

    on remote island

    of St Helena

    5000 Africans died in custody of the British Royal Navy in 1800s, after being seized from ships of slave traders, and were buried on St Helena

    The tiny island of St Helena, 1,000 miles off the coast of south-west Africa, acted as the landing place for many of the slaves, captured by the Royal Navy during the suppression of the slave trade between 1840 and 1872.

    During this period a total of around 26,000 freed slaves were brought to the island, most of whom were landed at a depot in Rupert’s Bay. The appalling conditions aboard the slave ships meant that many did not survive their journey, whilst Rupert’s Valley – arid, shadeless, and always windy – was poorly suited to act as a hospital and refugee camp for such large numbers. At least 5,000 people are likely to have been buried there.

    Part of the cemetery was investigated between 2006 and 2008 in advance of a new road that had to pass through Rupert’s Valley to provide access to the proposed airport project. Some 325 bodies in a combination of individual, multiple and mass graves were discovered. Only five individuals were buried in coffins: one adolescent and four still- or newborn babies. The remainder had been placed (or thrown) directly into shallow graves, before being hastily covered. In some cases mothers were buried with their presumed children, or sometimes the bodies were so close that there might have been a familial relationship.

    Now archaeologists, led by Dr Andrew Pearson of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Bristol, are publishing for the first time the results of their discoveries and the subsequent scientific investigations of the human remains and associated grave goods buried with them.

    Osteological analysis shows that 83 per cent of the bodies were those of children, teenagers or young adults – prime material for the slave traders who sought victims with a long potential working life. In most cases the actual cause of death is not clear, but this is unsurprising because the main killers aboard a slave ship (such as dehydration, dysentery and smallpox) leave no pathological trace. Nevertheless, scurvy was widespread on the skeletons; several showed indications of violence and two older children appear to have been shot.

    Despite its horrific nature, the archaeology showed those buried within the graveyard as more than simply victims. These were people from a rich culture, with a strong sense of ethnic and personal identity. This is best evidenced by numerous examples of dental modifications, achieved by chipping or carving of the front teeth. A few had also managed to retain items of jewellery (beads and bracelets), despite the physical ‘stripping process’ that would have taken place after their capture, prior to embarkation on the slave ships.

    In addition to the large number of beads, burial conditions allowed for the survival of textiles, including ribbons. A number of metal tags were also found on the bodies that would have identified the slaves by name or number.

    Dr Andrew Pearson, director of the project, commented: “Studies of slavery usually deal with unimaginable numbers, work on an impersonal level, and, in so doing, overlook the individual victims. In Rupert’s Valley, however, the archaeology brings us (quite literally) face-to-face with the human consequences of the slave trade.”

    Professor Mark Horton said: “Here we have the victims of the Middle Passage – one of the greatest crimes against humanity – not just as numbers, but as human beings. These remains are certainly some of the most moving that I have ever seen in my archaeological career.”

    The artefacts from the excavations are currently at the University of Bristol and will be transferred to Liverpool for an exhibition at the International Slavery Museum in 2013 before returning to St Helena. The human remains will shortly be re-interred on St Helena.

    Source: Press release from the University of Bristol, via Caraïbisch uitzicht

    How is it possible that British archaeologists had to "discover" these graves, weren't there any military records? I think that also needs to be "discovered".



    VIDEO: An ode to African Boss ladies > Africanhiphop

    Keko (Uganda)

    An ode to African Boss ladies

    Even though we celebrate women everyday and firmly believe that African women run most of the African economies (lets feed the world more stereotypes), I would like to use my first blog post since a decade to praise some grand African female artists. We’ve already promised you that we’ll play more femme fatale hip hop during our next radio show, but perhaps today is a perfect excuse to kick off with some great music by African women.


    Nneka – “The Uncomfortable Truth”(Nigeria)

    Nneka, the musician, vocalist and Naija’s consciousness has been around for a while, but is finally breaking through the music industry’s iron walls. Currently in Lagos to keep the spirit of Occupy Nigeria alive, a movement which fights the crippling effects of corruption on the lives of millions of Nigerians. Her new album titled “Soul is Heavy” was released in the US this week and builds on her familiar mash-up of soulful Naija music.


    Makongo vs. DJ Malvado – “Kisselenguenha” (Angola)

    The Angolan Petty is one of the leading ladies of Kuduro and one of the main vocalists of the first Buraka Som Sistema E.P. ‘From Buraka to the World’. Unfortunately, I do not comprehend Portugese nor do I know why Petty left Buraka Som Sistema but Petty’s confident flow on “Yah”  was and still is quite mesmerizing. With her current crew Makongo, she released in 2009 a video to the warrior-hype song “Kisselenguenha”. You might have to break a move to this club banger.


