Short biography competition
A new competition for short innovative biographical writing designed to lead to publication by Kingston University Press Ltd.
We seek either publication-ready manuscripts and/or proposals with a sample chapter for this competition. Scripts and proposals will be judged separately by a team of judges that includes life-writers and biographers Rachel Cusk, Alexander Masters, Dr Jane Jordan and Peter Parker (all associated with Kingston Writing School1) as well as KUP editors and directors.
Kingston University Press (KUP) is an established name in innovative life-writing and memoir. Winners of our previous competition, Gill Gregory's The Sound of Turquoise, Christopher Vanier's Caribbean Chemistry and most recently, Maggie Harris with her memoir of a Guyanean upbringing, Kiskadee Girl have all been published to acclaim.
We now wish to expand the area of our list devoted to biographical writing and seek entries to a new competition which should lead to publication under contract by KUP Ltd.
The 'new new' journalism, journals like Life Writing and the increase in 'personal voice scholarship' have all contributed to the development of new and innovative ways to approach biographical writing. At KUP, we are acutely aware that contemporary biographical work may concentrate solely on one section of a life, may focus exclusively on an overlooked or forgotten area of the subject's endeavour or may indeed be a hybrid form which crosses the apparent boundaries of memoir and biography.
As Kingston University London is the home of the Centre for Life Narratives, the first of its kind in the UK, KUP wishes to encourage the writing of quality work which deserves publication. We particularly encourage literary biographers who may have found several interesting 'characters' when working on a full biography of a writer and/or we seek the story of lives which have had literary, social or historical influence which as yet has been unrecorded.
We require either a complete manuscript of between 20,000 and 30,000 words or a proposal consisting of a full chapter-by-chapter outline of an ms which could be ready within six months from the closing date as well as at least one and up to 4 sample chapters or a substantial example of your other published writing (max 5000 words).
Key facts
- Closing Date: Post-marked by midnight Friday 10 February 2012
- Entry Fee: £20 per item
- Each entry to be a maximum 35,000 words (judges will favour those under 30,000 words)
- You may submit multiple entries, provided the £20 entry fee is paid for each
- The author of winning manuscript or manuscripts will be published by Kingston University Press *
- Prize winners will be contacted by 13 April 2012 and results posted on this website
* The author of the winning proposal or proposals will be offered a series of four editorial sessions with KUP editors designed to help them move forward with their work with a view to contracting the publication of their book.
To enter by post
There is no special entry form; write or type each entry on one side of A4 white paper; put the title on every page and number your pages. Do not show the author's name or any other identifying marks on submitted work. No staples.
Add a covering note with your full name, address, email address (if you have one) and the title(s) of your entry.
Enclose your cheque, postal order or money order, made out to "KUP Ltd" with the entrant's name easily identifiable (for instance written on the back), to the value of your total number of entries. The fee for each entry is £20.
Send the lot, in an envelope stamped with sufficient postage, to:
Short Biography Competition
Main Building Room 310
Kingston University
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EEPostal entries acknowledged only on supply of a stamped, return-addressed envelope. Entries are not returned.
To enter by email
In the body of the email give your full name, address and title(s) of your entry.
Attach each entry as a Word (.doc) document or in Rich Text Format (.rtf) file, not .docx nor pdf. Put the title on every page. Do not show the author's name on submitted work. Number the pages.
Send email plus attachment(s) to: KupWritingComp@hotmail.co.uk2
Pay entry fee(s) within 10 days by posting a pound sterling cheque, postal order or money order made out to "KUP Ltd", to the value of the total number of entries, with entrant's name easily identifiable (for instance written on the back), to the Short Biography Competition at the address given in full above.
Emailed entries will be acknowledged by email though no correspondence will be entered into.
Terms and conditions
Receipt of your entry will be deemed your acceptance of the rules, terms and conditions3.