I wish I could have made that title up – but I didn’t. That was Save the Congo, who basically just directly equated cell phone purchases to rape. QED.

And they did this how? Through shock and awe: `Unwatchable‘ is a film they just released in which a gang of British soldiers attacks an upper-class white family in the Cotswolds. Young women are raped. Men are shot. Gonads are severed and fed to survivors.

No, this isn’t a second-rate Michael Haneke knockoff, but it feels like it. It’s pretty awful, and apparently based on a true story. Still, that doesn’t necessarily mean that mobile phones are the main drivers of rape in the DRC or that kneejerk legislation like the Dodd-Frank bill makes sense. We need intelligent discussion to work our way through these problems – I don’t see any room for shock tactics like this.

People who approach debate like this are absolute nutters and should be kept as far away from the discourse as possible.







Unwatchable is an independent campaign produced by a wide array of individuals with support from Save the Congo.

 We know we’ve made something which many are going to find disturbing and thought it was important to explain why we went to such lengths. The issue that hundreds of thousands are targeted by weaponised rape as a tactic of destroying communities to control mines has been with us for over a decade and still continues.

There are many organisations trying to support the victims, stop the trade and bring the perpetrators to justice. However, these organisations aren’t in the position to show the truth of the situation. If you are angry after watching the film, direct your anger at the electronics manufacturers who have historically turned a blind eye to where their minerals come from so our phones can vibrate, and the EU who have known about the issue for years but still haven’t put into place any legislation to help the situation.

When we discovered what was happening we got angry and ultimately that is why we made this.