    Godessa – “Mindz Ablaze” (South Africa)

    One of my all time favorite hip hop trio is Godessa. Three South African mcs who brought us boom bap hip hop with a twist. The beat, rhymes and vibe on the hip hop classic “Mind Ablaze” beam like sunlight. For those of you who wonder what happened to Godessa, check this recap with Burni Aman, J4 and moi on the radio show.


    Dama Do Bling – “Moza Girl” (Mozambique)

    Mozambique has a lively music scene. However, that’s a theme for another special. Lets rather focus on the Moza hip hop star who should be on your radar; miss Dama Do Bling. Since her successful second album “Chamadas Para A Bling”, her name has been spreading across the continent like a wildfire. She has the potential to reach a large crowd. Now, let’s hope that Diplo discovers her soon and brings hipster fame to the Moza music scene.


    Keko – “How We Do It” (Uganda)

    The side effects of being East African is that one always promotes their own artists. I’ll skip the horn for now, but since Uganda is on the lips of every cute digital activist, I’ll bring to you Keko with her Ugandan anthem “How We Do It”. Perhaps her accent might confuse the average hip hop fan, but I can guarantee you that they go hard on this song in the clubs of Kampala.


    VIDEO: Sathima Bea Benjamin - Sathima's Windsong

    Sathima's Windsong
    In this film, which is shot in New York and Cape Town, the life history of South African-born jazz singer, Sathima Bea Benjamin, unfolds through her own reflections and reminiscence, which are woven together with the music she has created and with the reflections of five people who know her work and the milieu which shaped it. In her flat in the Chelsea Hotel in New York, where she has lived for thirty two years, Sathima patches together her journeys, literal and figurative, from Apartheid South Africa and 'the pattern of brokenness' from which she hailed, to Europe and a chance meeting and recording with Duke Ellington, to starting afresh and setting up her own record company in New York. The film is a celebration of Sathima's work and a meditation on jazz and diaspora. As it moves back and forth between Cape Town and New York, to the lyrics and rhythm of her music, it becomes, much like the title of her haunting song, Windsong, a reflection on history, time and place; on Apartheid, anti-Apartheid and their legacies, as well as the passionate questions of memory, displacement and belonging.


    PUB: Call for Participants: Beyond and Between the Crescent and the Cross

    Call for Participants:

    Beyond and Between

    the Crescent and the Cross


    My name is Kameelah Janan Rasheed and I am a photo-based artist, archivist & historian, writer, and high school teacher based in Brooklyn, NY. I am embarking on a new project that I have been dreaming about for over a decade. At 26, I feel ready to take on this project called BEYOND AND BETWEEN THE CRESCENT AND THE CROSS.

    Working primarily as a photographer, but also as an oral historian and an archivist, I seek to document the varied ways people of African descent in America explore spirituality outside of the traditional iterations of Islam and Christianity. I was raised in Sunni Muslim family, attended a Catholic high school, and currently live in an Hasidic Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. Still a practicing Muslim, my curiosity piqued at the age of 15 when I began to research the Moorish Science Temple and Black self-proclaimed prophets of the early 1900s.

    Looking beyond the hue diversity of my community, simply, I want to document our spiritual diversity. I want to hear stories. I want to ask questions. I want to connect paths. I am interested in interviewing and photographing self-identified Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Rastafarians, Mormons, Moors, Five Percenters, non-identifying, Agnostics, Atheists, etc. of African descent/Black based in the United Stated. Let’s connect. The end “product” of this work is an audio and photography-based exhibit that will start as a growing web-based archive.  If you are interested in being interviewed and/or photographed (this can be a portrait of you, a physical space, a material/artifact, etc.) or have questions/suggestions, please contact me directly.

    Email: // Phone: (347) 903-5475 

    I am based in Brooklyn, NY and more than willing to travel to Upstate NY and throughout the five boroughs, New Jersey, D.C/Maryland/Virginia, Connecticut, Philadelphia, and Boston. When I secure additional funding, I will be able to travel a greater distance so please let me know if you’re interested even if you do not live in the areas listed above.

    While this whole project is unfolding, I will be posting research and process notes here.

    I am excited to hear from you!


    Kameelah Janan Rasheed


    PUB: Call for Papers - Dark Matter: Science Fiction of Black America (PAMLA Convention, Seattle) > Writers Afrika

    Call for Papers - Dark Matter:

    Science Fiction of Black America

    (PAMLA Convention, Seattle)



    October 19-21, PAMLA, Seattle University

    Following Sheree Thomas's collection Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora (2000), the academy has witnessed widespread critical interest in African American science fiction. This panel extends this critical interest by presenting new scholarship on African American science fiction. Although we welcome work on any U.S. historical period, we are particularly interested in papers that examine writers from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


    For inquiries:

    For submissions:
