First place winners will receive a $1,000 prize and be published in Bellingham Review. Runners-up and finalists may be considered for publication.

We are in the process of transitioning to online submissions. For the 2012 contest we will accept both mailed and electronic submissions.


Electronic Submission Guidelines

1. Entry Fees:

$20 for the first entry (one nonfiction work, or one short story, or up to three poems). Each additional entry in the same genre is $10. Payment is made through Submittable, a link to which is available on our website. Submittable accepts credit card and PayPal payments. PayPal processes credit cards, debit cards, and echecks. Everyone entering the competition will receive the Spring 2013 edition of Bellingham Review containing the prize-winning works.

INTERNATIONAL SUBMISSIONS: please include an extra $10 to cover the cost of mailing the issue overseas. If you would like to enter the contest without having an international mailing, let us know, and you will owe only the $20 entry fee.

2. Deadline: Submissions must be entered between December 1, 2011, and March 15, 2012.

3. All manuscripts will be read blindly; readers and editors will not see a contestant’s name or cover letter. The author’s name must not appear anywhere on the manuscript.

4. Please make sure your account information on Submittable is up to date. This is the information we will use to contact finalists and mail journal copies.

5. Maximum length for prose is 6,000 words. No previously published works, or works accepted for publication, are eligible. Work may be under consideration elsewhere, but MUST be withdrawn from the competition if accepted for publication. Current students, faculty or staff of WWU are not eligible to enter the contests. If you know the contest judge personally, please refrain from entering the contest.

6. Winners will be announced by July, 2012.

Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Entry Fees:

$20 for the first entry (one nonfiction work, or one short story, or up to three poems). Each additional entry is $10. Please make checks payable to: “Bellingham Review.” Everyone entering the competition will receive the Spring 2013 edition of the journal containing the prize-winning works.

INTERNATIONAL SUBMISSIONS: please include an extra $10 to cover the cost of mailing the issue overseas. If you would like to enter the contest without having an international mailing, let us know, and you will owe only the $20 entry fee.

2. Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked between December 1, 2011, and March 15, 2012.

3. For each entry, submit the following:

3″ x 5″ index card stating the title of the work(s), the category (fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry), the author’s name, phone number, address and email. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE WRITING IS LEGIBLE ON THIS CARD! The author’s name must not appear anywhere on the manuscript; this will serve as the only record of your entry.

A check for the entry fee.

A self-addressed stamped envelope for winners announcement. Manuscripts will not be returned.

4. Maximum length for prose is 6,000 words. No previously published works, or works accepted for publication, are eligible. Work may be under consideration elsewhere, but MUST be withdrawn from the competition if accepted for publication. Current students, faculty or staff of WWU are not eligible to enter the contests. If you know the contest judge personally, please refrain from entering the contest.

5. Send entries to: {Insert name of contest}, Bellingham Review, Cashier’s Office, Mail Stop 9004–Old Main 245, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225-9004. Send entries for different contests in separate envelopes, with separate index cards and checks.

6. Manuscripts will not be returned. Winners will be announced by July, 2012.