Movies That Matter premiere:
"Sarabah" with Sister Fa
- Ending female genital mutilation
It is not easy for women to be successful in Senegal’s active but male-dominated rap scene. Sister Fa did it, but for the past couple of years she's been fighting an even harder battle. Subjected to female genital mutilation as a child, Sister Fa has been campaigning to protect Senegalese girls from a similar fate. In the documentary film Sarabah (directed by Maria Luisa Gambale and Gloria Bremer), she returns to her native village to try to put an end to this centuries-old tradition through music and education.
While oppression was a recurrent subject in Sister Fa’s repertoire, female genital mutilation, prohibited by Senegalese law since 1999, did not occur in her songs. When she moves to Berlin with her Austrian husband and gives birth herself, she decides to travel to her native country and break the taboo using music performances with her band. For a Senegalese woman to oppose female genital mutilation means is itself a taboo, which can lead to exclusion from society, thus the campaign meets with mixed reactions. One man states that only circumcised women can be sexually pleased. And a midwife explains the terrible suffering circumcised women experience in delivery. Despite her fear of being rejected, Sister Fa engages in dialogue with the women who rule the village. Will these women abandon a centuries-old tradition?
Sarabah premieres on Saturday the 26th of March (with repeat screenings on the 27th and 28th) at the Movies That Matter Film Festival in The Hague, the Netherlands.
When & where?
* Sat, March 26, 19:45 (Filmhuis Den Haag - Screening room 2)
* Sun, March 27, 18:00 (Filmhuis Den Haag - Screening room 1)
* Monday, March 28, 15:15 (Filmhuis Den Haag - Screening room 1)MEET SISTER FA: Q&A AND DEBATE
The screenings are paired with Q&A sessions (in English) and a debate on the subject of female genital mutilation:
Sarabah – Q&A with Sister Fa
Journalist Renate van der Zee, known in part for her book Honour Killing in the Netherlands, talks to activist and recording artist Sister Fa and director Maria Gambale.International rap star Sister Fa, portrayed in Sarabah, was born and raised in the African country of Senegal. In an environment where female circumcision and arranged marriages are no exception, she broke through as a successful recording artist. Her first international album was released in 2009, inspired by relevant social issues from her homeland. Sister Fa has been living in Berlin with her partner since 2006.
Saturday, March 26, 19:45 (Filmhuis Den Haag - Screening room 2)
Monday, March 28, 15:15 (Filmhuis Den Haag - Screening room 1)
Sarabah – Debate on female circumcision
Debate on the role of the woman in African culture and their fight against centuries of tradition, chaired by journalist Renate van der Zee (Opzij).Panel includes activist and recording artist Sister Fa, director Maria Luisa Gambale, Marja Extercate, a research with the Pharos knowledge centre, James Owie, the Nigerian ambassador for Stop Female Circumcision, alderman Rabin Baldewsingh and Zahra Naleihe from the Federation of Somali Associations in the Netherlands.
Sunday, March 27, 18:00 h (Filmhuis Den Haag - Screening room 1)
For worldwide sales & distribution, contact
Contact: Steven Lawrence (; + 1 646 325 7351)
Yerosha Productions, Inc.
Documentary details
Germany, Senegal 2011, 58 min.
Documentary, Video, Colour
Spoken language: English, French, Wolof, Dioula
Subtitles: Engels
Productions: Yerosha Productions, Inc.
Movies That Matter Film Festival is an initiative of the Dutch section of Amnesty International, and is the Netherlands' main platform for engaged cinema. Every year it presents eye-opening films that stir the debate about human rights, human dignity and situations where these are at stake, with dozens of documentaries movies from all over the world.Besides the regular film programme an elaborate "in-depth" programme of talk shows and debates enables the audience to exchange views with international human rights defenders, film makers, politicians and journalists.
Movies That MatterSISTER FA ONLINE
Official site
MySpaceSARABAH (The Album)
Piranha Musik